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【VR】Leap Motion 官网文档 HandModel(手部模型)(vr moke)


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本系列译文是为迎合Unity VR的热潮与大家的学习需要,推出的针对Unity方向的Leap Motion官方文档中英对照翻译。

本篇为第六篇 《HandModel(手部模型)》 ,该类主要用于连接控制器和手部模型,以及处理手臂、肘部、手掌、手指的位置和角度等信息。

Handmodel is the base class for all the other hand scripts. If you are creating your own hands and need a custom hand script to go with them, extend HandModel and implement the Init() and Update() methods. You may need to extend the FingerModel class, too.

手部模型是其它手部脚本的基础类。如果你想创建自己的手并需要一个自定义的手部脚本添加在上面,那么就需要继承HandModel类并实现它的Init( ) 和 Update( ) 方法。同时你还需要扩展FingerModel(手指模型)类。

class HandModel 手部模型类

The base class for all hand models, both graphics and physics.


This class serves as the interface between the HandController object and the concrete hand object containing the graphics and physics of a hand.


Subclasses of HandModel must implement InitHand() and UpdateHand(). The UpdateHand() function is called in the Unity Update() phase for graphics HandModel instances; and in the Unity FixedUpdate() phase for physics objects.InitHand() is called once, when the hand is created and is followed by a call to UpdateHand().

HandModel类的子类必须实现InitHand() 和 UpdateHand()。 UpdateHand() 函数在Unity脚本的Update() 方法阶段被调用时,用于图形 HandModel的实例;而在Unity脚本的FixedUpdate()阶段调用时用于物理对象。InitHand() 只在手部创建后被调用一次,之后UpdateHand()被调用。

Public Functions 公共函数

Vector3 GetArmCenter() 获取手臂中心

Calculates the center of the forearm relative to the controller.计算前臂相对于控制器的中心。

Return 返回&#;A Vector3 containing the Unity coordinates of the center of the forearm.前臂中心点的Unity坐标,为Vector3类型。Vector3 GetArmDirection() 获取手臂方向

Calculates the direction vector of the forearm relative to the controller.计算前臂相对于控制器的方向。

Return 返回&#;A Vector3 representing the direction of the forearm (pointing from elbow to wrist).代表前臂方向的Vector3向量(从肘部指向手腕)。float GetArmLength() 获取手臂长度

Returns the measured length of the forearm in meters.返回以米为单位的前臂长度。

Quaternion GetArmRotation() 获取手臂旋转角度

Calculates the rotation of the forearm relative to the controller.计算前臂相对于控制器的旋转角度。

Return 返回&#;A Quaternion representing the rotation of the arm relative to the controller.手臂相对于控制器的旋转角度,以四元数表示。float GetArmWidth() 获取手臂宽度

Returns the measured width of the forearm in meters.以米为单位返回前臂的宽度。

HandController GetController() 获取控制器

The parent HandController object of this hand.该手部的HandController(手部控制器)父对象。

Vector3 GetElbowPosition() 获取肘部位置

Calculates the position of the elbow relative to the controller.计算肘部相对于控制器的位置。

Return 返回&#;A Vector3 containing the Unity coordinates of the elbow.肘部的Unity坐标,Vector3类型。Vector3 GetHandOffset() 获取手部偏移量

Calculates the offset between the wrist position and the controller based on theHandController.handMovementScale property and the Leap hand wrist position.计算基于HandController.handMovementScale属性的控制器肘部位置和Leap手肘部位置的偏移量。

Hand GetLeapHand() 获取Leap手部

Returns the Leap Hand object represented by this HandModel.返回一个由当前HandModel(手部模型)表示的Leap手对象。

Note that any physical quantities and directions obtained from the Leap Hand object are relative to the Leap Motion coordinate system, which uses a right-handed axes and units of millimeters.需要注意的是,从Leap 手部对象获取的物理数量和方向是相对于Leap Motion 坐标系的。该坐标系使用右手坐标系统并以毫米为单位。

Vector3 GetPalmDirection() 获取手掌方向

Calculates the direction vector of the hand relative to the controller.计算手掌相对于控制器的方向向量。

Return 返回&#;A Vector3 representing the direction of the hand relative to the controller.手掌相对于控制器的方向,Vector3类型。Vector3 GetPalmNormal() 获取手掌法线

Calculates the normal vector projecting from the hand relative to the controller.计算手掌相对于控制器的法线向量。

Return 返回&#;A Vector3 representing the vector perpendicular to the palm.垂直于手掌平面的向量,Vector3类型。Vector3 GetPalmPosition() 获取手掌位置

Calculates the position of the palm relative to the controller.计算手掌相对于控制器的位置。

Return 返回&#;A Vector3 containing the Unity coordinates of the palm position.手掌位置的Unity坐标,Vector3类型。Quaternion GetPalmRotation() 获取手掌角度

Calculates the rotation of the hand relative to the controller.计算手掌相对于控制器的角度。

Return 返回&#;A Quaternion representing the rotation of the hand relative to the controller.手掌相对于控制器的四元数角度,Quaternion类型。Vector3 GetWristPosition() 获取肘部位置

Calculates the position of the wrist relative to the controller.计算肘部相对于控制器的位置。

Return 返回&#;A Vector3 containing the Unity coordinates of the wrist.肘部的Unity坐标,Vector3类型。void InitHand() 初始化手部 【译者注:重要】

Implement this function to initialise this hand after it is created.实现该函数,在手部被创建后进行初始化。

This function is called by the HandController during the Unity Update() phase when a new hand is detected by the Leap Motion device.当Leap Motion 设备检测到一个新的手时,该函数就会在Unity脚本的Update()阶段被HandController调用。

bool IsMirrored() 是否是镜像的

Whether this hand is currently mirrored.当前的手是否是镜像的。

void MirrorZAxis(bool mirror = true) 镜像Z轴【VR】Leap Motion 官网文档 HandModel(手部模型)(vr moke)

Sets the mirror z-axis flag for this Hand Model and its fingers.为该手部模型及其手指设置镜像Z轴标识。

Mirroring the z axis reverses the hand so that they face the opposite direction as if in a mirror.以Z轴翻转手部产生镜像,使其方向相对,就像在镜子里一样。

Parameters 参数mirror -

Set true, the default value to mirror; false for normal rendering.镜像 - 默认为真,产生镜像;为加时正常渲染。

void SetController(HandController controller) 设置控制器

Sets the parent HandController object.设置手部控制器父对象。

void SetLeapHand(Hand hand) 设置Leap手部

Assigns a Leap Hand object to this hand model. 给当前手模型设置一个Leap手部。

Note that the Leap Hand objects are recreated every frame. The parent HandController calls this method to set or update the underlying hand.需要注意的是,Leap手部每一帧都会被重新创建。父对象HandController调用该方法用于设置和更新原本的手部。

abstract void UpdateHand() 更新手部 【译者注:重要】

Implement this function to update this hand once every game loop.实现该函数,用于在每次游戏循环中更新一次手部。

For HandModel instances assigned to the HandController graphics hand list, the HandController calls this function during the Unity Update() phase. For HandModel instances in the physics hand list, theHandController calls this function in the FixedUpdate() phase.对于HandController图形手部列表中的HandModel实例,HandController将在Unity脚本的Update() 阶段调用该方法。对于HandController图形物理列表中的HandModel实例,HandController将在Unity脚本的FixedUpdate() 阶段调用该方法。

Public Members 公共成员

FingerModel [] fingers 手指模型

The array of finger objects for this hand.该手部的手指对象数组。

The array is ordered from thumb (element 0) to pinky (element 4).该数组顺序是从大拇指(下标为0)到小手指(下标为0)。

float handModelPalmWidth 手掌模型宽度

The model width of the hand in meters.以米为单位衡量手掌模型宽度。

This value is used with the measured value of the user’s hand to scale the model proportionally.该&#;和用户手部测量&#;一起,用于恰当的缩放模型。

const int NUM_FINGERS 手指数量

The number of fingers on a hand.一个手上的手指数量。

DebugHand 调试手型

The DebugHand draws no graphics in a Game view, but draws lines for the parts of the hand in the Scene view. Use the DebugHand when you do not want visible hands, but want to see where the hands are in the Scene view.调试手型不会在Game(游戏)试图中绘制任何徒刑,但会用线型将手的各个部分绘制在Scene(场景)视图中。调试手型一般用于不希望看到手型,但想在Scene(场景)视图中看到的情形。

class DebugHand 调试手型类

A HandModel that draws lines for the bones in the hand and its fingers. 绘制手部和手指骨骼线条的手部模型。

The debugs lines are only drawn in the Editor Scene view (when a hand is tracked) and not in the Game view. Use debug hands when you aren’t using visible hands in a scene so that you can see where the hands are in the scene view.

Public Functions

override void InitHand()

Initializes the hand and calls the line drawing function.

override void UpdateHand()

Updates the hand and calls the line drawing function.



【VR】Leap Motion 官网文档 脚本参考(目录)

(版权声明:本篇为Leap Motion 官网文档译文,版权归Leap Motion 官网所有,图文内容仅供学习使用。)

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标签: vr moke

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下一篇:unity3d 在shader中创建及使用Texture3D(unity shader lod)

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