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本文实例总结了经典且实用的jQuery代码开发技巧。分享给大家供大家参考。具体如下:. jQuery延时加载功能
Want to delay something
. 移除单词功能
Want to remove a certain word(s)
. 验证元素是否存在于jquery对象集合中
Simply test with the .length property if the element exists.
. 使整个DIV可点击
Want to make the complete div clickable
. ID与Class之间转换
. 克隆对象
Clone a div or an other element.
. 使元素居屏幕中间位置
Center an element in the center of your screen.
. 写自己的选择器
Write your own selectors.
. 统计元素个数
Count an element.
. 使用自己的Bullets
Want to use your own bullets instead of using the standard or images bullets
. 引用Google主机上的Jquery类库
Let Google host the jQuery script for you. This can be done in 2 ways.
. 禁用Jquery(动画)效果
Disable all jQuery effects
. 与其他Javascript类库冲突解决方案
To avoid conflict other libraries on your website, you can use this jQuery Method, and assign a different variable name instead of the dollar sign.
标签: jquery教程
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