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ANR 的一个触摸bug转载下。。点击就会出现 error 的bug。。(触摸按钮失灵怎么回事)


推荐整理分享ANR 的一个触摸bug转载下。。点击就会出现 error 的bug。。(触摸按钮失灵怎么回事),希望有所帮助,仅作参考,欢迎阅读内容。



ANR: Application Not Responding (keyDispatchingTimedOut)ANR 的一个触摸bug转载下。。点击就会出现 error 的bug。。(触摸按钮失灵怎么回事)

This is a heads up for those Android developers that use the NDK (Native Development Kit) to write Android apps. If you are using the NDK, you are almost certainly using the glue code that Google provides in the android_native_app_glue.c file.

Chances are that in your Google Play Developer Console, you see reports of Application Not Responding (ANR keyDispatchingTimedOut.) For my app, I have of these reports on an installed base of 1.5M downloads. Consulting stackoverflow or other developer groups, will invariably yield the advice not to block the main thread. However, it is easy to cause this ANR without blocking the main thread, if you are using the android_native_app_glue.c file in your project.

If two events are generated at exactly the same time, using different sources or devices, the app will freeze. You can easily produce this with a PS3 controller hooked up to your Android device and depress both analogue sticks at exactly the same time, or release them at exactly the same time. If you do this while running an NDK based app, the app will freeze and issue an ANR.

It took me a day of debugging to find a work around for this, but I am happy to report that the following change to the glue code will stop the issue from happening. What you need to do is get events from the queue repeatedly in a loop, instead of just handling a single event in process_input() function.

I have reported the issue to Google.

Posted by Bram Stolk at 2: PM

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标签: 触摸按钮失灵怎么回事

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