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There are as many ways to solve this quirky echo problem as there are pages in this book. One of my favorites is very succinct:
You may prefer to avoid the overhead incurred when calling the awk command, however, and if you have a user-level command called printf you can use it instead:
But what if you don't have printf and you don't want to call awk Then use the tr command:
This method of simply chopping out the carriage return with tr is a simple and efficient solution that should be quite portable.这个脚本很简单,就是可以用3种不同的函数(方法)来实现,输出后不换行。
判断输入的日期是否正确的shell脚本 今儿个讲得是判断输入的日期是否正确,有利用到我们之前这个例子中的函数下面是代码#!/bin/sh#valid-date--Validatesadate,takingintoaccountleapyearrules.exceedsDaysIn
linux shell实现判断输入的数字是否为合理的浮点数 这个shell是来判断输入的数字是否为合理的浮点数实现代码如下:#!/bin/sh#validfloat--Testswhetheranumberisavalidfloating-pointvalue.#Notethatthisscriptcannotacceptscientific(1.3
shell脚本nicenumber实现代码 Givenanumber,showsitincomma-separatedform.ExpectsDDandTDtobeinstantiated.Instantiatesnicenum.or,ifasecondargisspecified,theoutputisechoedtostdout.废话不多说,首先是#!/bin/sh#nicenumber--Given
标签: shell脚本echo输出变量
本文链接地址:https://www.jiuchutong.com/biancheng/371448.html 转载请保留说明!下一篇:判断输入的日期是否正确的shell脚本(判断输入的日期是一年中第几天)
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