for instance:- for /f "delims=" %%a in (input.txt) do ... for /f "delims=" %%a in ('type input.txt') do ... for /f "delims=" %%a in ('more ^< input.txt') do ... However, only the last method (using the more command) will give consistent results across Windows NT, , XP and . The first method does not recognise unicode files. Also, the usebackq switch must be used if the input filename contains spaces. The second method, using the type command, also fails to recognise unicode files on Windows , XP and if the input file does not begin with a bit order mark (BOM). In all the examples, assume the contents of of the file numbers.txt to be:- one two three four five six seven eight nine ten Displaying the first line This example prints one. @echo off & setlocal ENABLEEXTENSIONS set "first=" for /f "delims=" %%a in ('more ^< numbers.txt') do ( if not defined first set first=%%a ) echo/%first% Displaying the first X lines This example prints one, two and three. @echo off & setlocal ENABLEEXTENSIONS set "lines=3" set i=-1 set "ok=" for /f "delims=" %%a in ('more ^< numbers.txt') do ( set/a i+=1 & for /f %%z in ('echo/%%i%%') do ( if "%%z"=="%lines%" set ok=1 ) if not defined ok echo/%%a ) Displaying the last line This example prints ten. @echo off & setlocal ENABLEEXTENSIONS for /f "delims=" %%a in ('more ^< numbers.txt') do set "last=%%a" echo/%last% Displaying the last X lines This example prints nine and ten. @echo off & setlocal ENABLEEXTENSIONS set "lines=2" for /f %%a in ('find/c /v "" ^< numbers.txt') do set/a skip=%%a-lines for /f "delims=" %%a in ('more/e +%skip% ^< numbers.txt') do ( echo/%%a ) Displaying the Nth line This example prints three. Note that instead of using the more command's /e switch, the skip option could have been used with the for /f command, however, this fails is it is set to any number less than one. @echo off & setlocal ENABLEEXTENSIONS set LineNo=3 set "line=" set/a LineNo-=1 for /f "delims=" %%a in ('more/e +%LineNo% ^< numbers.txt') do ( if not defined line set "line=%%a" ) echo/%line% Displaying the Nth line plus X number of lines This example prints five and six. @echo off & setlocal ENABLEEXTENSIONS set start=5 set "lines=2" set/a i=-1,start-=1 set "ok=" for /f "delims=" %%a in ('more/e +%start% ^< numbers.txt') do ( set/a i+=1 & for /f %%z in ('echo/%%i%%') do ( if "%%z"=="%lines%" set ok=1 ) if not defined ok echo/%%a )

超详细的CMD DOS下符号的作用参考第1/2页 一、单符号~①在for中表示使用增强的变量扩展。②在%var:~n,m%中表示使用扩展环境变量指定位置的字符串。③在set/a中表示一元运算符,将操作数按位取
DOS命令批量删除文件及制作该命令的批处理命令详解 点击开始→运行,输入:CMD后回车。然后在命令提示符窗口下输入:delF:_desktop.ini/f/s/q/a(F代表你要操作的盘符,如果是C盘就把F改成C)强制删除F盘下
批处理制作照片整理器第1/2页 最近相机里的照片比较多,一般是连拍了好几天之后,才把相机里的照片一股脑放到硬盘里,并且是隔上一两个星期才整理一次。日子一长,照片就多