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2023年顶会、顶刊SNN相关论文目录说明AAAI2023NeurIPSIJCAI(International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence)IJCNN( International Joint Conference on Neural Networks)ICASSP(IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing)NEURAL COMPUTATIONNeural NetworksIEEE TCYB(IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics)TNNLS(IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems)ICMLCVPRICCVICLR目录说明这篇博客主要用于记录2023年在一些顶会顶刊(AAAI、CVPR等)上发表的一些不错的SNN方面的论文,会附上相关论文的链接,正在更新中… 更新SNN相关论文、动态信息,欢迎浏览讨论!
AAAI2023论文1: Reducing ANN-SNN Conversion Error through Residual Membrane Potential由北京大学余肇飞组发表于AAAI 2023。论文2: Exploring Temporal Information Dynamics in Spiking Neural Networks *NeurIPSIJCAI(International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence)IJCNN( International Joint Conference on Neural Networks)ICASSP(IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing)论文1: Adaptive Axonal Delays in feedforward spiking neural networks for accurate spoken word recognition *NEURAL COMPUTATIONNeural NetworksIEEE TCYB(IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics)TNNLS(IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems)ICMLCVPR论文1: Rate Gradient Approximation Attack Threats Deep Spiking Neural Networks由北京大学余肇飞组发表于CVPR 2023(暂无链接)。论文2: 1000 FPS HDR Video with a Spike-RGB Hybrid Camera由北京大学黄铁军组发表于CVPR 2023(暂无链接)。论文3: Constructing Deep Spiking Neural Networks from Artificial Neural Networks with Knowledge Distillation由浙江大学唐华锦组发表于CVPR 2023(暂无链接)。ICCVICLR论文1: Bridging the Gap between ANNs and SNNs by Calibrating Offset Spikes
由北京大学余肇飞组发表于ICLR 2023。论文2: A Unified Framework for Soft Threshold Pruning
由北京大学余肇飞组发表于ICLR 2023。论文3: Heterogeneous Neuronal and Synaptic Dynamics for Spike-Efficient Unsupervised Learning: Theory and Design Principles
论文4: Spiking Convolutional Neural Networks for Text Classification
论文5: Spikformer: When Spiking Neural Network Meets Transformer
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