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android studio快捷键(android studio快捷键补全)


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Editing Ctrl + Space Basic code completion (the name of any class, method or variable) Ctrl + Shift + Space Smart code completion (filters the list of methods and variables by expected type) Ctrl + Alt + Space Class name completion (the name of any project class independently of current imports) Ctrl + Shift + Enter Complete statement Ctrl + P Parameter info (within method call arguments) Ctrl + Q Quick documentation lookup Shift + F1 External Doc Ctrl + mouse over code Brief Info Ctrl + F1 Show descriptions of error or warning at caret Alt + Insert Generate code… (Getters, Setters, Constructors, hashCode/equals, toString) Ctrl + O Override methods Ctrl + I Implement methods Ctrl + Alt + T Surround with… (if..else, try..catch, for, synchronized, etc.) Ctrl + / Comment/uncomment with line comment Ctrl + Shift + / Comment/uncomment with block comment Ctrl + W Select successively increasing code blocks Ctrl + Shift + W Decrease current selection to previous state Alt + Q Context info Alt + Enter Show intention actions and quick-fixes Ctrl + Alt + L Reformat code Ctrl + Alt + O Optimize imports Ctrl + Alt + I Auto-indent line(s) Tab / Shift + Tab Indent/unindent selected lines Ctrl + X or Shift + Delete Cut current line or selected block to clipboard Ctrl + C or Ctrl + Insert Copy current line or selected block to clipboard Ctrl + V or Shift + Insert Paste from clipboard Ctrl + Shift + V Paste from recent buffers… Ctrl + D Duplicate current line or selected block Ctrl + Y Delete line at caret Ctrl + Shift + J Smart line join Ctrl + Enter Smart line split Shift + Enter Start new line Ctrl + Shift + U Toggle case for word at caret or selected block Ctrl + Shift + ] / [ Select till code block end/start Ctrl + Delete Delete to word end Ctrl + Backspace Delete to word start Ctrl + NumPad+/- Expand/collapse code block Ctrl + Shift + NumPad+ Expand all Ctrl + Shift + NumPad- Collapse all Ctrl + F4 Close active editor tab

Search/Replace Ctrl + F Find F3 Find next Shift + F3 Find previous Ctrl + R Replace Ctrl + Shift + F Find in path Ctrl + Shift + R Replace in path Ctrl + Shift + S Search structurally (Ultimate Edition only) Ctrl + Shift + M Replace structurally (Ultimate Edition only)

Usage Search Alt + F7 / Ctrl + F7 Find usages / Find usages in file Ctrl + Shift + F7 Highlight usages in file Ctrl + Alt + F7 Show usages

Compile and Run Ctrl + F9 Make project (compile modifed and dependent) Ctrl + Shift + F9 Compile selected file, package or module Alt + Shift + F Select configuration and run Alt + Shift + F9 Select configuration and debug Shift + F Run Shift + F9 Debug Ctrl + Shift + F Run context configuration from editor

android studio快捷键(android studio快捷键补全)

Debugging F8 Step over F7 Step into Shift + F7 Smart step into Shift + F8 Step out Alt + F9 Run to cursor Alt + F8 Evaluate expression F9 Resume program Ctrl + F8 Toggle breakpoint Ctrl + Shift + F8 View breakpoints

Navigation Ctrl + N Go to class Ctrl + Shift + N Go to file Ctrl + Alt + Shift + N Go to symbol Alt + Right/Left Go to next/previous editor tab F Go back to previous tool window Esc Go to editor (from tool window) Shift + Esc Hide active or last active window Ctrl + Shift + F4 Close active run/messages/find/… tab Ctrl + G Go to line Ctrl + E Recent files popup Ctrl + Alt + Left/Right Navigate back/forward Ctrl + Shift + Backspace Navigate to last edit location Alt + F1 Select current file or symbol in any view Ctrl + B or Ctrl + Click Go to declaration Ctrl + Alt + B Go to implementation(s) Ctrl + Shift + I Open quick definition lookup Ctrl + Shift + B Go to type declaration Ctrl + U Go to super-method/super-class Alt + Up/Down Go to previous/next method Ctrl + ] / [ Move to code block end/start Ctrl + F File structure popup Ctrl + H Type hierarchy Ctrl + Shift + H Method hierarchy Ctrl + Alt + H Call hierarchy F2 / Shift + F2 Next/previous highlighted error F4 / Ctrl + Enter Edit source / View source Alt + Home Show navigation bar F Toggle bookmark Ctrl + Shift + F Toggle bookmark with mnemonic Ctrl + #[0-9] Go to numbered bookmark Shift + F Show bookmarks

Refactoring F5 Copy F6 Move Alt + Delete Safe Delete Shift + F6 Rename Ctrl + F6 Change Signature Ctrl + Alt + N Inline Ctrl + Alt + M Extract Method Ctrl + Alt + V Extract Variable Ctrl + Alt + F Extract Field Ctrl + Alt + C Extract Constant Ctrl + Alt + P Extract Parameter

VCS/Local History Ctrl + K Commit project to VCS Ctrl + T Update project from VCS Alt + Shift + C View recent changes Alt + BackQuote (`) ‘VCS’ quick popup

Live Templates Ctrl + Alt + J Surround with Live Template Ctrl + J Insert Live Template iter Iteration according to Java SDK 1.5 style inst Check object type with instanceof and downcast it itco Iterate elements of java.util.Collection itit Iterate elements of java.util.Iterator itli Iterate elements of java.util.List psf public static final thr throw new

General Alt + #[0-9] Open corresponding tool window Ctrl + S Save all Ctrl + Alt + Y Synchronize Ctrl + Alt + F Toggle full screen mode Ctrl + Shift + F Toggle maximizing editor Alt + Shift + F Add to Favorites Alt + Shift + I Inspect current file with current profile Ctrl + BackQuote (`) Quick switch current scheme Ctrl + Alt + S Open Settings dialog Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S Open Project Structure dialog Ctrl + Shift + A Find Action Ctrl + Tab Switch between tabs and tool window Alt + Enter,选择 Replace ‘switch’ with ‘if’.

百度地图API报错 Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: you have not supplyed the global app context i 这几天要做百度地图,然后网上搜了很多代码。看着还可以,,,然后模仿抄袭进行着,但发现很多问题。比如申请key问题:安全码主要是:sha1;包名注

Android dispatchTouchEvent, onInterceptTouchEvent, onTouchEvent详解 之前遇到事件分发,去网上找相关文章。。。感觉都没把这几个的关系说明白。研究了几篇不错的文章,今天在这整理一下,希望对大家有所帮助。首

android 判断EditText中输入的值是数字、字母还是汉字的方法 Stringtext=edInput.getText().toString();Patternp=Pattern.compile([0-9]*);Matcherm=p.matcher(text);if(m.matches()){Toast.makeText(Main.this,输入的是数字,Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();}p=Pattern.comp

标签: android studio快捷键补全

本文链接地址:https://www.jiuchutong.com/biancheng/379642.html 转载请保留说明!

上一篇:改变Android ProgressBar样式颜色(改变的拼音)

下一篇:百度地图API报错 Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: you have not supplyed the global app context i(百度地图api报错502)

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