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一、内置工具1.1 Pick & Partial先看看Pick和Partial工具的源码:
type Partial<T> = { [P in keyof T]?: T[P];};type Pick<T, K extends keyof T> = { [P in K]: T[P];};从代码和注释来看,
interface User { id: number; age: number; name: string;};// 相当于: type PartialUser = { id?: number; age?: number; name?: string; }type PartialUser = Partial<User>// 相当于: type PickUser = { id: number; age: number; }type PickUser = Pick<User, "id" | "age">现在实现一个需求:筛选出目标接口中的函数属性,删除其他属性。
// 目标接口interface Part { id: number name: string subparts: Part[] firstFn: (brand: string) => void, anotherFn: (channel: string) => string}首先遍历接口,将非函数类型的属性设置为never,如果是函数类型,取其属性名,然后通过Pick拿到函数类型成员集合:
type FunctionFilterNames<T> = {[K in keyof T]: T[K] extends Function ? K : never}[keyof T]type FunctionProperties<T> = Pick<T, FunctionPropertyNames<T>>完整代码:
type FunctionPropertyNames<T> = { [K in keyof T]: T[K] extends Function ? K : never }[keyof T]type FunctionProperties<T> = Pick<T, FunctionPropertyNames<T>>interface Part { id: number name: string subparts: Part[] firstFn: (brand: string) => void, anotherFn: (channel: string) => string}// 过滤出所有的函数key// type FnNames = "firstFn" | "anotherFn"type FnNames = FunctionPropertyNames<Part>// 根据对象的key获取函数接口集合// type FnProperties = {// firstFn: (brand: string) => void;// anotherFn: (channel: string) => string;// }type FnProperties = FunctionProperties<Part>let func: FnProperties = { firstFn: function (brand: string): void { throw new Error("Function not implemented.") }, anotherFn: function (channel: string): string { throw new Error("Function not implemented.") }}如果需要深 Partial 我们可以通过泛型递归来实现
type DeepPartial<T> = T extends Function ? T : T extends object ? { [P in keyof T]?: DeepPartial<T[P]> } : Ttype PartialObject = DeepPartial<object>1.2 Record先看看Record工具的源码:
/** * Construct a type with a set of properties K of type T */type Record<K extends keyof any, T> = { [P in K]: T;};从源码和注释来看,这个工具的目标是:以K中的每个属性作为key值,以T作为value构建一个map结构
type pets = 'dog' | 'cat';interface IPetInfo { name: string, age: number,}type IPets = Record<pets, IPetInfo>;const animalsInfo: IPets = { dog: { name: 'Ryuko', age: 1 }, cat: { name: 'Ryuko', age: 2 }}这个案例来源于这篇文章
enum IHttpMethods { GET = 'get', POST = 'post', DELETE = 'delete', PUT = 'put',}interface IHttpFn<T = any> { (url: string, config?: AxiosRequestConfig): Promise<T>}// 以enum参数为key,每个key对应一种请求方法// type IHttp = {// get: IHttpFn<any>;// post: IHttpFn<any>;// delete: IHttpFn<any>;// put: IHttpFn<any>;// }type IHttp = Record<IHttpMethods, IHttpFn>;接下来设置一个methods数组,稍后通过reduce方法遍历这个数组,目的是将所有的方法体放在一个对象httpMethods中,形式如下:
httpMethods = { get: [Function ()], post: [Function ()], delete: [Function ()], put: [Function ()]}最后将httpMethods暴露出去,那么外面就可以通过httpMethods.get(...)等方法直接调用:
const methods = ["get", "post", "delete", "put"];// map为total对象,method为当前遍历到的方法const httpMethods: IHttp = methods.reduce((map: any, method: string) => {map[method] = (url: string, options: AxiosRequestConfig = {...}) => { const { data, ...config } = options; \ return (axios as any)[method](url, data, config) .then((res: AxiosResponse) => { if (res.data.errCode) { //todo something } else { //todo something } }); } },{} )export default httpMethods完整代码:
enum IHttpMethods { GET = 'get', POST = 'post', DELETE = 'delete', PUT = 'put',}interface IHttpFn<T = any> { (url: string, config?: AxiosRequestConfig): Promise<T>}type IHttp = Record<IHttpMethods, IHttpFn>;const methods = ["get", "post", "delete", "put"];const httpMethods: IHttp = methods.reduce((map: any, method: string) => {map[method] = (url: string, options: AxiosRequestConfig = {...}) => { const { data, ...config } = options; \ return (axios as any)[method](url, data, config) .then((res: AxiosResponse) => { if (res.data.errCode) { //todo something } else { //todo something } }); } },{} )export default httpMethods1.3 Exclude & omit先看看Exclude和omit工具的源码:
type Exclude<T, U> = T extends U ? never : T;type Omit<T, K extends keyof any> = Pick<T, Exclude<keyof T, K>>;从代码和注释来看:
// 相当于: type A = 'a'type A = Exclude<'x' | 'a', 'x' | 'y' | 'z'>interface User { id: number; age: number; name: string;};// 相当于: type PickUser = { age: number; name: string; }type OmitUser = Omit<User, "id">举个例子,现在我们想引入第三方库中的组件,可以这样做:
// 获取参数类型import { Button } from 'library' // 但是未导出props typetype ButtonProps = React.ComponentProps<typeof Button> // 获取propstype AlertButtonProps = Omit<ButtonProps, 'onClick'> // 去除onClickconst AlertButton: React.FC<AlertButtonProps> = props => ( <Button onClick={() => alert('hello')} {...props} />)二、类型 “string” 没有调用签名 ts(2349)函数返回元组的时候,在使用的时候,元素可能是元组中的任意一个类型,比如:
function test<T>(name: T){let myName = nameconst setName = (newName: T): void => { if(typeof newName === 'string'){ console.log(newName.length); } } // console.log(typeof setName); // function return [myName, setName]}const [myName, setName] = test<string>("Ryuko")// 此表达式不可调用。"string | ((newName: string) => void)" 类型的部分要素不可调用。// 类型 "string" 没有调用签名。ts(2349)// setName("test")// 编译器无法判断setName是string还是一个函数,所以需要通过typeof手动判断if(typeof setName === 'function'){ setName("test") }console.log(myName); //Ryukoexport{}在这个报错案例中,第四行的typeof newName === 'string'判断也是很重要的知识点,面对联合类型传参的情况,我们常常需要通过类型判断来决定最后要执行哪个方法:
type Name = stringtype NameResolve = (name: string) => stringtype NameOrResolver = Name | NameResolvefunction getName(param: NameOrResolver): Name{ if(typeof param === 'string'){ return param }else{ return param("Ryuko") }}console.log(getName("Ryuko")); // Ryukoconsole.log(getName( (p: string) => { return p + "si" })); // Ryukosi三、类型 “string” 到类型 “number” 的转换可能是错误的ts(2352)// 类型 "string" 到类型 "number" 的转换可能是错误的,因为两种类型不能充分重叠。// 如果这是有意的,请先将表达式转换为 "unknown"// 在那些将取得任意值,但不知道具体类型的地方使用 unknown,而非 any。// let a = 'Ryuko' as number// 更正:先将数据转化为unknown,再将数据转化为子类型的numberlet a = ('Ryuko' as unknown) as numberexport {}这样的转换方式还可以用来定义html元素,比如我们想要通过dom操作,来改变某个超链接的url路径地址:
let elem = document.getElementById('id') as HTMLImageElement四、类型“string”的参数不能赋给类型“Method”的参数。ts(2345)type Method = 'get' | 'post' | 'delete'const requestConfig = { url: 'localhost: 3000', // config 中的 method 是string类型的菜蔬,而 request 方法中的Method参数 // method: 'get' // 解决办法 通过断言进行转换 method: 'get' as Method}function request(url: string, method: Method){ console.log(method);}// 类型“string”的参数不能赋给类型“Method”的参数。ts(2345)request(requestConfig.url, requestConfig.method)export {}4.1 相关案例这里再介绍一种情况:
type EventNames = 'click' | 'scroll' | 'mousemove';function handleEvent(ele: Element, event: EventNames) { console.log(event);}handleEvent(document.getElementById("app")!, "click")handleEvent(document.getElementById("app")!, "mousemove")在这个案例中,你可能会认为我传递过去的"click",以及"mousemove"是字符串,既然是字符串,就应该报错:类型“string”的参数不能赋给类型“EventNames”的参数。ts(2345)。
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