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Mac Error Create Android Project - “Errors running builder 'Android Resource Manager' on project”


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转载自: eclipse报标题的错误,然后在stackoverflow上找到了答案

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I spent the whole day just trying to create a simple Android Application Project on my Mac (.7.5). When pressing "Finish" in the project wizard, I got the following error message:

A project with empty directories was created, but no files were generated except for a file called "proguard-project.txt", which just contained comments.

I literally just downloaded the ADT Bundle onto my Mac.

I've already had a look at here and tried all the suggestions there, like removing the ".metadata" folder and trying to change the Android "Project Build Target".

I've also tried using Eclipse Juno and Kepler - same problem. I've reinstalled Eclipse and recreated workspaces many many times.

So I'm pretty stuck...it's not working out of the box. Any help would be most appreciated.

Sounds like Eclipse doesn't see SDK Android folder. Did you configured your Eclipse? – Maxim ShoustinAug 7 ' at 6: I didn't think I need to? ADT Bundle comes with the SDK installed. I had a look at the "Eclipse/Preferences/Android", and it seems to be pointing to the "SDK" directory that came with the bundle "adt-bundle-mac-x_-" – iht Aug 7 ' at 6: Lots of people solved this issue as described at this link: stackoverflow.com/questions//… – superpuccio Oct 2 ' at 8: Were you able to solve this problem? I have same issue and I can't find any reason why this is happening. – Sourabh May ' at :down vote

I got same error on my windows machine.

When I compared project file system with other working project I found that

Mac Error Create Android Project - “Errors running builder 'Android Resource Manager' on project”

was missing, So I Created a txt file and renamed it to "project.properties" then got this message on my console.

Then I went through project menu

then build it.now everything was smooth.

We just setup a valid project.properites file for that project.

3down vote

This is the the solution I've used to solve that problem which gave me enough troubles.

Make sure that you've installed already the following libraries Android Support Library, Android Support Repository and Google Repository by checking in the Extra folder by openning the Android SDK Manager in eclipse.Create an Android Sample Project then choose the appcompact_v7 library.Close the project you've just created, restart Eclipse and create now a new Android Application project.

Hope that it will help you !

I followed following article and it solved the problem by adding a line to the Eclipse.ini

To resolve the issue, do the following:


eclipse报这个:Parsing Data for android- failed Unsupported major.minor version .0

我本地还是用的jdk1.6, 这个api-,需要1.7Later



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标签: Mac Error Create Android Project - “Errors running builder 'Android Resource Manager' on project”

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