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推荐整理分享CustomPropertyDrawer-Change the height of Property field,希望有所帮助,仅作参考,欢迎阅读内容。
The last blog post didn't cover a certain nifty method in PropertyDrawer, which is the GetPropertyHeight.
GetPropertyHeight: Determines the height in pixel of the property field.
Overriding GetPropertyHeight therefore allows you to determine the height of your property field, instead of using the default property height.
The following examples shows how you can use GetPropertyHeight. I'll be using the WeaponType enum to determine weapon type on a character as an example. Every example will add/modify the behaviour of the Example 1.
Example 1:
This example shows our base for drawing an enum popup. This is also the default Unity behaviour.
Example 2:
Next we adjust the height of our property field, such that we can add a catch phrase to our weapon type.
Example 3:
Lastly, we modify the height given WeaponType such that only Bazooka has a catch phrase.
When to use?
The first usage is when you need more space for your property drawer, which can be due to having a lot of fields that needs to be drawn.
The second reason could be because an object has different states. E.g. if we had the following Weapon class:
Splash radius might only be usable when having a bazooka, where as agun wouldn't need the splash damage field. We could then hide splash damage, when we have the type: Gun. This would also help the designers, since you could hide "useless" fields in certain states.
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标签: CustomPropertyDrawer-Change the height of Property field
本文链接地址:https://www.jiuchutong.com/biancheng/377325.html 转载请保留说明!上一篇:Unity光照烘焙后,在PC上曝光,发布移动平台正常的解决方法(unity灯光烘培)
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