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*Win+R运行regedit*定位到HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerFileExts[file extension]OpenWithList*在左侧列表中找到文件扩展名,比如,我们所说的.*在右侧找到要删除的程序键值,比如,我们举例的Adobe Reader,在注册表中的键值名为AcroRd.exe,右键-删除即可
If you accidentally open a file with wrong program, you will notice the program used to open the file is added to the recommended program list. The reason is Windows remembers you have used the program to open it once. Once it is added, it will be there forever although it is not the correct program used to open this file. For instance, test. is supposed to be opened by using notepad, but if you accidentally open it with Adobe, so you will see Adobe being added to the recommended program list for all files with . extension. How to remove the wrong recommended program from the Open With window? Here you can remove it by doing some simple tricks....
IE 8 分组标签颜色自定义设置方法 WindowsInternetExplorer8浏览器(以下简称为IE8)新增的一大特色功能就是标签(选项卡)的颜色分组。在同一个IE窗口中,如果某个(或多个)标签是在另一
修改注册表解决IE 8引起的VS/向导出错问题 IE正式版引发VS和VS向导出错的解决方案.这个是VC++团队给出的.第一时间测试成功.老外给出的解决方案,测试有效,大家试试.请按照以下步骤做:-启动
3种不用重装的办法解决压缩Vista系统文件夹导致崩溃情况 4月日点前发布的Vista优化大师3.中加入了一个系统盘系统文件夹压缩的功能,部分用户使用后导致了系统的崩溃,Vista之家特别在此做出解决方案。
标签: 未知文件怎么删除
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