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推荐整理分享rsyslog 8.11.0 (v8-stable) 发布,希望有所帮助,仅作参考,欢迎阅读内容。
Rsyslog 是一个 syslogd 的多线程增强版。rsyslog项目的目标是提供一个更可靠的系统日志守护进程和配置。所谓“可靠”,是指支持如TCP或RFC (系统日志可靠)可靠的传输模式。
rsyslog 8..0 (v8-stable) 发布,此版本提供新的 KSI 签名,还有 imfile,omkafka,构建系统等方面的修复。
new signature provider for Keyless Signature Infrastructure (KSI) added
build system: re-enable use of "make distcheck"
bugfix imfile: regex multiline mode ignored escapeLF option
Thanks to Ciprian Hacman for reporting the problem
closes omkafka: fixed several concurrency issues, most of them related to dynamic topics.
Thanks to Janmejay Singh for the patch.
bugfix: execonlywhenpreviousissuspende
d did not work correctly
This especially caused problems when an action with this attribute was configured with an action queue.
bugfix core engine: ensured global variable atomicity
This could lead to problems in RainerScript, as well as probably in other areas where global variables are used inside rsyslog. I wouldn’t outrule it could lead to segfaults.
Thanks to Janmejay Singh for the patch.
bugfix imfile: segfault when using startmsg.regex because of empty log line
closes to Ciprian Hacman for the patch.
bugfix: build problem on Solaris
Thanks to Dagobert Michelsen for reporting this and getting us up to
speed on the openCWS build farm.
bugfix: build system strndup was used even if not present now added compatibility function. This came up on Solaris builds.
Thanks to Dagobert Michelsen for reporting the problem.
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标签: rsyslog 8.11.0 (v8-stable) 发布
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