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Python内置函数——__import__ 的使用方法(python内置函数什么用来返回序列中的最大元素)


推荐整理分享Python内置函数——__import__ 的使用方法(python内置函数什么用来返回序列中的最大元素),希望有所帮助,仅作参考,欢迎阅读内容。

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__import__() 函数用于动态加载类和函数 。

如果一个模块经常变化就可以使用 __import__() 来动态载入。


__import__ 语法:

__import__(name[, globals[, locals[, fromlist[, level]]]])


name -- 模块名


__import__(name, globals=None, locals=None, fromlist=(), level=0)

This function is invoked by the import statement. It can be replaced (by importing the builtins module and assigning to builtins.__import__) in order to change semantics of the import statement, but doing so is strongly discouraged as it is usually simpler to use import hooks (see PEP ) to attain the same goals and does not cause issues with code which assumes the default import implementation is in use. Direct use of __import__() is also discouraged in favor of importlib.import_module().

The function imports the module name, potentially using the given globals and locals to determine how to interpret the name in a package context. The fromlist gives the names of objects or submodules that should be imported from the module given by name. The standard implementation does not use its locals argument at all, and uses its globals only to determine the package context of the import statement.

level specifies whether to use absolute or relative imports. 0 (the default) means only perform absolute imports. Positive values for level indicate the number of parent directories to search relative to the directory of the module calling __import__() (see PEP for the details).

When the name variable is of the form package.module, normally, the top-level package (the name up till the first dot) is returned, not the module named by name. However, when a non-empty fromlist argument is given, the module named by name is returned.

Python内置函数——__import__ 的使用方法(python内置函数什么用来返回序列中的最大元素)


  1. 函数功能用于动态的导入模块,主要用于反射或者延迟加载模块。

  2. __import__(module)相当于import module



3. __import__(package.module)相当于from package import name,如果fromlist不传入值,则返回package对应的模块,如果fromlist传入值,则返回package.module对应的模块。





C:UsersAdminDocumentsPython3importtest>python main.pymainarchives.__index__hello archivesTraceback (most recent call last): File "main.py", line 5, in <module> archives.userAttributeError: module 'archives' has no attribute 'user'





4. level参数,指定是使用绝对导入还是相对导入。 0(默认值)表示只执行绝对导入。

标签: python内置函数什么用来返回序列中的最大元素

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