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(PHP 5, PECL OCI8 >= 1.1.0)
oci_fetch_object — Returns the next row from a query as an object
说明 object oci_fetch_object ( resource $statement )Returns an object containing the next result-set row of a query. Each attribute of the object corresponds to a column of the row. This function is typically called in a loop until it returns FALSE, indicating no more rows exist.
要获取 OCI8扩展进行数据类型映射的细节,请参见驱动所支持的数据类型。
有效的 OCI8 报表标识符由 oci_parse() 创建,被 oci_execute()或 REF CURSOR statement 标识执行。
返回值Returns an object. Each attribute of the object corresponds to a column of the row. If there are no more rows in the statement then FALSE is returned.
Any LOB columns are returned as LOB descriptors.
DATE columns are returned as strings formatted to the current date format. The default format can be changed with Oracle environment variables such as NLS_LANG or by a previously executed ALTER SESSION SET NLS_DATE_FORMAT command.
Oracles default, non-case sensitive column names will have uppercase attribute names. Case-sensitive column names will have attribute names using the exact column case. Use var_dump() on the result object to verify the appropriate case for attribute access.
Attribute values will be NULL for any NULL data fields.
Example #1 oci_fetch_object() example
Example #2 oci_fetch_object() with case sensitive column names
Example #3 oci_fetch_object() with LOBs
<?php/*Beforerunning,createthetable:CREATETABLEmytab(idNUMBER,descriptionCLOB);INSERTINTOmytab(id,description)values(1,'Averylongstring');COMMIT;*/$conn=oci_connect('hr','welcome','localhost/XE');if(!$conn){$e=oci_error();trigger_error(htmlentities($e['message'],ENT_QUOTES),E_USER_ERROR);}$stid=oci_parse($conn,'SELECTid,descriptionFROMmytab');oci_execute($stid);while(($row=oci_fetch_object($stid))!=false){echo$row->ID."<br>n";//ThefollowingwilloutputthefirstbytesfromDESCRIPTIONecho$row->DESCRIPTION->read()."<br>n";}// 参见oci_fetch() - Fetches the next row into result-buffer oci_fetch_all() - 获取结果数据的所有行到一个数组 oci_fetch_assoc() - Returns the next row from a query as an associative array oci_fetch_array() - Returns the next row from a query as an associative or numeric array oci_fetch_row() - Returns the next row from a query as a numeric array
PHP:oci_fetch_row()的用法_Oracle函数 oci_fetch_row(PHP5,PECLOCI8=1.1.0)oci_fetch_rowReturnsthenextrowfromaqueryasanumericarray说明arrayoci_fetch_row(resource$statement)Returnsanumericallyindexedarraycontainingthenextresult-setrowofaque
PHP:oci_fetch_assoc()的用法_Oracle函数 oci_fetch_assoc(PHP5,PECLOCI8=1.1.0)oci_fetch_assocReturnsthenextrowfromaqueryasanassociativearray说明arrayoci_fetch_assoc(resource$statement)Returnsanassociativearraycontainingthenextresult-setrowo
PHP:oci_close()的用法_Oracle函数 oci_close(PHP5,PECLOCI8=1.1.0)oci_close关闭Oracle连接说明booloci_close(resource$connection)oci_close()将Oracle连接connection关闭。Note:自版本1.1起oci_close()正确关闭Oracle连接。
标签: PHP:oci_fetch_object()的用法_Oracle函数
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