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推荐整理分享CentOS下nethogs命令详解(centos nis),希望有所帮助,仅作参考,欢迎阅读内容。
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Nethogs 是一个终端下的网络流量监控工具,它的特别之处在于可以显示每个进程的带宽占用情况,这样可以更直观获取网络使用情况。它支持 IPv4 和 IPv6 协议、支持本地网卡及 PPP 链接。
[root@ipython ~]# wget ~]# yum install libpcap-devel ncurses-devel
##build iftop##
[root@ipython ~]# tar zxf nethogs-0.8.0.tar.gz
[root@ipython ~]# cd nethogs
[root@ipython nethogs]# make && make install
[root@ipython ~]# nethogs --help
nethogs: invalid option -- '-'
usage: nethogs [-V] [-b] [-d seconds] [-t] [-p] [device [device [device ...]]]
-V : 版本输出
-d : 延迟刷新,默认1秒
-t : 跟踪模式
-b : bughunt mode - implies tracemode.
-p : 指定接口
When nethogs is running, press:
q: quit
m: switch between total and kb/s mode
awk 处理nethogs日志一例:
[root@ipython ~]# nethogs > awk_nethogs.txt
Waiting for first packet to arrive (see sourceforge.net bug )
[root@ipython ~]# cat -A awk_nethogs.txt |awk -F '[ ^]+' '/?/&&!/unknown/{sub(/^.*H/,"",$4);sub(/^.*G/,"",$5);print $3"t"$4"t"$5}'
[[1;r [(B [[m
[[0;7m PID USER
[[0;7m PID USER
[[0;7m PID USER
...:-...: 0. 0.
...:-...: 0. 0.
...:-...: 0. 0.
...:-...: 0. 0.
...:-...: 0. 0.
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标签: centos nis
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