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原文出自: a recent “fun” project, I needed my application to be able to access password-protected zip files of a particular format. It was one of these features I thought will take me no time to implement. Anyway, to my surprise, neither JDK supports password-protected ZIP files, nor I was able to find a suitable Java open source library I could use for that purpose. So, I ended up writing the utility class on my own. I wrote an implementation ofjava.io.InputStream that filters the ZIP file data and turns a password-protected ZIP into an unprotected one on the fly – so the stream can be nicely chained withjava.util.zip.ZipInputStream. Although the class is specifically targeted at the particular type of ZIP files I had to deal with (see the limitations below), maybe other people have to deal with the same type of files, or this class can provide a good start for others to turn it into a utility that would work with any type of ZIP (maybe I will do it myself some day – for now I don’t have time).To implement this class I used the ZIP File Format Specification as the source of information. I also used the 7-zip project (C&#;&#;) as a reference during the debugging to verify my understanding of the ZIP spec. and the CRC algorithm.So, here is the class:

?import java.io.IOException;import java.io.InputStream; public class ZipDecryptInputStream extendsInputStream { privatestatic final int[] CRC_TABLE = newint[]; // compute the table // (could also have it pre-computed - static{ for(int i = 0; i < ; i&#;&#;) { intr = i; for(int j = 0; j < 8; j&#;&#;) { if((r & 1) ==1) { r = (r >>>1) ^ 0xedb; }else { r >>>=1; } } CRC_TABLE[i] = r; } } privatestatic final int DECRYPT_HEADER_SIZE = ; privatestatic final int[] LFH_SIGNATURE = {0x,0x4b, 0x,0x}; privatefinal InputStream delegate; privatefinal String password; privatefinal int keys[] = new int[3]; privateState state = State.SIGNATURE; privateint skipBytes; privateint compressedSize; privateint value; privateint valuePos; privateint valueInc; publicZipDecryptInputStream(InputStream stream, String password) { this.delegate = stream; this.password = password; } @Override publicint read() throwsIOException { intresult = delegate.read(); if(skipBytes == 0) { switch(state) { caseSIGNATURE: if(result != LFH_SIGNATURE[valuePos]) { state = State.TAIL; }else { valuePos&#;&#;; if(valuePos >= LFH_SIGNATURE.length) { skipBytes =2; state = State.FLAGS; } } break; caseFLAGS: if((result & 1) ==0) { thrownew IllegalStateException("ZIP not password protected."); } if((result & ) ==) { thrownew IllegalStateException("Strong encryption used."); } if((result & 8) ==8) { thrownew IllegalStateException("Unsupported ZIP format."); } result -=1; compressedSize =0; valuePos =0; valueInc = DECRYPT_HEADER_SIZE; state = State.COMPRESSED_SIZE; skipBytes =; break; caseCOMPRESSED_SIZE: compressedSize &#;= result << (8* valuePos); result -= valueInc; if(result < 0) { valueInc =1; result &#;=; }else { valueInc =0; } valuePos&#;&#;; if(valuePos > 3) { valuePos =0; value =0; state = State.FN_LENGTH; skipBytes =4; } break; caseFN_LENGTH: caseEF_LENGTH: value &#;= result <<8 * valuePos; if(valuePos == 1) { valuePos =0; if(state == State.FN_LENGTH) { state = State.EF_LENGTH; }else { state = State.HEADER; skipBytes = value; } }else { valuePos =1; } break; caseHEADER: initKeys(password); for(int i = 0; i < DECRYPT_HEADER_SIZE; i&#;&#;) { updateKeys((byte) (result ^ decryptByte())); result = delegate.read(); } compressedSize -= DECRYPT_HEADER_SIZE; state = State.DATA; // intentionally no break caseDATA: result = (result ^ decryptByte()) &0xff; updateKeys((byte) result); compressedSize--; if(compressedSize == 0) { valuePos =0; state = State.SIGNATURE; } break; caseTAIL: // do nothing } }else { skipBytes--; } returnresult; } @Override publicvoid close() throwsIOException { delegate.close(); super.close(); } privatevoid initKeys(String password) { keys[0] =; keys[1] =; keys[2] =; for(int i = 0; i < password.length(); i&#;&#;) { updateKeys((byte) (password.charAt(i) &0xff)); } } privatevoid updateKeys(bytecharAt) { keys[0] = crc(keys[0], charAt); keys[1] &#;= keys[0] &0xff; keys[1] = keys[1] * &#; 1; keys[2] = crc(keys[2], (byte) (keys[1] >>)); } privatebyte decryptByte() { inttemp = keys[2] |2; return(byte) ((temp * (temp ^1)) >>> 8); } privateint crc(intoldCrc, byte charAt) { return((oldCrc >>> 8) ^ CRC_TABLE[(oldCrc ^ charAt) &0xff]); } privatestatic enum State { SIGNATURE, FLAGS, COMPRESSED_SIZE, FN_LENGTH, EF_LENGTH, HEADER, DATA, TAIL }}

These are the limitations:

Only the “Traditional PKWARE Encryption” is supported (spec. section VII)Files that have the “compressed length” information at the end of the data section (rather than at the beginning) are not supported (see “general purpose bit flag”, bit 3 in section V, subsection J in the spec.)

And this is how you can use it in your code:

?import java.io.FileInputStream;import java.io.FileOutputStream;import java.io.IOException;import java.util.zip.ZipEntry;import java.util.zip.ZipInputStream; // usage: java Main [filename] [password]public class Main { publicstatic void main(String[] args) throws IOException { // password-protected zip file I need to read FileInputStream fis =new FileInputStream(args[0]); // wrap it in the decrypt stream ZipDecryptInputStream zdis =new ZipDecryptInputStream(fis, args[1]); // wrap the decrypt stream by the ZIP input stream ZipInputStream zis =new ZipInputStream(zdis); // read all the zip entries and save them as files ZipEntry ze; while((ze = zis.getNextEntry()) != null) { FileOutputStream fos =new FileOutputStream(ze.getName()); intb; while((b = zis.read()) != -1) { fos.write(b); } fos.close(); zis.closeEntry(); } zis.close(); }}Previous Entry: Jersey Hands-On LabNext Entry: Jersey and Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

Android中的轮播图 刚忙完了公司的项目,总算有些时间了,所以自己模仿公司的项目做了一些小demo,以后用。轮播图的效果,在Android的项目当中是比较常见的,其实现原

NUPT_移动应用开发 课程性质:本课程为南邮计算机科学与技术限选课,学分:2。学习回顾:主要分为四次大课,都在星期六。老师上课主要是以导论的形式对android开发进

使用开源库RoundedImageView 创建圆角ImageView以及引用时遇到的问题 转载请标明出处:

标签: android解压app

本文链接地址:https://www.jiuchutong.com/biancheng/386080.html 转载请保留说明!

上一篇:Android 开发中的零散知识点(Android开发中的几种管理机制的使用场景是什么)

下一篇:Android中的轮播图(android 轮播)

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