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推荐整理分享Unity3D值Input Manager,希望有所帮助,仅作参考,欢迎阅读内容。
转载自: supports keyboard, joystick and gamepad input.
Virtual axes and buttons can be created in the Input Manager, and end users can configure Keyboard input in a nice screen configuration dialog.
You can setup joysticks, gamepads, keyboard, and mouse, then access them all through one simple scripting interface.
From scripts, all virtual axes are accessed by their name.
Every project has the following default input axes when it's created:
Horizontal and Vertical are mapped to w, a, s, d and the arrow keys. 水平和垂直被映射到w, a, s, d键和方向键Fire1, Fire2, Fire3 are mapped to Control, Option (Alt), and Command, respectively. Fire1, Fire2, Fire3被分别映射到Ctrl,Option(Alt)和Command键Mouse X and Mouse Y are mapped to the delta of mouse movement. Mouse X 和 Mouse Y被映射到鼠标移动增量Window Shake X and Window Shake Y is mapped to the movement of the window. Window Shake X 和 Window Shake Y 被映射到窗口的移动Adding new Input Axes 添加新的输入轴If you want to add new virtual axes go to the Edit->Project Settings->Input menu. Here you can also change the settings of each axis.
如果想添加新的虚拟轴,选择菜单Edit->Project Settings->Input menu。这里可以改变每个轴的设置。
You map each axis to two buttons on a joystick, mouse, or keyboard keys.
Name 名称The name of the string used to check this axis from a script.名称用于从脚本使用这个轴Descriptive Name 描述名称Positive value name displayed in the input tab of the configuration dialog for standalone builds.正名称显示于配置对话框的输入标签,用于独立版。Descriptive Negative Name 描述负名称Negative value name displayed in the Input tab of the Configuration dialog for standalone builds.负名称显示于配置对话框的Input标签,用于独立版。Negative Button 负按钮The button used to push the axis in the negative direction.该按钮用于在负方向移动轴Positive Button 正按钮The button used to push the axis in the positive direction.该按钮用于在正方向移动轴Alt Negative Button 备选负按钮Alternative button used to push the axis in the negative direction.备选按钮用于在负方向移动轴Alt Positive Button 备选正按钮Alternative button used to push the axis in the positive direction.备选按钮用于在正方向移动轴Gravity 重力Speed in units per second that the axis falls toward neutral when no buttons are pressed.当没有按钮被按下,在单位每秒速度,轴下降到0。Dead 死亡Size of the analog dead zone. All analog device values within this range result map to neutral.模拟的死区大小。 设定范围内所有模拟设备的为0。Sensitivity 灵敏度Speed in units per second that the the axis will move toward the target value. This is for digital devices only.在单位每秒速度,轴将移向目标。这近用于数码设备。Snap 捕捉If enabled, the axis value will reset to zero when pressing a button of the opposite direction.如果启用,当按下相反方向的按钮,该轴将重设为0。Invert 反向If enabled, the Negative Buttons provide a positive value, and vice-versa.如果启用,负按钮将提供一个正,反之亦然。Type 类型The type of inputs that will control this axis. 控制轴的输入设备类型Axis 轴The axis of a connected device that will control this axis. 连接设备的轴将控制这个轴Joy Num 操作杆The connected Joystick that will control this axis. 连接操纵杆将控制这个轴Use these settings to fine tune the look and feel of input. They are all documented with tooltips in the Editor as well.
Using Input Axes from Scripts 从脚本使用输入轴You can query the current state from a script like this:
value = Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal");
An axis has a value between -1 and 1. The neutral position is 0. This is the case for joystick input and keyboard input.
However, Mouse Delta and Window Shake Delta are how much the mouse or window moved during the last frame. This means it can be larger than 1 or smaller than -1 when the user moves the mouse quickly.
然而,鼠标增量和Window Shake增量是鼠标或窗口从上一帧到现在的移动。这意思是当用户快速移动鼠标时,它可能大于1或小于-1。
It is possible to create multiple axes with the same name. When getting the input axis, the axis with the largest absolute value will be returned. This makes it possible to assign more than one input device to one axis name. For example, create one axis for keyboard input and one axis for joystick input with the same name. If the user is using the joystick, input will come from the joystick, otherwise input will come from the keyboard. This way you don't have to consider where the input comes from when writing scripts.
Button Names 按钮名称To map a key to an axis, you have to enter the key's name in the Positive Button or Negative Button property in the Inspector.
The names of keys follow this convention:
Normal keys: "a", "b", "c" ... 标准键:Number keys: "1", "2", "3", ... 数字键:Arrow keys: "up", "down", "left", "right" 方向键:Keypad keys: "[1]", "[2]", "[3]", "[]", "[equals]" 小键盘键:Modifier keys: "right shift", "left shift", "right ctrl", "left ctrl", "right alt", "left alt", "right cmd", "left cmd" 修改键:Mouse Buttons: "mouse 0", "mouse 1", "mouse 2", ... 鼠标按钮:Joystick Buttons (from any joystick): "joystick button 0", "joystick button 1", "joystick button 2", ... 操纵杆按钮(从任意操纵杆):Joystick Buttons (from a specific joystick): "joystick button 0", "joystick button 1", "joystick 1 button 0", ... 操纵杆按钮(从指定操纵杆):Special keys: "backspace", "tab", "return", "escape", "space", "delete", "enter", "insert", "home", "end", "page up", "page down" 特殊键:Function keys: "f1", "f2", "f3", ... 功能键:The names used to identify the keys are the same in the scripting interface and the Inspector.
value = Input.GetKey ("a");
Mobile Input 移动设备输入On iOS and Android, the Input class offers access to touchscreen, accelerometer and geographical/location input.
在 iOS/Android Input类提供触摸屏、加速度计和地理/位置输入。
Access to keyboard on mobile devices is provided via the iOS keyboard.
访问键盘是通过iOS keyboard。
Multi-Touch Screen 多点触控屏幕The iPhone and iPod Touch devices are capable of tracking up to five fingers touching the screen simultaneously. You can retrieve the status of each finger touching the screen during the last frame by accessing the Input.touches property array.
AndroidAndroid devices don't have a unified limit on how many fingers they track. Instead, it varies from device to device and can be anything from two-touch on older devices to five fingers on some newer devices.
Each finger touch is represented by an Input.Touch data structure:
fingerId 手指索引The unique index for a touch. 触摸的唯一索引。position 位置The screen position of the touch. 触摸屏幕的位置。deltaPosition 增量位置The screen position change since the last frame.自最后一帧改变的屏幕位置。deltaTime 增量时间Amount of time that has passed since the last state change.从最后状态改变到现在经过的时间tapCount 点击数The iPhone/iPad screen is able to distinguish quick finger taps by the user. This counter will let you know how many times the user has tapped the screen without moving a finger to the sides. Android devices do not count number of taps, this field is always 1.iPhone/iPad屏幕能够识别用过的快速点击, 这个计数器让你知道用户点击屏幕多少次,而不是移动手指。android设备不对点击计数,这个方法总是返回1phase 相位(状态)Describes so called "phase" or the state of the touch. It can help you determine if the touch just began, if user moved the finger or if he just lifted the finger.描述触摸的状态,可以帮助开发者确定用户是否刚开始触摸,是否用户移动手指,是否用户刚刚抬起手指。Phase can be one of the following:
Began 开始A finger just touched the screen. 手指刚刚触摸屏幕Moved 移动A finger moved on the screen. 手指在屏幕上移动Stationary 静止A finger is touching the screen but hasn't moved since the last frame.手指触摸屏幕,但是自最后一帧没有移动Ended 结束A finger was lifted from the screen. This is the final phase of a touch.手指从屏幕上抬起,这是触控的最后状态。Canceled 取消The system cancelled tracking for the touch, as when (for example) the user puts the device to her face or more than five touches happened simultaneously. This is the final phase of a touch.系统取消了触控跟踪,如,用户将设备放在了脸上或超过同时超过5个触摸点。这是触控的最后状态。Following is an example script which will shoot a ray whenever the user taps on the screen:
Mouse Simulation 鼠标模拟On top of native touch support Unity iOS/Android provides a mouse simulation. You can use mouse functionality from the standard Input class.
除了原有的触控之外,Unity iOS/Android还提供了鼠标模拟。从标准的Input类中,可以使用鼠标功能。
Accelerometer 加速度传感器As the mobile device moves, a built-in accelerometer reports linear acceleration changes along the three primary axes in three-dimensional space. Acceleration along each axis is reported directly by the hardware as G-force values. A value of 1.0 represents a load of about 1g along a given axis while a value of -1.0 represents -1g. If you hold the device upright (with the home button at the bottom) in front of you, the X axis is positive along the right, the Y axis is positive directly up, and the Z axis is positive pointing toward you.
You can retrieve the accelerometer value by accessing the Input.acceleration property.
The following is an example script which will move an object using the accelerometer:
Low-Pass Filter 低通过滤器Accelerometer readings can be jerky and noisy. Applying low-pass filtering on the signal allows you to smooth it and get rid of high frequency noise.
The following script shows you how to apply low-pass filtering to accelerometer readings:
The greater the value of LowPassKernelWidthInSeconds, the slower the filtered value will converge towards the current input sample (and vice versa). You should be able to use the LowPassFilter() function instead of avgSamples().
LowPassKernelWidthInSeconds的越大, 被过滤将汇集当前输入采样越慢,反之亦然。应该使用LowPassFilter()函数,而不是avgSamples()。
I'd like as much precision as possible when reading the accelerometer. What should I do?我想尽可能的读取加速度传感器的更高精度,应该怎样做呢?Reading the Input.acceleration variable does not equal sampling the hardware. Put simply, Unity samples the hardware at a frequency of Hz and stores the result into the variable. In reality, things are a little bit more complicated -- accelerometer sampling doesn't occur at consistent time intervals, if under significant CPU loads. As a result, the system might report 2 samples during one frame, then 1 sample during the next frame.
读取 Input.acceleration变量,不等于从硬件采样。简而言之,Unity硬件样品频率为Hz并储存结果到变量。在现实中,是一个有点复杂的东西--加速度传感器采样不会发生在一致的时间间隔,如果大量的CPU负荷的情况下,因此,系统可能会报告一帧中的2个采样,那么1个采样在下一帧。
You can access all measurements executed by accelerometer during the frame. The following code will illustrate a simple average of all the accelerometer events that were collected within the last frame:
Further Reading 深入阅读The Unity mobile input API is originally based on Apple's API. It may help to learn more about the native API to better understand Unity's Input API. You can find the Apple input API documentation here:
Unity移动Input API本来是基于Apple's API。这可以帮助你学习更多关于原生API,更好的理解Untiy的Input API。在这里找到Apple的 Input API文档:
Programming Guide: Event Handling (Apple iPhone SDK documentation)UITouch Class Reference (Apple iOS SDK documentation)Note: The above links reference your locally installed iPhone SDK Reference Documentation and will contain native ObjectiveC code. It is not necessary to understand these documents for using Unity on mobile devices, but may be helpful to some!
注意:上面的链接参考你本地安装的iPHone SDK参考文档,也将包含ObjectiveC代码。对于在移动设备使用Unity开发,没有必要理解这些文档,但是可能或许有些一下帮助。
iOSDevice geographical location 设备地理位置Device geographical location can be obtained via the iPhoneInput.lastLocation property. Before calling this property you should start location service updates using iPhoneSettings.StartLocationServiceUpdates() and check the service status via iPhoneSettings.locationServiceStatus. See the scripting reference for details.
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