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A. setVolumeControlStream(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC); final void setVolumeControlStream (int streamType) Added in API level 1

Suggests an audio stream whose volume should be changed by the hardware volume controls. The suggested audio stream will be tied to the window of this Activity. Volume requests which are received while the Activity is in the

foreground will affect this stream. It is not guaranteed that the hardware volume controls will always change this stream's volume (for example, if a call is in progress, its

stream's volume may be changed instead). To reset back to the default, use USE_DEFAULT_STREAM_TYPE.


streamType The type of the audio stream whose volume should be changed by the hardware volume controls.

AudioManager的值: STREAM_MUSIC The audio stream for music playback


B.getAssets () final AssetManager getAssets () Added in API level 1

Retrieve underlying AssetManager storage for these resources. C. SoundPool class manages and plays audio resources for applications. A SoundPool is a collection of samples that can be loaded into memory from a resource inside the APK or from a file in the file system. The

SoundPool library uses the MediaPlayer service to decode the audio into a raw -bit PCM mono or stereo stream. This allows applications to

ship with compressed streams without having to suffer the CPU load and latency of decompressing during playback. int, int)Parameters

maxStreams the maximum number of simultaneous streams for this SoundPool object streamType the audio stream type as described in AudioManager For example, game applications will normally use STREAM_MUSIC. srcQuality the sample-rate converter quality. Currently has no effect. Use 0 for the default.

Returnsa SoundPool object, or null if creation failedF.


cocos2dx中地图拖拽(任意方向拖拽+固定方向拖拽) 在游戏开发中,经常会碰见需要使用地图拖拽,例如通关关卡地图,可以允许用户拖拽选择进入哪个关卡,那么在cocos2dx中如何来实现呢?请见如下方案

Android游戏之输入类设计(传感器,键盘,触摸点) Android游戏之输入类设计(传感器,键盘,触摸点)1、基础知识:A.SensorEventListener传感器事件监听

Android游戏之文件读写类和绘图类设计 Android游戏之文件读写类和绘图类设计1、基础知识:A.

标签: 安卓音游吃音

本文链接地址:https://www.jiuchutong.com/biancheng/371300.html 转载请保留说明!

上一篇:[置顶] 《CrazyBird》Android休闲射击类游戏1.0版发布啦([置顶] 《借.住.情.缘》)

下一篇:cocos2dx中地图拖拽(任意方向拖拽+固定方向拖拽)(cocos2d schedule)

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