I demonstrate how to write a simple BLE peripheral application in Android here. I am bad in Android development, The UI would be very ugly, but the code work: Currently(5//), the code could be running in Nexus 6 or Nexus 9 only based on my test. The other phones or tablets not support to be a BLE peripheral. So, if you really interested in the Android as peripheral issue, please open your wallet and buy a GOOGLE official device, thank you. How to add a characteristic as notification is little bit complicated, In here I just add read write ones. About the notification, I put code in the lat part of this post.You should add The 2 lines in your AndroidManifest.xml, like this :The kernal code are below , note the AdvertiseCallback is callback of BluetoothLeAdvertiser ::startAdvertising, and BluetoothGattServerCallback is callback function of ALL BluetoothGattCharacteristic.BLEPeripheral.java: (that is what you want) MainActivity.java : (UI part)activity_main.xml: (layout, very ugly) I do not like to write too much explanation in here, One said: if you could implement, you understand it; if you could not, you know about nothing of it .About notification characteristic:Replace the line :As : That is, create a thread , that updates value and send a signal to BluetoothGattServer to note the value has been change.
推荐整理分享Android as Bluetooth Low Energy Peripherial (GATT server).,希望有所帮助,仅作参考,欢迎阅读内容。
![Android as Bluetooth Low Energy Peripherial (GATT server).](https://www.jiuchutong.com/image/20240129/1706507391.jpg)
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