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推荐整理分享Percona Server 5.5.44-37.3/5.6.25-73.0 发布,希望有所帮助,仅作参考,欢迎阅读内容。
Percona Server 5.5.-.3 发布,此版本基于 MySQL 5.5.,包括其所有 bug 修复,是当前 5.5 系列最新的稳定版本。此版本现已提供下载,也提供在 Percona Software Repositories。
Bugs 修复
Symlinks to libmysqlclient libraries were missing on CentOS 6. Bug fixed #.
RHEL/CentOS 6.6 OpenSSL package (1.0.1e-.el6_6.9), containing a fix for CVE--, changed the DH key sizes to a minimum of bits. This caused an issue for MySQL as it uses bit keys. Fixed by backporting an upstream 5.7 fix that increases the key size to bits. Bug fixed # (upstream #).
innochecksum would fail to check tablespaces in compressed format. The fix for this bug has been ported from Facebook MySQL 5.1 patch. Bug fixed # (upstream #).
Issuing SHOW BINLOG EVENTS with an invalid starting binlog position would cause a potentially misleading message in the server error log. Bug fixed # (upstream #).
While using max_slowlog_size, the slow query log was rotated every time slow query log was enabled, not really checking if the current slow log is indeed bigger than max_slowlog_size or not. Bug fixed #.
If query_response_time_range_base variable was set as a command line option or in a configuration file, its value would not take effect until the first flush was made. Bug fixed # (Preston Bennes).
Prepared XA transactions with update undo logs were not properly recovered. Bug fixed #.
Variable log_slow_sp_statements now supports skipping the logging of stored procedures into the slow log entirely with new OFF_NO_CALLS option. Bug fixed #.
其他 bug 修复: # (upstream #)。更多改进内容请看发行说明。
Percona Server 5.6.-.0 发布,此版本现已提供在 Percona web site 和 Software Repositories。
此版本基于 MySQL 5.6.,包括其所有 bug 修复,是当前 5.6 系列最新的 GA 版本。
Percona Server 实现了对 PROXY 协议的支持。
Bugs 修复
Symlinks to libmysqlclient libraries were missing on CentOS 6. Bug fixed #.
RHEL/CentOS 6.6 OpenSSL package (1.0.1e-.el6_6.9), containing a fix for CVE--, changed the DH key sizes to a minimum of bits. This caused an issue for MySQL as it uses bit keys. Fixed by backporting an upstream 5.7 fix that increases the key size to bits. Bug fixed # (upstream #).
Some compressed InnoDB data pages could be mistakenly considered corrupted, crashing the server. Bug fixed # (upstream #) Justin Tolmer.
innochecksum would fail to check tablespaces in compressed format. The fix for this bug has been ported from Facebook MySQL 5.6 patch. Bug fixed # (upstream #).
Using concurrent REPLACE, LOAD DATA REPLACE or INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE statements in the READ COMMITTED isolation level or with the innodb_locks_unsafe_for_binlog option enabled could lead to a unique-key constraint violation. Bug fixed # (upstream #).
Issuing SHOW BINLOG EVENTS with an invalid starting binlog position would cause a potentially misleading message in the server error log. Bug fixed # (upstream #).
While using max_slowlog_size, the slow query log was rotated every time slow query log was enabled, not really checking if the current slow log is indeed bigger than max_slowlog_size or not. Bug fixed #.
Fixed possible server assertions when Backup Locks are used. Bug fixed #.
If query_response_time_range_base variable was set as a command line option or in a configuration file, its value would not take effect until the first flush was made. Bug fixed # (Preston Bennes).
mysqld_safe script is now searching for libjemalloc.so.1 library, needed by TokuDB, in the basedir directory as well. Bug fixed #.
Prepared XA transactions could cause a debug assertion failure during the shutdown. Bug fixed #.
Variable log_slow_sp_statements now supports skipping the logging of stored procedures into the slow log entirely with new OFF_NO_CALLS option. Bug fixed #.
TokuDB HotBackup library is now automatically loaded with mysqld_safe script. Bug fixed #.
其他 bug 修复 #, #, and #。更多改进内容请看发行说明。
Percona 为 MySQL 数据库服务器进行了改进,在功能和性能上较 MySQL 有着很显著的提升。该版本提升了在高负载情况下的 InnoDB 的性能、为 DBA 提供一些非常有用的性能诊断工具;另外有更多的参数和命令来控制服务器行为。
Percona Server 只包含 MySQL 的服务器版,并没有提供相应对 MySQL 的 Connector 和 GUI 工具进行改进。
Percona Server 使用了一些 google-mysql-tools, Proven Scaling, Open Query 对 MySQL 进行改造。
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标签: Percona Server 5.5.44-37.3/5.6.25-73.0 发布
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