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推荐整理分享Rotate object with mouse click or touch in Unity3D,希望有所帮助,仅作参考,欢迎阅读内容。
If you want to rotate an object, like wheel in unity3D. For c#, go ahead and create c# script in unity and name it whatever you want then attached it to the object you want to rotate. Then, type following in the script.
For javascript, type followings.
It should do the magic.
来源:Aarlangdi Tutorials for Developers
Unity AStarPath 寻路失效 Bug解决 IOS IL2CPP - Bad date/time format in the zip file 把游戏项目迁移到IOS上面又出现了自动寻路无效的BUG,在XCodeConsole中有提示AStarpath异常,Baddate/timeformatinthezipfile在代码中查询得知是AStarpath在初始化时
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标签: Rotate object with mouse click or touch in Unity3D
本文链接地址:https://www.jiuchutong.com/biancheng/382647.html 转载请保留说明!上一篇:Metaio in Unity3d 教学--- 二. 创建自己的Application
下一篇:Unity64 AStarPath 寻路失效 Bug解决 IOS64 IL2CPP - Bad date/time format in the zip file
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