推荐整理分享Android 蓝牙BLE 4.0 属性判断(android 蓝牙 驱动 适配 sdio rk),希望有所帮助,仅作参考,欢迎阅读内容。
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本文简单介绍如何判断蓝牙BLE4.0的 BluetoothGattCharacteristic 属性

/** * Characteristic proprty: Characteristic is broadcastable. * 可以广播,二进制 */ public static final int PROPERTY_BROADCAST = 0x; /** * Characteristic property: Characteristic is readable. * 可读,二进制 */ public static final int PROPERTY_READ = 0x; /** * Characteristic property: Characteristic can be written without response. * 只可写,二进制 */ public static final int PROPERTY_WRITE_NO_RESPONSE = 0x; /** * Characteristic property: Characteristic can be written. * 可写,二进制 */ public static final int PROPERTY_WRITE = 0x; /** * Characteristic property: Characteristic supports notification * 支持通知,二进制 */ public static final int PROPERTY_NOTIFY = 0x; /** * Characteristic property: Characteristic supports indication * 支持指示,二进制 */ public static final int PROPERTY_INDICATE = 0x; /** * Characteristic property: Characteristic supports write with signature * 支持写签名,二进制 */ public static final int PROPERTY_SIGNED_WRITE = 0x; /** * Characteristic property: Characteristic has extended properties * 可扩展属性,二进制 */ public static final int PROPERTY_EXTENDED_PROPS = 0x;
3、由二进制得出其属性由八个标志位表示,拥有的属性是相加的,所以可以用 & 方法判断其属性;
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