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SLICSimple Linear Iterative Clustering,简单的线性迭代聚类
论文:2011-PAMI-SLIC Superpixels Compared to State-of-the-art Superpixel Methods
,其中指的是maximum spatial distance,超像素中包含的平均像素个数,即为S;指的是maximum color distance,在实际应用中通常用一个人为设定的常数m来表示即可。
代码实现源码地址:GitHub - aleenaniklaus/SLIC_superpixels: SLIC Superpixels* implementation was my final computer vision project. Superpixels are instrumental in segmentation. This implementation is a proof of concept as taken from SLICsuperpixels paper mentioned in README.SLIC Superpixels* implementation was my final computer vision project. Superpixels are instrumental in segmentation. This implementation is a proof of concept as taken from SLICsuperpixels paper mentioned in README. - GitHub - aleenaniklaus/SLIC_superpixels: SLIC Superpixels* implementation was my final computer vision project. Superpixels are instrumental in segmentation. This implementation is a proof of concept as taken from SLICsuperpixels paper mentioned in README.https://github.com/aleenaniklaus/SLIC_superpixels
稍微修改了一下代码细节,让大家能更加直观地看到超像素分割和原图信息的对应关系。另外,我们还能从超像素图导出一张超像素掩码(superpixel mask),也就是将超像素的边缘设置成0,超像素内部设置为1的mask。这个掩码能在一定程度上反映图片的结构信息。
import numpyimport cv2import tqdmimport argparse# 将原作者的sys转换成paramsparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='SLIC-python')parser.add_argument('--img_path', default='lena.png', type=str, help="单张图片的路径")parser.add_argument('--k', default=500, type=int, help="超像素个数")parser.add_argument('--SLIC_ITERATIONS', default=4, type=int, help="SLIC计算过程中的迭代次数")parser.add_argument('--m', default=40, type=int, help="权衡颜色和位置对距离影响的权重参数")args = parser.parse_args()def generate_pixels(): indnp = numpy.mgrid[0:SLIC_height, 0:SLIC_width].swapaxes(0, 2).swapaxes(0, 1) # 迭代SLIC_ITERATIONS次 for i in tqdm.tqdm(range(SLIC_ITERATIONS)): SLIC_distances = 1 * numpy.ones(img.shape[:2]) # 按次序取出聚类中心SLIC_centers[j] for j in range(SLIC_centers.shape[0]): # 框出该聚类中心的搜索范围 x_low, x_high = int(SLIC_centers[j][3] - step), int(SLIC_centers[j][3] + step) y_low, y_high = int(SLIC_centers[j][4] - step), int(SLIC_centers[j][4] + step) # 防止搜索范围超出图像边界[保证搜索范围有效性] if x_low <= 0: x_low = 0 if x_high > SLIC_width: x_high = SLIC_width if y_low <= 0: y_low = 0 if y_high > SLIC_height: y_high = SLIC_height # cropimg是该聚类中心对应的2S\times2S内的有效邻域 cropimg = SLIC_labimg[y_low: y_high, x_low: x_high] # 挨个像素算出颜色差 color_diff = cropimg - SLIC_labimg[int(SLIC_centers[j][4]), int(SLIC_centers[j][3])] # 算出颜色距离 color_distance = numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum(numpy.square(color_diff), axis=2)) yy, xx = numpy.ogrid[y_low: y_high, x_low: x_high] # 算出空间距离 pixdist = ((yy - SLIC_centers[j][4]) ** 2 + (xx - SLIC_centers[j][3]) ** 2) ** 0.5 # 运用论文中的(2)式计算邻域内pixel与该邻域中心的聚类中心的距离(加权求和) # SLIC_m is "m" in the paper, (m/S)*dxy dist = ((color_distance / SLIC_m) ** 2 + (pixdist / step) ** 2) ** 0.5 # 更新距离,更新了距离的pixel也更新聚类中心为SLIC_centers[j] distance_crop = SLIC_distances[y_low: y_high, x_low: x_high] idx = dist < distance_crop distance_crop[idx] = dist[idx] SLIC_distances[y_low: y_high, x_low: x_high] = distance_crop SLIC_clusters[y_low: y_high, x_low: x_high][idx] = j for k in range(len(SLIC_centers)): # 对于第k个聚类,找到聚类中心为SLIC_centers[k]的pixel idx = (SLIC_clusters == k) # 分别取出他们的颜色和位置索引 colornp = SLIC_labimg[idx] distnp = indnp[idx] # 重新计算聚类中心的颜色和位置坐标(这个聚类中心和k-means中的一样,不一定是已有的点) SLIC_centers[k][0:3] = numpy.sum(colornp, axis=0) sumy, sumx = numpy.sum(distnp, axis=0) SLIC_centers[k][3:] = sumx, sumy ### 注:numpy.sum(idx)是该聚类pixel数目 SLIC_centers[k] /= numpy.sum(idx)# At the end of the process, some stray labels may remain meaning some pixels# may end up having the same label as a larger pixel but not be connected to it# In the SLIC paper, it notes that these cases are rare, however this# implementation seems to have a lot of strays depending on the inputs givendef create_connectivity(): """ 按照论文的说法,总有那么些点和它对应的超像素是分离的(比较零散的碎点) 运用connected components algorithm来将这些零散的点分配给最近的聚类中心 """ label = 0 adj_label = 0 lims = int(SLIC_width * SLIC_height / SLIC_centers.shape[0]) new_clusters = -1 * numpy.ones(img.shape[:2]).astype(numpy.int64) elements = [] for i in range(SLIC_width): for j in range(SLIC_height): if new_clusters[j, i] == -1: elements = [] elements.append((j, i)) for dx, dy in [(-1, 0), (0, -1), (1, 0), (0, 1)]: x = elements[0][1] + dx y = elements[0][0] + dy if (x >= 0 and x < SLIC_width and y >= 0 and y < SLIC_height and new_clusters[y, x] >= 0): adj_label = new_clusters[y, x] # end # end # end count = 1 counter = 0 while counter < count: for dx, dy in [(-1, 0), (0, -1), (1, 0), (0, 1)]: x = elements[counter][1] + dx y = elements[counter][0] + dy if (x >= 0 and x < SLIC_width and y >= 0 and y < SLIC_height): if new_clusters[y, x] == -1 and SLIC_clusters[j, i] == SLIC_clusters[y, x]: elements.append((y, x)) new_clusters[y, x] = label count += 1 # end # end # end counter += 1 # end if (count <= lims >> 2): for counter in range(count): new_clusters[elements[counter]] = adj_label # end label -= 1 # end label += 1 # end # end SLIC_new_clusters = new_clusters# enddef display_contours(color): is_taken = numpy.zeros(img.shape[:2], numpy.bool) # 标志哪些点是聚类与聚类之间的edge contours = [] for i in range(SLIC_width): for j in range(SLIC_height): nr_p = 0 for dx, dy in [(-1, 0), (-1, -1), (0, -1), (1, -1), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1), (-1, 1)]: x = i + dx y = j + dy if x >= 0 and x < SLIC_width and y >= 0 and y < SLIC_height: if is_taken[y, x] == False and SLIC_clusters[j, i] != SLIC_clusters[y, x]: nr_p += 1 # end # end # end if nr_p >= 2: is_taken[j, i] = True contours.append([j, i]) # 将这些edge-pixel全用黑色来表示 for i in range(len(contours)): img[contours[i][0], contours[i][1]] = color mask[contours[i][0], contours[i][1]] = color # end# enddef find_local_minimum(center): """ 微调 在3\times3领域内找梯度最小的点作为初始聚类中心 """ min_grad = 1 loc_min = center for i in range(center[0] - 1, center[0] + 2): for j in range(center[1] - 1, center[1] + 2): c1 = SLIC_labimg[j + 1, i] c2 = SLIC_labimg[j, i + 1] c3 = SLIC_labimg[j, i] if ((c1[0] - c3[0]) ** 2) ** 0.5 + ((c2[0] - c3[0]) ** 2) ** 0.5 < min_grad: min_grad = abs(c1[0] - c3[0]) + abs(c2[0] - c3[0]) loc_min = [i, j] return loc_mindef calculate_centers(): """ 按照grid_cell初始化聚类中心 """ centers = [] for i in range(step, SLIC_width - int(step / 2), step): for j in range(step, SLIC_height - int(step / 2), step): nc = find_local_minimum(center=(i, j)) # 微调 color = SLIC_labimg[nc[1], nc[0]] center = [color[0], color[1], color[2], nc[0], nc[1]] # LAB+XY centers.append(center) return centers # 储存聚类中心的信息# 样例命令是slic.py Lenna.png 1000 40# sys.argv[1]是放图片路径# sys.argv[2]这个参数指示划分的superpixel的个数# sys.argv[3]这个参数是论文中的m与论文中的m对应,是计算点与点间的距离时用于衡量颜色距离和空间距离所占权重的重要参数# global variablesimg = cv2.imread(args.img_path)mask = 255 * numpy.ones(img.shape).astype('uint8')step = int((img.shape[0] * img.shape[1] / args.k) ** 0.5) # 每个superpixel中心之间的平均距离SLIC_m = args.mSLIC_ITERATIONS = args.SLIC_ITERATIONS # 迭代次数SLIC_height, SLIC_width = img.shape[:2]SLIC_labimg = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2LAB).astype(numpy.float64) # BGR转LAB# 初始化距离和每个点所属聚类中心SLIC_distances = 1 * numpy.ones(img.shape[:2])SLIC_clusters = -1 * SLIC_distances ### 我们应该是依靠这个搞出mask #### 聚类中心初始化SLIC_center_counts = numpy.zeros(len(calculate_centers()))SLIC_centers = numpy.array(calculate_centers())# maingenerate_pixels() # 迭代SLIC_ITERATIONS次,聚好各组点,算出他们的聚类中心位置和类颜色create_connectivity() # 后处理,对一些比较零散的点重新分配给邻近的聚类calculate_centers()display_contours([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])img2 = numpy.hstack((img, mask))cv2.imwrite(args.img_path.replace(".png","_{}_SLIC.png".format(args.k)), img2)结果展示我们用非常经典的lena图片来做展示:
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