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【人工智能大作业】A*和IDA*搜索算法解决十五数码(15-puzzle)问题 (Python实现)(启发式搜索)(人工智能示例)

【人工智能大作业】A*和IDA*搜索算法解决十五数码(15-puzzle)问题 (Python实现)(启发式搜索) Astar和IDAstar搜索算法解决十五数码(15-puzzle)问题(文末附实现代码,此前为理论与具体问题分析)文章目录Astar和IDAstar搜索算法解决十五数码(15-puzzle)问题(文末附实现代码,此前为理论与具体问题分析)一、实验题目:二、实验内容启发式函数设计:算法原理:I. A*算法II. IDA*算法算法步骤:三、实验结果及分析1.启发式函数启发式函数1: 错置的数码块个数之和启发式函数2: 曼哈顿距离启发式函数1和启发式函数2的效率比较:关键代码:运行结果:2.环检测优化3.A*与IDA*算法性能的比较4.实验结果四、算法优化和创新点1.IDA*搜索算法优化:关键代码:2. A*搜索算法优化:关键代码:3.实验结果:总结:补充:50步以上的测例50步以上的测例五、实现代码:A*优化前:A*优化后:IDA*优化前:IDA*优化后:一、实验题目:

推荐整理分享【人工智能大作业】A*和IDA*搜索算法解决十五数码(15-puzzle)问题 (Python实现)(启发式搜索)(人工智能示例),希望有所帮助,仅作参考,欢迎阅读内容。

文章相关热门搜索词:人工智能作业答案百度文库,《人工智能》,人工智能示例,人工智能示例,人工智能大作业,《人工智能》,人工智能大作业,人工智能 作品,内容如对您有帮助,希望把文章链接给更多的朋友!



Example1:[[1, 15, 7, 10],[9, 14, 4, 11], [8, 5,0 , 6],[13, 3, 2, 12]]

Example2: [[1, 7, 8, 10],[6, 9, 15, 14], [13, 3, 0, 4], [11, 5, 12, 2]]

Example3: [[5, 6, 4, 12], [11, 14, 9, 1], [0, 3, 8, 15], [10, 7, 2, 13]]

Example4: [[14, 2, 8, 1], [7, 10, 4, 0], [6, 15, 11, 5], [9, 3, 13, 12]]


测例1: [[11, 3, 1, 7], [4, 6 ,8 ,2], [15 ,9 ,10, 13], [14, 12, 5 ,0]]

测例2: [[14, 10, 6, 0], [4, 9 ,1 ,8], [2, 3, 5 ,11], [12, 13, 7 ,15]]

测例3: [[14, 10, 6, 0],[4, 9 ,1 ,8],[2, 3, 5 ,11],[12, 13, 7 ,15]]

测例4: [[6 ,10, 3, 15],[14, 8, 7, 11],[5, 1, 0, 2],[13, 12, 9 ,4]]


本次实验主要针对两种启发式搜索进行实现 A*搜索算法和IDA*搜索算法。

启发式搜索与盲目搜索或者无信息搜索最大的区别就在于启发式搜索采用了启发信息来引导整个搜索的过程,能够减少搜索的范围,降低求解问题的复杂度。这里的启发信息主要由估价函数组成,估价函数f(x)由两部分组成,从初始结点到当前结点n所付出的实际代价g(n)和从当前结点n到目标结点的最优路径的代价估计值h(n),即 f(n)=g(n)+h(n)f(n) = g(n) + h(n)f(n)=g(n)+h(n)



1.可采纳的(admissible) 定义h(n)为到终点代价的预估值,h∗(n)为真实的代价定义h(n)为到终点代价的预估值,h^{*}(n)为真实的代价定义h(n)为到终点代价的预估值,h∗(n)为真实的代价


2.单调的(consistent) h(n)<=h(n′)+cost(n,n′)h(n)<=h(n^{'})+cost(n,n^{'})h(n)<=h(n′)+cost(n,n′)

算法原理:I. A*算法





2.将其子结点也加入open表中,计算f(x), g(x),h(x),其中f(x)=g(x)+h(x),g(x)表示当前结点的代价,h(x)为当前结点到达目标的代价的估计






II. IDA*算法算法步骤:






启发式函数1: 错置的数码块个数之和


启发式函数2: 曼哈顿距离

在这个启发式函数中,利用曼哈顿距离公式 M=abs(node.x−goal.x)+abs(node.y−goal.y)M = abs(node.x - goal.x) + abs(node.y - goal.y)M=abs(node.x−goal.x)+abs(node.y−goal.y)


注:计算曼哈顿距离时之所以排除数码块0,是因为若考虑数码块0,则不满足可采纳性(Admittable) h(n)<=h∗(n)h(n)<=h^{*}(n)h(n)<=h∗(n),这个启发式函数就不满足算法的最优性。

举个简单的例子来证明这个结论,若现在的状态为如下: 那么下一步肯定是将数码块0向右移动一格,也就是代价为1, 而当前状态的h(n)=2h(n) = 2h(n)=2,也就是说h(n)>h∗(n)h(n)>h^{*}(n)h(n)>h∗(n), 这就与可采纳性矛盾。

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12

13 14 0 15
















优化原理: 对比list,以set容器作为close表存储状态的数据结构性能更优,基于针对close表的操作只有插入和查表两种操作,在查找的性能方面set肯定是优于list;实践是检验真理的唯一标准,我们针对list和set对于查找的性能做一个简单的实验




此处 CLOSE = set() close表定义为set容器

在代码中,将生成的子结点的状态转换成字符串,再通过hash函数(hash函数只能以字符串、数字、字典、集合作为参数)获取其哈希值存到close表中, 在第110行中就用到了查表,如果close表中不存在该结点,则将其加入到close表中。


IDA*搜索算法本质上为深度优先搜索算法,它在空间上有比广度优先算法更优的性能,即 O(bm)O(bm)O(bm) (其中b是后继结点的个数,m是搜索树的深度),因为它不需要使用队列来保存已经拓展过的结点,如果IDA* 采用了环检测则会破坏它在空间上的最优性。



​ 启发式函数:曼哈顿距离

​ 数码状态存储数据结构:List

​ 环检测数据结构:Set


(运行结果路径可在Github仓库中的Results文件下载) 测例1 [[1, 15, 7, 10],[9, 14, 4, 11], [8, 5,0 , 6],[13, 3, 2, 12]]

【人工智能大作业】A*和IDA*搜索算法解决十五数码(15-puzzle)问题 (Python实现)(启发式搜索)(人工智能示例)

A* 搜索算法运行结果:

Test 1, Total Step 40Used Time 0.303069 secExpanded 2765 nodes

IDA* 搜索算法运行结果:

Test 1, Total Step 40Used Time 1.194115 secExpanded 25590 nodesBound: 40

测例2 [[1, 7, 8, 10],[6, 9, 15, 14], [13, 3, 0, 4], [11, 5, 12, 2]]

A* 搜索算法运行结果:

Test 2, Total Step 40Used Time 0.130206 secExpanded 4009 nodes

IDA* 搜索算法运行结果:

Test 2, Total Step 40Used Time 0.526660 secExpanded 6348 nodesBound: 40

测例3 [[5, 6, 4, 12], [11, 14, 9, 1], [0, 3, 8, 15], [10, 7, 2, 13]]

A* 搜索算法运行结果:

Test 3, Total Step 40Used Time 0.089238 secExpanded 575 nodes

IDA* 搜索算法运行结果:

Test 3, Total Step 40Used Time 0.241839 secExpanded 2602 nodesBound: 40

测例4 [[14, 2, 8, 1], [7, 10, 4, 0], [6, 15, 11, 5], [9, 3, 13, 12]]

A* 搜索算法运行结果:

Test 4, Total Step 40Used Time 0.985068 secExpanded 15017 nodes

IDA* 搜索算法运行结果:

Test 4, Total Step 40Used Time 18.741641 secExpanded 252281 nodesBound: 40


测例Example1Example2Example3Example4Used Time [A*| IDA*]0.30|1.190.13|0.520.06|0.240.98|18.74Expanded Nodes [A* | IDA*] (nodes)2765 | 255904009 |6348575|260215017|252281Better [A* | IDA*]A*A*A*A*

从以上A* 与IDA*在深度为40的搜索树的表现情况来看,A*的搜索效率大于IDA*,此外,从扩展的结点个数来看,IDA* 扩展的结点数更多,这跟IDA*本身搜索的方式有关。 由于A* 需要保存扩展过的结点,因此内存消耗远大于IDA* ,至此,可以猜测IDA*在深度更大的搜索问题上表现会比A*更优,A*需要使用复杂度logn优先队列进行排序,可想而知当待扩展的结点数目剧增的时候,就需要对大量的结点进行排序,存储开销会非常大。

为了验证这个猜想,现采用需要移动49步的15 puzzle进行实验:

测例 [[14, 10, 6, 0],[4, 9 ,1 ,8],[2, 3, 5 ,11],[12, 13, 7 ,15]]

A* 搜索算法运行结果:

Test 2, Total Step 53Used Time 511.812972 secExpanded 22587975 nodes

IDA* 搜索算法运行结果:

Test 2, Total Step 49Used Time 493.416811 secExpanded 9890739 nodesBound: 49

从实验结果可以看出,在搜索深度更大的情况下,IDA*的表现比A*更优。可以猜测到,深度加大以后 A*需要在优先队列中对更多的进行排序,这大大降低了搜索的效率,


在以上算法的实现中,存储数码状态的数据结构均为List,Tuple相对与list来说,在存储空间上显得更加轻量级一些。对于元组这样的静态变量,如果它不被使用并且占用空间不大时,Python 会暂时缓存这部分内存。这样,下次我们再创建同样大小的元组时,Python 就可以不用再向操作系统发出请求,去寻找内存,而是可以直接分配之前缓存的内存空间,这样就能大大加快程序的运行速度。



​ 启发式函数:曼哈顿距离

​ 数码状态存储数据结构:Tuple

​ 环检测数据结构:Set




IDAsearch(g, Hx*, bound)



2. A*搜索算法优化:关键代码:


A_star(start, Fx)







A* 搜索算法运行结果:

Test 1, Total Step 40Used Time 0.092726 secExpanded 3055 nodes

IDA* 搜索算法运行结果:

Test 1, Total Step 40Used Time 0.261489 secExpanded 16334 nodesBound: 40


A* 搜索算法运行结果:

Test 2, Total Step 40Used Time 0.039616 secExpanded 4240 nodes

IDA* 搜索算法运行结果:

Test 2, Total Step 40Used Time 0.271453 secExpanded 30105 nodesBound: 40


A* 搜索算法运行结果:

Test 3, Total Step 40Used Time 0.016239 secExpanded 4779 nodes

IDA* 搜索算法运行结果:

Test 3, Total Step 40Used Time 0.098768 secExpanded 37683 nodesBound: 40


A* 搜索算法运行结果:

Test 4, Total Step 40Used Time 0.483208 secExpanded 15259 nodes

IDA* 搜索算法运行结果:

Test 4, Total Step 40Used Time 5.040609 secExpanded 256103 nodesBound: 40总结:测例Example1Example2Example3Example4优化前Used Time [A*| IDA*] (sec)0.30|1.190.13|0.520.06|0.240.98|18.74优化后Used Time[A* | IDA*] (sec)0.09|0.260.03|0.270.01|0.090.48|5.04Better [A* | IDA*]A*A*A*A*





测例1 [[11, 3, 1, 7],[4, 6 ,8 ,2],[15 ,9 ,10, 13],[14, 12, 5 ,0]]

A* 搜索算法运行结果:

优化前Test 1, Total Step 56Used Time 2271.522129 secExpanded 18113640 nodes优化后Test 1, Total Step 56Used Time 1077.335515 secExpanded 18116567 nodes

IDA* 搜索算法运行结果:

优化前:时间过长优化后:Test 1, Total Step 56 Used Time 11228.500149 secExpanded 861726906 nodesBound: 56

测例2 [[14, 10, 6, 0],[4, 9 ,1 ,8],[2, 3, 5 ,11],[12, 13, 7 ,15]]

A* 搜索算法运行结果:

优化前:Test 2, Total Step 53Used Time 511.812972 secExpanded 22587975 nodes优化后:Test 2, Total Step 49Used Time 54.638738 secExpanded 4438912 nodesBound: 49

IDA* 搜索算法运行结果:

优化前:Test 2, Total Step 49Used Time 493.416811 secExpanded 9890739 nodesBound: 49优化后:Test 2, Total Step 49Used Time 54.638738 secExpanded 4438912 nodesBound: 49

测例3 [[0, 5, 15, 14],[7, 9, 6 ,13],[1, 2 ,12, 10],[8, 11, 4, 3]]

A* 搜索算法运行结果:

优化前:Test 3, Total Step 64 Used Time 13271.092952 secExpanded 124070829 nodes优化后:Test 3, Total Step 64Used Time 5099.071962 secExpanded 124434683 nodes

IDA* 搜索算法运行结果:


测例4 [[6 ,10, 3, 15],[14, 8, 7, 11],[5, 1, 0, 2],[13, 12, 9 ,4]]

A* 搜索算法运行结果:

优化前:Test 4, Total Step 48 Used Time 170.719640 secExpanded 125820596 nodes优化后:Test 4, Total Step 48Used Time 62.862862 secExpanded 126187137 nodes

IDA* 搜索算法运行结果:

优化前:Test 4, Total Step 48Used Time 1111.598261 secExpanded 20291684 nodesBound: 48优化后:Test 4, Total Step 48Used Time 419.185472 secExpanded 34135093 nodesBound: 48


测例1234优化前Used Time [A*| IDA*] (sec)2271.5 |NaN511.8|493.413271.0|NaN170.7|1111.5优化后Used Time[A* | IDA*] (sec)1077.3|11228.554.6|54.65099.0| Nan62.8 |419.1Better [A* | IDA*]A*IDA*A*A五、实现代码:


A*优化前:#coding=utf-8import copyimport heapqimport numpy as npimport time# 最终状态end_state = [[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8], [9, 10, 11, 12], [13, 14, 15, 0]]node_num = 0# 初始状态测例集init_state = [ [[1, 15, 7, 10],[9, 14, 4, 11], [8, 5,0 , 6],[13, 3, 2, 12]], # [[1, 7, 8, 10],[6, 9, 15, 14], [13, 3, 0, 4], [11, 5, 12, 2]], # [[5, 6, 4, 12], [11, 14, 9, 1], [0, 3, 8, 15], [10, 7, 2, 13]], # [[14, 2, 8, 1], [7, 10, 4, 0], [6, 15, 11, 5], [9, 3, 13, 12]] # [[11, 3, 1, 7],[4, 6 ,8 ,2],[15 ,9 ,10, 13],[14, 12, 5 ,0]], # [[14, 10, 6, 0],[4, 9 ,1 ,8],[2, 3, 5 ,11],[12, 13, 7 ,15]], # [[0, 5, 15, 14],[7, 9, 6 ,13],[1, 2 ,12, 10],[8, 11, 4, 3]], # [[6 ,10, 3, 15],[14, 8, 7, 11],[5, 1, 0, 2],[13, 12, 9 ,4]] # [[1 , 3 ,10 , 4],[5 , 2 ,6 , 8], [14, 11 ,12 , 0], [7, 13, 9 ,15]] ]# 方向数组dx = [0, -1, 0, 1]dy = [1, 0, -1, 0]OPEN = []CLOSE = set() # close表,用于判重path = []def print_path(node): if node.parent != None: print_path(node.parent) path.append(node.state) return path# 状态结点class Node(object): def __init__(self, gn=0, hn=0, state=None, hash_value=None, parent=None): self.gn = gn self.hn = hn self.fn = self.gn + self.hn self.state = state self.hash_value = hash_value self.parent = parent def __lt__(self, node): # heapq的比较函数 if self.fn == node.fn: return self.gn > node.gn return self.fn < node.fndef manhattan(state): M = 0 for i in range(4): for j in range(4): if state[i][j] == end_state[i][j] or state[i][j] == 0: continue else: x = (state[i][j] - 1) // 4 # 最终坐标 y = state[i][j] - 4 * x -1 M += (abs(x - i) + abs(y - j)) return Mdef misplaced(state): sum = 0 for i in range(4): for j in range(4): if state[i][j] == 0: continue if state[i][j] != end_state[i][j]: sum += 1 return sumdef A_star(start, Fx): root = Node(0, 0, start, hash(str(start)), None) # gn, hn, state hash_value, parent OPEN.append(root) heapq.heapify(OPEN) CLOSE.add(root.hash_value) while len(OPEN) != 0: top = heapq.heappop(OPEN) global node_num node_num += 1 if top.state == end_state: return print_path(top) for i in range(4): for j in range(4): if top.state[i][j] != 0: continue for d in range(4): new_x = i + dx[d] new_y = j + dy[d] if 0 <= new_x <= 3 and 0 <= new_y <= 3: state = copy.deepcopy(top.state) state[i][j], state[new_x][new_y] = state[new_x][new_y], state[i][j] h = hash(str(state)) if h in CLOSE: continue CLOSE.add(h) child = Node(top.gn+1, Fx(state), state, h ,top) heapq.heappush(OPEN, child)if __name__ == '__main__': f = open('AStar_result.txt','w') for idx, test in enumerate(init_state): time1 = time.time() PATH = np.asarray(A_star(test, manhattan)) time2 = time.time() test = np.asarray(test) for i, p in enumerate(PATH): #路径打印 if i == 0: print("15-Puzzle initial state:") print(p) f.write("15-Puzzle initial state:\n") f.write('%s\n\n' %(str(p))) else: print('Move: %d' %(i)) print(p) f.write('Move: %d \n' %(i)) f.write("%s \n" %(str(p))) print('Test %d, Total Step %d' %(idx+1, len(path)-1)) print("Used Time %f" %(time2-time1), "sec") print("Expanded %d nodes" %(node_num)) f.write('Test %d, Total Step %d \n' %(idx+1, len(path)-1)) f.write("Used Time %f sec\n" %(time2-time1)) f.write("Expanded %d nodes\n\n" %(node_num)) OPEN.clear() CLOSE.clear() path.clear()A*优化后:#coding=utf-8import copyimport heapqimport numpy as npimport time# 最终状态node_num = 0end_state = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 0)# 初始状态测例集init_state = [ (1, 15, 7, 10,9, 14, 4, 11, 8, 5,0 , 6, 13, 3, 2, 12), #(1, 7, 8, 10,6, 9, 15, 14, 13, 3, 0, 4, 11, 5, 12, 2), #(5, 6, 4, 12, 11, 14, 9, 1, 0, 3, 8, 15, 10, 7, 2, 13), #(14, 2, 8, 1, 7, 10, 4, 0, 6, 15, 11, 5, 9, 3, 13, 12), #(11, 3, 1, 7,4, 6 ,8 ,2,15 ,9 ,10, 13,14, 12, 5 ,0), #(14, 10, 6, 0,4, 9 ,1 ,8,2, 3, 5 ,11,12, 13, 7 ,15), #(0, 5, 15, 14,7, 9, 6 ,13,1, 2 ,12, 10,8, 11, 4, 3), # (6 ,10, 3, 15,14, 8, 7, 11,5, 1, 0, 2,13, 12, 9 ,4) ]# 方向数组dx = [0, -1, 0, 1]dy = [1, 0, -1, 0]OPEN = []CLOSE = set() # close表,用于判重path = []def print_path(node): if node.parent != None: print_path(node.parent) path.append(node.state) return path# 状态结点class Node(object): def __init__(self, gn=0, hn=0, state=None, parent=None): self.gn = gn self.hn = hn self.fn = self.gn + self.hn self.state = state self.parent = parent def __lt__(self, node): # heapq的比较函数 if self.fn == node.fn: return self.gn > node.gn return self.fn < node.fn# 曼哈顿距离(注意:不需要计算‘0’的曼哈顿值,否则不满足Admittable)def manhattan(state): M = 0 for t in range(16): if state[t] == end_state[t] or state[t]== 0: continue else: x = (state[t] - 1) // 4 # 最终坐标 y = state[t] - 4 * x - 1 dx = t // 4 # 实际坐标 dy = t % 4 M += (abs(x - dx) + abs(y - dy)) return Mdef generateChild(): # 生成子结点 movetable = [] # 针对数码矩阵上每一个可能的位置,生成其能够移动的方向列表 for i in range(16): x, y = i % 4, i // 4 moves = [] if x > 0: moves.append(-1) # 左移 if x < 3: moves.append(+1) # 右移 if y > 0: moves.append(-4) # 上移 if y < 3: moves.append(+4) # 下移 movetable.append(moves) def children(state): idxz = state.index(0) # 寻找数码矩阵上0的坐标 l = list(state) # 将元组转换成list,方便进行元素修改 for m in movetable[idxz]: l[idxz] = l[idxz + m] # 数码交换位置 l[idxz + m] = 0 yield(1, tuple(l)) # 临时返回 l[idxz + m] = l[idxz] l[idxz] = 0 return childrendef A_star(start, Fx): # start 为起始结点,Fx为启发式函数(这里采用曼哈顿距离) root = Node(0, 0, start, None) # 参数分别为 gn, hn,state, parent OPEN.append(root) heapq.heapify(OPEN) CLOSE.add(start) while len(OPEN) != 0: top = heapq.heappop(OPEN) global node_num # 扩展的结点数 node_num += 1 if top.state == end_state: # 目标检测 return print_path(top) #对路径进行打印 generator = generateChild() #生成子结点 for cost, state in generator(top.state): if state in CLOSE: # CLOSE表为set容器,这里进行环检测 continue CLOSE.add(state) child = Node(top.gn+cost, Fx(state), state,top) heapq.heappush(OPEN, child) # 将child加入优先队列中if __name__ == '__main__': f = open('AStar_Result_M.txt','w') for idx, test in enumerate(init_state): time1 = time.time() PATH = np.asarray(A_star(test, manhattan)) time2 = time.time() test = np.asarray(test) for i, p in enumerate(PATH): #路径打印 if i == 0: print("15-Puzzle initial state:") print(p) f.write("15-Puzzle initial state:\n") f.write('%s\n\n' %(str(p))) else: print('Move: %d' %(i)) print(p) f.write('Move: %d \n' %(i)) f.write("%s \n" %(str(p))) print('Test %d, Total Step %d' %(idx+1, len(path)-1)) print("Used Time %f" %(time2-time1), "sec") print("Expanded %d nodes" %(node_num)) f.write('Test %d, Total Step %d \n' %(idx+1, len(path)-1)) f.write("Used Time %f sec\n" %(time2-time1)) f.write("Expanded %d nodes\n\n" %(node_num)) OPEN.clear() CLOSE.clear() path.clear()IDA*优化前:import numpy as npimport time import copy# 最终状态end_state = [[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8], [9, 10, 11, 12], [13, 14, 15, 0]]node_num = 0# 初始状态测例集init_state = [ [[1, 15, 7, 10],[9, 14, 4, 11], [8, 5,0 , 6],[13, 3, 2, 12]], # [[1, 7, 8, 10],[6, 9, 15, 14], [13, 3, 0, 4], [11, 5, 12, 2]], # [[5, 6, 4, 12], [11, 14, 9, 1], [0, 3, 8, 15], [10, 7, 2, 13]], # [[14, 2, 8, 1], [7, 10, 4, 0], [6, 15, 11, 5], [9, 3, 13, 12]] # [[11, 3, 1, 7],[4, 6 ,8 ,2],[15 ,9 ,10, 13],[14, 12, 5 ,0]], # [[14, 10, 6, 0],[4, 9 ,1 ,8],[2, 3, 5 ,11],[12, 13, 7 ,15]], # [[0, 5, 15, 14],[7, 9, 6 ,13],[1, 2 ,12, 10],[8, 11, 4, 3]], # [[6 ,10, 3, 15],[14, 8, 7, 11],[5, 1, 0, 2],[13, 12, 9 ,4]] ]CLOSE = {}# 方向数组dx = [0, -1, 0, 1]dy = [1, 0, -1, 0]def is_goal(node):index = 1for row in node:for col in row:if(index != col):breakindex += 1return index == 16# 曼哈顿距离(注意:不需要计算‘0’的曼哈顿值,否则不满足Admittable)def manhattan(state): M = 0 for i in range(4): for j in range(4): if state[i][j] == end_state[i][j] or state[i][j] == 0: continue # if state[i][j] == 0: # x, y = 3, 3 else: x = int((state[i][j] - 1) / 4) # 最终坐标 y = state[i][j] - 4 * x - 1 M += (abs(x - i) + abs(y - j)) return Mdef misplaced(state): sum = 0 for i in range(4): for j in range(4): if state[i][j] == 0: continue if state[i][j] != end_state[i][j]: sum += 1 return sumdef generateChild(state, Hx): # 生成子结点 child = [] # 用于保存生成的子结点 for i in range(4): for j in range(4): if state[i][j] != 0: continue for d in range(4): new_x = i + dx[d] new_y = j + dy[d] if 0 <= new_x <= 3 and 0 <= new_y <= 3: new_state = copy.deepcopy(state) new_state[i][j], new_state[new_x][new_y] = new_state[new_x][new_y], new_state[i][j] child.append(new_state) return sorted(child, key=lambda x: Hx(x)) # 将子结点进行排序,以H(n)递增排序def IDAsearch(path, g, Hx, bound): # global node_num node = path[-1] # 取出path中的start结点,这里相当于如果迭代超过了bound,回来继续迭代的开始结点,也就是path中的最后一个结点 node_num +=1 # print(node_num) f = g + Hx(node) if f > bound: # 如果f(n)的值大于bound则返回f(n) return f if node == end_state: # 目标检测,以0表示找到目标 return 0 Min = 99999 CLOSE[str(node)] = g # print(CLOSE) for c in generateChild(node, Hx): # 遍历该结点所扩展的孩子结点 #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() # if c not in path: # 路径检测 # if str(c) in CLOSE: # 环检测 # f = g + 1 # fp = CLOSE.get(str(c)) # if fp > f: # print('in',c,CLOSE.get(str(c)) ) # CLOSE[str(c)] = f # else: # continue path.append(c) t = IDAsearch(path, g+1, Hx, bound) if t == 0: # 如果得到的返回值为0,表示找到目标,迭代结束 return 0 if t < Min: # 如果返回值不是0,说明f>bound,这时对Min进行更新,取值最小的返回值作为Min Min = t path.pop() # 深搜回溯 return Mindef IDAstar(start, Hx): bound = Hx(start) # IDA*迭代限制 path = [start] # 路径集合, 视为栈 CLOSE[str(start)] = 0 #CLOSE.add(hash(str(start))) while(True): ans = IDAsearch(path, 0, Hx,bound) # path, g, Hx, bound if(ans == 0): return (path,bound) if ans == -1: return None bound = ans # 此处对bound进行更新if __name__ == '__main__': f = open('IDAStar_Difresult.txt','w') for idx, test in enumerate(init_state): time1 = time.time() PATH,BOUND = IDAstar(test, misplaced) time2 = time.time() PATH = np.asarray(PATH) test = np.asarray(test) for i, p in enumerate(PATH): #路径打印 if i == 0: print("15-Puzzle initial state:") f.write("15-Puzzle initial state:\n") p = np.asarray(p) print(p) f.write('%s\n\n' %(str(p))) else: print('Move: %d' %(i)) f.write('Move: %d \n' %(i)) p = np.asarray(p) print(p) f.write("%s \n" %(str(p))) print('Test %d, Total Step %d' %(idx+1, len(PATH)-1)) print("Used Time %f" %(time2-time1), "sec") print("Expanded %d nodes" %(node_num)) print("Bound: %d" %(BOUND)) f.write('Test %d, Total Step %d \n' %(idx+1, len(PATH)-1)) f.write("Used Time %f sec\n" %(time2-time1)) f.write("Expanded %d nodes\n" %(node_num)) f.write("Bound: %d\n\n" %(BOUND))IDA*优化后:import numpy as npimport time import copy# 最终状态end_state = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 0)node_num = 0# 初始状态测例集init_state = [ (1, 15, 7, 10,9, 14, 4, 11, 8, 5,0 , 6, 13, 3, 2, 12), # (1, 7, 8, 10,6, 9, 15, 14, 13, 3, 0, 4, 11, 5, 12, 2), # (5, 6, 4, 12, 11, 14, 9, 1, 0, 3, 8, 15, 10, 7, 2, 13), # (14, 2, 8, 1, 7, 10, 4, 0, 6, 15, 11, 5, 9, 3, 13, 12), # (11, 3, 1, 7,4, 6 ,8 ,2,15 ,9 ,10, 13,14, 12, 5 ,0), # (14, 10, 6, 0,4, 9 ,1 ,8,2, 3, 5 ,11,12, 13, 7 ,15), (0, 5, 15, 14,7, 9, 6 ,13,1, 2 ,12, 10,8, 11, 4, 3), #(6 ,10, 3, 15,14, 8, 7, 11,5, 1, 0, 2,13, 12, 9 ,4) ]CLOSE = set() # 用于判重path = []# 方向数组dx = [0, -1, 0, 1]dy = [1, 0, -1, 0]# 曼哈顿距离(注意:不需要计算‘0’的曼哈顿值,否则不满足Admittable)def manhattan(state): M = 0 for t in range(16): if state[t] == end_state[t] or state[t]== 0: continue else: x = (state[t] - 1) // 4 # 最终坐标 y = state[t] - 4 * x - 1 dx = t // 4 # 实际坐标 dy = t % 4 M += (abs(x - dx) + abs(y - dy)) return Mdef generateChild(): # 生成子结点 movetable = [] # 针对数码矩阵上每一个可能的位置,生成其能够移动的方向列表 for i in range(16): x, y = i % 4, i // 4 moves = [] if x > 0: moves.append(-1) # 左移 if x < 3: moves.append(+1) # 右移 if y > 0: moves.append(-4) # 上移 if y < 3: moves.append(+4) # 下移 movetable.append(moves) def children(state): idxz = state.index(0) # 寻找数码矩阵上0的坐标 l = list(state) # 将元组转换成list,方便进行元素修改 for m in movetable[idxz]: l[idxz] = l[idxz + m] # 数码交换位置 l[idxz + m] = 0 yield(1, tuple(l)) # 临时返回 l[idxz + m] = l[idxz] l[idxz] = 0 return childrendef IDAsearch(g, Hx, bound): global node_num node = path[-1] # 取出path中的start结点,这里相当于如果迭代超过了bound,回来继续迭代的开始结点,也就是path中的最后一个结点 node_num +=1 f = g + Hx(node) if f > bound: # 如果f(n)的值大于bound则返回f(n) return f if node == end_state: # 目标检测,以0表示找到目标 return 0 Min = 99999 # 保存子结点中返回的最小的f值,作为下次迭代的bound generator = generateChild() # 获取generateChild()中生成的child for cost, state in generator(node): if state in CLOSE: continue path.append(state) CLOSE.add(state) # 利用set查找的优势,进行路径检测 t = IDAsearch(g+1,Hx,bound) if t == 0: return 0 if t < Min: Min = t path.pop() # 回溯 CLOSE.remove(state) return Mindef IDAstar(start, Hx): global CLOSE global path bound = Hx(start) # IDA*迭代限制 path = [start] # 路径集合, 视为栈 CLOSE = {start} while(True): ans = IDAsearch(0, Hx,bound) # path, g, Hx, bound if(ans == 0): return (path,bound) if ans == -1: return None bound = ans # 此处对bound进行更新if __name__ == '__main__': f = open('IDAStar_result.txt','w') for idx, test in enumerate(init_state): time1 = time.time() PATH,BOUND = IDAstar(test, manhattan) time2 = time.time() PATH = np.asarray(PATH) test = np.asarray(test) for i, p in enumerate(PATH): #路径打印 if i == 0: print("15-Puzzle initial state:") f.write("15-Puzzle initial state:\n") p = np.asarray(p) print(p) f.write('%s\n\n' %(str(p))) else: print('Move: %d' %(i)) f.write('Move: %d \n' %(i)) p = np.asarray(p) print(p) f.write("%s \n" %(str(p))) print('Test %d, Total Step %d' %(idx+1, len(PATH)-1)) print("Used Time %f" %(time2-time1), "sec") print("Expanded %d nodes" %(node_num)) print("Bound: %d" %(BOUND)) f.write('Test %d, Total Step %d \n' %(idx+1, len(PATH)-1)) f.write("Used Time %f sec\n" %(time2-time1)) f.write("Expanded %d nodes\n" %(node_num)) f.write("Bound: %d\n\n" %(BOUND))
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