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学习 Python 之 Pygame 开发魂斗罗(十一)(教你学python)

学习 Python 之 Pygame 开发魂斗罗(十一) 学习 Python 之 Pygame 开发魂斗罗(十一)继续编写魂斗罗1. 改写主类函数中的代码顺序2. 修改玩家初始化3. 显示玩家生命值4. 设置玩家碰到敌人死亡5. 设置敌人子弹击中玩家6. 修改updatePlayerPosition()函数逻辑继续编写魂斗罗

推荐整理分享学习 Python 之 Pygame 开发魂斗罗(十一)(教你学python),希望有所帮助,仅作参考,欢迎阅读内容。

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在上次的博客学习 Python 之 Pygame 开发魂斗罗(十)中,我们实现了敌人死亡的爆炸效果,这次咱们实现一下玩家被敌人击中或者碰到敌人死亡的效果


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1. 改写主类函数中的代码顺序


def update(self, window, player1BulletList): # 加载背景 window.blit(self.background, self.backRect) # 敌人更新 enemyUpdate(MainGame.enemyList, MainGame.enemyBulletList) drawExplode(MainGame.explodeList) drawPlayerOneBullet(MainGame.player1BulletList) drawEnemyBullet(MainGame.enemyBulletList) # 更新人物 currentTime = pygame.time.get_ticks() MainGame.allSprites.update(self.keys, currentTime, player1BulletList) self.updatePlayerPosition() updateEnemyPosition() # 摄像机移动 self.camera() # 显示物体 MainGame.allSprites.draw(window) # 加载敌人 if -1503 < self.backRect.x < -1500: self.generateEnemy(MainGame.player1.rect.x + 600, POSITION_1, Direction.LEFT, pygame.time.get_ticks()) self.generateEnemy(MainGame.player1.rect.x - 360, POSITION_1, Direction.RIGHT, pygame.time.get_ticks()) if -1703 < self.backRect.x < -1700: self.generateEnemy(MainGame.player1.rect.x - 360, POSITION_1, Direction.RIGHT, pygame.time.get_ticks()) self.generateEnemy(MainGame.player1.rect.x - 400, POSITION_1, Direction.RIGHT, pygame.time.get_ticks()) for collider in MainGame.playerLandGroup: r = collider.draw(window, self.player1.rect.y) # 如果没有画出来,表示玩家高度低于直线,所有把直线从组中删除 if not r: # 删除前先检查一下是不是在组中 if collider in MainGame.playerColliderGroup: # 删除并加入栈 MainGame.colliderStack.insert(0, collider) MainGame.playerColliderGroup.remove(collider) else: # 如果画出来了,判断一下玩家距离是否高于线的距离 if collider.rect.y > self.player1.rect.bottom: # 如果是的话,且冲突栈不为空,那么从栈中取出一个元素放入冲突组,最前面的元素一定是先如队列的 if len(MainGame.colliderStack) > 0: f = MainGame.colliderStack.pop() MainGame.playerColliderGroup.add(f) MainGame.playerRiverGroup.draw(window)


def mapObjectMove(self): for sprite in MainGame.allSprites: sprite.rect.x -= self.cameraAdaption for collider in MainGame.playerColliderGroup: collider.rect.x -= self.cameraAdaption for collider in MainGame.colliderStack: collider.rect.x -= self.cameraAdaption for collider in MainGame.enemyColliderGroup: collider.rect.x -= self.cameraAdaption




def initBackground(self): # 读取背景图片 self.background = pygame.image.load('../Image/Map/1/Background/First(No Bridge).png') self.backRect = self.background.get_rect() self.background = pygame.transform.scale( self.background, (int(self.backRect.width * MAP_SCALE), int(self.backRect.height * MAP_SCALE)) ) self.backRect.x = -1280




2. 修改玩家初始化






def initPlayer1(life): if life == 0: pass MainGame.allSprites.remove(MainGame.player1) MainGame.player1 = PlayerOne(pygame.time.get_ticks(), life) MainGame.player1.rect.x = 80 MainGame.player1.rect.bottom = 0 # 把角色放入组中,方便统一管理 MainGame.allSprites.add(MainGame.player1)





分析一下原因:第一次调用这个函数的时候,allSprites是None,如下图 我们把None改一下 这样就可以啦,再运行一下游戏,看看还有没有问题


3. 显示玩家生命值



# 显示玩家生命值self.lifeImage = loadImage('../Image/Player/Player1/Life/life.png')


def drawLifeImage(self, window): # 如果玩家的生命值大于3,那么生命值图标就显示3个 if MainGame.player1.life > 3: number = 3 # 否则,有几个显示几个,肯定不超过三个 else: number = MainGame.player1.life rect = self.lifeImage.get_rect() # 设置生命值图标的显示位置 rect.y = 5 for i in range(number): # 每个图标之间的距离为25像素 rect.x = 5 + i * 20 window.blit(self.lifeImage, rect)学习 Python 之 Pygame 开发魂斗罗(十一)(教你学python)





4. 设置玩家碰到敌人死亡


# 与敌人碰撞if pygame.sprite.spritecollideany(MainGame.player1, MainGame.enemyGroup): MainGame.player1.life -= 1 initPlayer1(MainGame.player1.life)


def updatePlayerPosition(self): # 在index的循环次数中,不进行碰撞检测,用来让玩家向下跳跃 if self.index > 0: self.index -= 1 self.player1.rect.x += self.player1.xSpeed self.player1.rect.y += self.player1.ySpeed self.player1.isDown = False else: # 首先更新y的位置 self.player1.rect.y += self.player1.ySpeed # 玩家向下跳跃,35次循环内不进行碰撞检测 if self.player1.state == State.JUMP and self.player1.isDown: self.index = 35 # 玩家向上跳跃,15次循环内不进行碰撞检测 elif self.player1.state == State.JUMP and self.player1.isUp: self.index = 15 else: # 检测碰撞 # 这里是玩家和所有碰撞组中的碰撞体检测碰撞,如果发生了碰撞,就会返回碰撞到的碰撞体对象 collider = pygame.sprite.spritecollideany(self.player1, MainGame.playerColliderGroup) # 如果发生碰撞,判断是不是在河里 if collider in MainGame.playerRiverGroup: # 在河里设置isInWater self.player1.isInWater = True # 设置玩家在河里不能跳跃 self.player1.isJumping = False # 默认落下去是站在河里的 self.player1.isStanding = True # 玩家方向不能向下 self.player1.isDown = False # 根据玩家方向,加载落入河中的一瞬间的图片 if self.player1.direction == Direction.RIGHT: self.player1.image = self.player1.rightInWaterImage else: self.player1.image = self.player1.leftInWaterImage # 判断是不是在陆地上 elif collider in MainGame.playerLandGroup: self.player1.isInWater = False # 如果发生碰撞 if collider: # 判断一下人物的y速度,如果大于0,则说明玩家已经接触到了碰撞体表面,需要让玩家站在表面,不掉下去 if self.player1.ySpeed > 0: self.player1.ySpeed = 0 self.player1.state = State.WALK self.player1.rect.bottom = collider.rect.top else: # 否则的话,我们创建一个玩家的复制 tempPlayer = copy.copy(self.player1) # 让玩家的纵坐标—+1,看看有没有发生碰撞 tempPlayer.rect.y += 1 # 如果没有发生碰撞,就说明玩家下面不是碰撞体,是空的 if not pygame.sprite.spritecollideany(tempPlayer, MainGame.playerColliderGroup): # 如果此时不是跳跃状态,那么就让玩家变成下落状态,因为玩家在跳跃时,是向上跳跃,不需要对下面的物体进行碰撞检测 if tempPlayer.state != State.JUMP: self.player1.state = State.FALL tempPlayer.rect.y -= 1 # 与敌人碰撞 if pygame.sprite.spritecollideany(MainGame.player1, MainGame.enemyGroup): MainGame.player1.life -= 1 initPlayer1(MainGame.player1.life) # 更新x的位置 self.player1.rect.x += self.player1.xSpeed # 同样的检查碰撞 collider = pygame.sprite.spritecollideany(self.player1, MainGame.playerColliderGroup) # 如果发生了碰撞 if collider: # 判断玩家的x方向速度,如果大于0,表示右边有碰撞体 if self.player1.xSpeed > 0: # 设置玩家的右边等于碰撞体的左边 self.player1.rect.right = collider.rect.left else: # 左边有碰撞体 self.player1.rect.left = collider.rect.right self.player1.xSpeed = 0 tempPlayer = copy.copy(self.player1) tempPlayer.rect.y += 1 if c := pygame.sprite.spritecollideany(tempPlayer, MainGame.playerColliderGroup): if c in MainGame.playerLandGroup: self.player1.isInWater = False elif c in MainGame.playerRiverGroup: self.player1.isInWater = True tempPlayer.rect.y -= 1




5. 设置敌人子弹击中玩家



class ExplodeVariety(Enum): CIRCLE = 1 BRIDGE = 2 PLAYER1 = 3




class Explode: def __init__(self, object, variety = ExplodeVariety.CIRCLE, isUseTime = False): # 获取爆炸对象的位置 self.rect = object.rect if variety == ExplodeVariety.CIRCLE: self.images = [ loadImage('../Image/Explode/circleExplode1.png'), loadImage('../Image/Explode/circleExplode1.png'), loadImage('../Image/Explode/circleExplode1.png'), loadImage('../Image/Explode/circleExplode1.png'), loadImage('../Image/Explode/circleExplode2.png'), loadImage('../Image/Explode/circleExplode2.png'), loadImage('../Image/Explode/circleExplode2.png'), loadImage('../Image/Explode/circleExplode2.png'), loadImage('../Image/Explode/circleExplode3.png'), loadImage('../Image/Explode/circleExplode3.png'), loadImage('../Image/Explode/circleExplode3.png'), loadImage('../Image/Explode/circleExplode3.png'), ] elif variety == ExplodeVariety.BRIDGE: self.images = [ loadImage('../Image/Explode/bridgeExplode1.png'), loadImage('../Image/Explode/bridgeExplode2.png'), loadImage('../Image/Explode/bridgeExplode3.png'), ] elif variety == ExplodeVariety.PLAYER1: self.images = [ loadImage('../Image/Player/Player1/Death/death.png'), loadImage('../Image/Player/Player1/Death/death.png'), loadImage('../Image/Player/Player1/Death/death.png'), loadImage('../Image/Player/Player1/Death/death.png'), loadImage('../Image/Player/Player1/Death/death.png'), ] self.index = 0 self.image = self.images[self.index] self.isDestroy = False self.isUseTime = isUseTime self.lastTime = None def draw(self, window, currentTime = None): if self.isUseTime: if currentTime - self.lastTime > 115: # 根据索引获取爆炸对象, 添加到主窗口 # 让图像加载五次,这里可以换成五张大小不一样的爆炸图片,可以实现让爆炸效果从小变大的效果 if self.index < len(self.images): self.image = self.images[self.index] self.index += 1 window.blit(self.image, self.rect) else: self.isDestroy = True self.index = 0 self.lastTime = currentTime else: window.blit(self.image, self.rect) else: # 根据索引获取爆炸对象, 添加到主窗口 # 让图像加载五次,这里可以换成五张大小不一样的爆炸图片,可以实现让爆炸效果从小变大的效果 if self.index < len(self.images): self.image = self.images[self.index] self.index += 1 window.blit(self.image, self.rect) else: self.isDestroy = True self.index = 0


def collidePlayer(self, player, explodeList): # 函数的返回值用来表示是否要重新初始化玩家 # 如果当前子弹和玩家发生碰撞 if pygame.sprite.collide_rect(self, player): self.isDestroy = True # 玩家生命值减少1 player.life -= 1 # 加入玩家的死亡效果 explodeList.append(Explode(player, ExplodeVariety.PLAYER1)) # 返回True return True return False








6. 修改updatePlayerPosition()函数逻辑



def riverCollide(self): # 在河里设置isInWater self.player1.isInWater = True # 设置玩家在河里不能跳跃 self.player1.isJumping = False # 默认落下去是站在河里的 self.player1.isStanding = True # 玩家方向不能向下 self.player1.isDown = False # 根据玩家方向,加载落入河中的一瞬间的图片 if self.player1.direction == Direction.RIGHT: self.player1.image = self.player1.rightInWaterImage else: self.player1.image = self.player1.leftInWaterImage





import copyimport sysimport pygamefrom Constants import *from PlayerOne import PlayerOnefrom Collider import Colliderfrom Enemy1 import Enemy1from Explode import Explodedef drawPlayerOneBullet(player1BulletList): for bullet in player1BulletList: if bullet.isDestroy: player1BulletList.remove(bullet) else: bullet.draw(MainGame.window) bullet.move() bullet.collideEnemy(MainGame.enemyList, MainGame.explodeList)def enemyUpdate(enemyList, enemyBulletList): # 遍历整个敌人列表 for enemy in enemyList: # 如果敌人已经被摧毁了 if enemy.isDestroy: # 删除它的相关信息 enemyList.remove(enemy) MainGame.allSprites.remove(enemy) MainGame.enemyGroup.remove(enemy) # 否则 else: # 检查位置 enemy.checkPosition(MainGame.player1.rect.x, MainGame.player1.rect.y) # 显示敌人 enemy.draw(pygame.time.get_ticks()) # 敌人移动 enemy.move(pygame.time.get_ticks()) # 敌人开火 enemy.fire(enemyBulletList)def updateEnemyPosition(): # 遍历全部敌人列表 for enemy in MainGame.enemyList: # 创建一个复制 t = copy.copy(enemy) t.rect.y += 1 # 让复制的y加1,看看有没有发生碰撞,这里看的碰撞是enemyColliderGroup中的碰撞 collide = pygame.sprite.spritecollideany(t, MainGame.enemyColliderGroup) # 没有发生碰撞,让敌人下落 if not collide: enemy.rect.y += 4 enemy.isFalling = True # 改变下落时的图片 enemy.image = enemy.rightFallImage if enemy.direction == Direction.RIGHT else enemy.leftFallImage else: enemy.isFalling = False # 如果与河发生碰撞,表示敌人落到了水中,那么敌人直接死亡 if collide in MainGame.enemyRiverGroup: enemy.isDestroy = True MainGame.explodeList.append(Explode(enemy)) t.rect.y -= 1def drawEnemyBullet(enemyBulletList): for bullet in enemyBulletList: if bullet.isDestroy: enemyBulletList.remove(bullet) else: bullet.draw(MainGame.window) bullet.move() if bullet.collidePlayer(MainGame.player1, MainGame.explodeList): initPlayer1(MainGame.player1.life)def initLand(): land1 = Collider(81, 119 * MAP_SCALE, 737 * MAP_SCALE, LAND_THICKNESS * MAP_SCALE) land2 = Collider(400, 151 * MAP_SCALE, 96 * MAP_SCALE, LAND_THICKNESS * MAP_SCALE) land3 = Collider(640, 183 * MAP_SCALE, 33 * MAP_SCALE, LAND_THICKNESS * MAP_SCALE) land4 = Collider(880, 183 * MAP_SCALE, 33 * MAP_SCALE, LAND_THICKNESS * MAP_SCALE) land5 = Collider(720, 215 * MAP_SCALE, 2 * LAND_LENGTH * MAP_SCALE, LAND_THICKNESS * MAP_SCALE) land6 = Collider(1040, 154 * MAP_SCALE, 2 * LAND_LENGTH * MAP_SCALE, LAND_THICKNESS * MAP_SCALE) land7 = Collider(1600, 166 * MAP_SCALE, 3 * LAND_LENGTH * MAP_SCALE, LAND_THICKNESS * MAP_SCALE) land8 = Collider(1120 * RATIO, 215 * MAP_SCALE, 2 * LAND_LENGTH * MAP_SCALE, LAND_THICKNESS * MAP_SCALE) land9 = Collider(1650 * RATIO, 119 * MAP_SCALE, 5 * LAND_LENGTH * MAP_SCALE, LAND_THICKNESS * MAP_SCALE) land10 = Collider(2185 * RATIO, 119 * MAP_SCALE, 8 * LAND_LENGTH * MAP_SCALE, LAND_THICKNESS * MAP_SCALE) land11 = Collider(2595 * RATIO, 215 * MAP_SCALE, 3 * LAND_LENGTH * MAP_SCALE, LAND_THICKNESS * MAP_SCALE) land12 = Collider(2770 * RATIO, 167 * MAP_SCALE, 2 * LAND_LENGTH * MAP_SCALE, LAND_THICKNESS * MAP_SCALE) land13 = Collider(2535 * RATIO, 87 * MAP_SCALE, 16 * LAND_LENGTH * MAP_SCALE, LAND_THICKNESS * MAP_SCALE) land14 = Collider(2950 * RATIO, 151 * MAP_SCALE, 7 * LAND_LENGTH * MAP_SCALE, LAND_THICKNESS * MAP_SCALE) land15 = Collider(3185 * RATIO, 215 * MAP_SCALE, 6 * LAND_LENGTH * MAP_SCALE, LAND_THICKNESS * MAP_SCALE) MainGame.playerLandGroup = pygame.sprite.Group( land1, land2, land3, land4, land5, land6, land7, land8, land9, land10, land11, land12, land13, land14, land15 ) eland1 = Collider(81, 119 * MAP_SCALE, 737 * MAP_SCALE, LAND_THICKNESS * MAP_SCALE) eland9 = Collider(1650 * RATIO, 119 * MAP_SCALE, 5 * LAND_LENGTH * MAP_SCALE, LAND_THICKNESS * MAP_SCALE) MainGame.enemyLandGroup = pygame.sprite.Group(eland1, eland9) MainGame.playerColliderGroup.add(MainGame.playerLandGroup) MainGame.enemyColliderGroup.add(MainGame.enemyLandGroup)def initRiver(): river1 = Collider(0, 215 * MAP_SCALE, 289 * MAP_SCALE, LAND_THICKNESS * MAP_SCALE, (0, 0, 255)) river2 = Collider(880, 215 * MAP_SCALE, 255 * MAP_SCALE, LAND_THICKNESS * MAP_SCALE, (0, 0, 255)) river3 = Collider(1680, 215 * MAP_SCALE, 737 * MAP_SCALE, LAND_THICKNESS * MAP_SCALE, (0, 0, 255)) eRiver1 = Collider(0, 215 * MAP_SCALE, 289 * MAP_SCALE, LAND_THICKNESS * MAP_SCALE, (0, 0, 255)) eRiver3 = Collider(1680, 215 * MAP_SCALE, 737 * MAP_SCALE, LAND_THICKNESS * MAP_SCALE, (0, 0, 255)) MainGame.playerRiverGroup = pygame.sprite.Group(river1, river2, river3) MainGame.enemyRiverGroup = pygame.sprite.Group(eRiver1, eRiver3) MainGame.playerColliderGroup.add(MainGame.playerRiverGroup) MainGame.enemyColliderGroup.add(MainGame.enemyRiverGroup)def drawExplode(explodeList): for explode in explodeList: if explode.isDestroy: explodeList.remove(explode) else: if explode.isUseTime: explode.draw(MainGame.window, pygame.time.get_ticks()) else: explode.draw(MainGame.window)def initPlayer1(life): if life == 0: pass MainGame.allSprites.remove(MainGame.player1) MainGame.player1 = PlayerOne(pygame.time.get_ticks(), life) MainGame.player1.rect.x = 80 MainGame.player1.rect.bottom = 0 # 把角色放入组中,方便统一管理 MainGame.allSprites.add(MainGame.player1)class MainGame: player1 = None allSprites = pygame.sprite.Group() # 敌人 enemyList = [] window = None # 子弹 player1BulletList = [] enemyBulletList = [] # 爆炸效果 explodeList = [] # 冲突 playerLandGroup = pygame.sprite.Group() playerRiverGroup = pygame.sprite.Group() enemyLandGroup = pygame.sprite.Group() enemyRiverGroup = pygame.sprite.Group() playerColliderGroup = pygame.sprite.Group() enemyColliderGroup = pygame.sprite.Group() enemyGroup = pygame.sprite.Group() bridgeGroup = pygame.sprite.Group() # 冲突栈 colliderStack = [] def __init__(self): # 设置成员变量 self.background = None self.backRect = None # 初始化展示模块 pygame.display.init() SCREEN_SIZE = (SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT) # 初始化窗口 MainGame.window = pygame.display.set_mode(SCREEN_SIZE) # 设置窗口标题 pygame.display.set_caption('魂斗罗角色') # 是否结束游戏 self.isEnd = False # 获取按键 self.keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() # 帧率 self.fps = 60 self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() # 角色 initPlayer1(3) # 加载背景 self.initBackground() # 摄像头调整 self.cameraAdaption = 0 # 加载场景景物 initLand() initRiver() # 碰撞失效间隔 self.index = 0 # 显示玩家生命值 self.lifeImage = loadImage('../Image/Player/Player1/Life/life.png') def run(self): while not self.isEnd: # 设置背景颜色 pygame.display.get_surface().fill((0, 0, 0)) # 游戏场景和景物更新函数 self.update(MainGame.window, MainGame.player1BulletList) # 获取窗口中的事件 self.getPlayingModeEvent() # 更新窗口 pygame.display.update() # 设置帧率 self.clock.tick(self.fps) fps = self.clock.get_fps() caption = '魂斗罗 - {:.2f}'.format(fps) pygame.display.set_caption(caption) else: sys.exit() def getPlayingModeEvent(self): # 获取事件列表 for event in pygame.event.get(): # 点击窗口关闭按钮 if event.type == pygame.QUIT: self.isEnd = True # 键盘按键按下 elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: self.keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() # 键盘按键抬起 elif event.type == pygame.KEYUP: self.keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() def update(self, window, player1BulletList): # 加载背景 window.blit(self.background, self.backRect) # 显示生命图标 self.drawLifeImage(MainGame.window) # 敌人更新 enemyUpdate(MainGame.enemyList, MainGame.enemyBulletList) drawExplode(MainGame.explodeList) drawPlayerOneBullet(MainGame.player1BulletList) drawEnemyBullet(MainGame.enemyBulletList) # 更新人物 currentTime = pygame.time.get_ticks() MainGame.allSprites.update(self.keys, currentTime, player1BulletList) self.updatePlayerPosition() updateEnemyPosition() # 摄像机移动 self.camera() # 显示物体 MainGame.allSprites.draw(window) # 加载敌人 if -1503 < self.backRect.x < -1500: self.generateEnemy(MainGame.player1.rect.x + 600, POSITION_1, Direction.LEFT, pygame.time.get_ticks()) self.generateEnemy(MainGame.player1.rect.x - 360, POSITION_1, Direction.RIGHT, pygame.time.get_ticks()) if -1703 < self.backRect.x < -1700: self.generateEnemy(MainGame.player1.rect.x - 360, POSITION_1, Direction.RIGHT, pygame.time.get_ticks()) self.generateEnemy(MainGame.player1.rect.x - 400, POSITION_1, Direction.RIGHT, pygame.time.get_ticks()) for collider in MainGame.playerLandGroup: r = collider.draw(window, self.player1.rect.y) # 如果没有画出来,表示玩家高度低于直线,所有把直线从组中删除 if not r: # 删除前先检查一下是不是在组中 if collider in MainGame.playerColliderGroup: # 删除并加入栈 MainGame.colliderStack.insert(0, collider) MainGame.playerColliderGroup.remove(collider) else: # 如果画出来了,判断一下玩家距离是否高于线的距离 if collider.rect.y > self.player1.rect.bottom: # 如果是的话,且冲突栈不为空,那么从栈中取出一个元素放入冲突组,最前面的元素一定是先如队列的 if len(MainGame.colliderStack) > 0: f = MainGame.colliderStack.pop() MainGame.playerColliderGroup.add(f) MainGame.playerRiverGroup.draw(window) def camera(self): # 如果玩家的右边到达了屏幕的一半 if self.player1.rect.right > SCREEN_WIDTH / 2: if not (self.backRect.x <= -3500 * MAP_SCALE): # 计算出超过的距离 self.cameraAdaption = self.player1.rect.right - SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 # 让背景向右走这么多距离 self.backRect.x -= self.cameraAdaption # 场景中的物体都走这么多距离 self.mapObjectMove() def mapObjectMove(self): for sprite in MainGame.allSprites: sprite.rect.x -= self.cameraAdaption for collider in MainGame.playerColliderGroup: collider.rect.x -= self.cameraAdaption for collider in MainGame.colliderStack: collider.rect.x -= self.cameraAdaption for collider in MainGame.enemyColliderGroup: collider.rect.x -= self.cameraAdaption def updatePlayerPosition(self): # 在index的循环次数中,不进行碰撞检测,用来让玩家向下跳跃 if self.index > 0: self.index -= 1 self.player1.rect.x += self.player1.xSpeed self.player1.rect.y += self.player1.ySpeed self.player1.isDown = False else: # 首先更新y的位置 self.player1.rect.y += self.player1.ySpeed # 玩家向下跳跃,35次循环内不进行碰撞检测 if self.player1.state == State.JUMP and self.player1.isDown: self.index = 35 # 玩家向上跳跃,15次循环内不进行碰撞检测 elif self.player1.state == State.JUMP and self.player1.isUp: self.index = 15 else: # 检测碰撞 # 这里是玩家和所有碰撞组中的碰撞体检测碰撞,如果发生了碰撞,就会返回碰撞到的碰撞体对象 collider = pygame.sprite.spritecollideany(self.player1, MainGame.playerColliderGroup) # 如果发生碰撞,判断是不是在河里 if collider in MainGame.playerRiverGroup: self.riverCollide() # 判断是不是在陆地上 elif collider in MainGame.playerLandGroup: self.player1.isInWater = False # 如果发生碰撞 if collider: # 判断一下人物的y速度,如果大于0,则说明玩家已经接触到了碰撞体表面,需要让玩家站在表面,不掉下去 if self.player1.ySpeed > 0: self.player1.ySpeed = 0 self.player1.state = State.WALK self.player1.rect.bottom = collider.rect.top else: # 否则的话,我们创建一个玩家的复制 tempPlayer = copy.copy(self.player1) # 让玩家的纵坐标—+1,看看有没有发生碰撞 tempPlayer.rect.y += 1 # 如果没有发生碰撞,就说明玩家下面不是碰撞体,是空的 if not pygame.sprite.spritecollideany(tempPlayer, MainGame.playerColliderGroup): # 如果此时不是跳跃状态,那么就让玩家变成下落状态,因为玩家在跳跃时,是向上跳跃,不需要对下面的物体进行碰撞检测 if tempPlayer.state != State.JUMP: self.player1.state = State.FALL tempPlayer.rect.y -= 1 # 与敌人碰撞 if pygame.sprite.spritecollideany(MainGame.player1, MainGame.enemyGroup): MainGame.player1.life -= 1 MainGame.explodeList.append(Explode(MainGame.player1, ExplodeVariety.PLAYER1)) initPlayer1(MainGame.player1.life) # 更新x的位置 self.player1.rect.x += self.player1.xSpeed # 同样的检查碰撞 collider = pygame.sprite.spritecollideany(self.player1, MainGame.playerColliderGroup) # 如果发生了碰撞 if collider: # 判断玩家的x方向速度,如果大于0,表示右边有碰撞体 if self.player1.xSpeed > 0: # 设置玩家的右边等于碰撞体的左边 self.player1.rect.right = collider.rect.left else: # 左边有碰撞体 self.player1.rect.left = collider.rect.right self.player1.xSpeed = 0 tempPlayer = copy.copy(self.player1) tempPlayer.rect.y += 1 if c := pygame.sprite.spritecollideany(tempPlayer, MainGame.playerColliderGroup): if c in MainGame.playerLandGroup: self.player1.isInWater = False elif c in MainGame.playerRiverGroup: self.player1.isInWater = True tempPlayer.rect.y -= 1 def riverCollide(self): # 在河里设置isInWater self.player1.isInWater = True # 设置玩家在河里不能跳跃 self.player1.isJumping = False # 默认落下去是站在河里的 self.player1.isStanding = True # 玩家方向不能向下 self.player1.isDown = False # 根据玩家方向,加载落入河中的一瞬间的图片 if self.player1.direction == Direction.RIGHT: self.player1.image = self.player1.rightInWaterImage else: self.player1.image = self.player1.leftInWaterImage def generateEnemy(self, x, y, direction, currentTime): # 根据玩家的当前位置和方向产生一个敌人 enemy = Enemy1(x, y, direction, currentTime) # 分别加入敌人列表,所有角色组,敌人碰撞组 MainGame.enemyList.append(enemy) MainGame.allSprites.add(enemy) MainGame.enemyGroup.add(enemy) def initBackground(self): # 读取背景图片 self.background = pygame.image.load('../Image/Map/1/Background/First(No Bridge).png') self.backRect = self.background.get_rect() self.background = pygame.transform.scale( self.background, (int(self.backRect.width * MAP_SCALE), int(self.backRect.height * MAP_SCALE)) ) self.backRect.x = -1280 def drawLifeImage(self, window): # 如果玩家的生命值大于3,那么生命值图标就显示3个 if MainGame.player1.life > 3: number = 3 # 否则,有几个显示几个,肯定不超过三个 else: number = MainGame.player1.life rect = self.lifeImage.get_rect() # 设置生命值图标的显示位置 rect.y = 5 for i in range(number): # 每个图标之间的距离为25像素 rect.x = 5 + i * 20 window.blit(self.lifeImage, rect)if __name__ == '__main__': MainGame().run()


import pygamefrom Constants import *from Explode import Explodeclass Bullet(pygame.sprite.Sprite): def __init__(self, person, isEnemy = False): pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) self.images = [ loadImage('../Image/Bullet/bullet1.png') ] self.index = 0 self.image = self.images[self.index] # 速度 self.xSpeed = 1 self.ySpeed = 1 self.rect = pygame.Rect(person.rect) if not isEnemy: if person.isInWater: self.waterPosition(person) else: self.landPosition(person) else: if person.direction == Direction.RIGHT: self.rect.x += 27 * PLAYER_SCALE self.rect.y += 7 * PLAYER_SCALE self.ySpeed = 0 self.xSpeed = 7 else: self.rect.x += -1 * PLAYER_SCALE self.rect.y += 7 * PLAYER_SCALE self.ySpeed = 0 self.xSpeed = -7 # 销毁开关 self.isDestroy = False def landPosition(self, person): if person.isStanding: if person.direction == Direction.RIGHT: if person.isUp: self.rect.x += 10 * PLAYER_SCALE self.rect.y += -1 * PLAYER_SCALE self.ySpeed = -7 self.xSpeed = 0 else: self.rect.x += 24 * PLAYER_SCALE self.rect.y += 11 * PLAYER_SCALE self.ySpeed = 0 self.xSpeed = 7 else: if person.isUp: self.rect.x += 10 * PLAYER_SCALE self.rect.y += -1 * PLAYER_SCALE self.ySpeed = -7 self.xSpeed = 0 else: self.rect.y += 11 * PLAYER_SCALE self.ySpeed = 0 self.xSpeed = -7 elif person.isSquating and not person.isWalking: if person.direction == Direction.RIGHT: self.rect.x += 34 * PLAYER_SCALE self.rect.y += 25 * PLAYER_SCALE self.ySpeed = 0 self.xSpeed = 7 else: self.rect.y += 25 * PLAYER_SCALE self.ySpeed = 0 self.xSpeed = -7 elif person.isWalking: if person.direction == Direction.RIGHT: if person.isUp: self.rect.x += 20 * PLAYER_SCALE self.rect.y += -1 * PLAYER_SCALE self.ySpeed = -7 self.xSpeed = 7 elif person.isDown: self.rect.x += 21 * PLAYER_SCALE self.rect.y += 20 * PLAYER_SCALE self.ySpeed = 7 self.xSpeed = 7 else: self.rect.x += 24 * PLAYER_SCALE self.rect.y += 11 * PLAYER_SCALE self.ySpeed = 0 self.xSpeed = 7 else: if person.isUp: self.rect.x += -3 * PLAYER_SCALE self.rect.y += -1 * PLAYER_SCALE self.ySpeed = -7 self.xSpeed = -7 elif person.isDown: self.rect.x += -3 * PLAYER_SCALE self.rect.y += 20 * PLAYER_SCALE self.ySpeed = 7 self.xSpeed = -7 else: self.rect.y += 11 * PLAYER_SCALE self.ySpeed = 0 self.xSpeed = -7 elif person.isJumping or person.state == State.FALL: if person.direction == Direction.RIGHT: self.rect.x += 16 * PLAYER_SCALE self.rect.y += 8 * PLAYER_SCALE self.ySpeed = 0 self.xSpeed = 7 else: self.rect.x += -2 * PLAYER_SCALE self.rect.y += 8 * PLAYER_SCALE self.ySpeed = 0 self.xSpeed = -7 def waterPosition(self, person): if person.isStanding: if person.direction == Direction.RIGHT: if person.isUp: self.rect.x += 14 * PLAYER_SCALE self.rect.y += 7 * PLAYER_SCALE self.ySpeed = -7 self.xSpeed = 0 else: self.rect.x += 27 * PLAYER_SCALE self.rect.y += 29 * PLAYER_SCALE self.ySpeed = 0 self.xSpeed = 7 else: if person.isUp: self.rect.x += 7 * PLAYER_SCALE self.rect.y += 3 * PLAYER_SCALE self.ySpeed = -7 self.xSpeed = 0 else: self.rect.x += -1 * PLAYER_SCALE self.rect.y += 29 * PLAYER_SCALE self.ySpeed = 0 self.xSpeed = -7 elif person.isWalking: if person.direction == Direction.RIGHT: if person.isUp: self.rect.x += 23 * PLAYER_SCALE self.rect.y += 17 * PLAYER_SCALE self.ySpeed = -7 self.xSpeed = 7 else: self.rect.x += 27 * PLAYER_SCALE self.rect.y += 29 * PLAYER_SCALE self.ySpeed = 0 self.xSpeed = 7 else: if person.isUp: self.rect.x += -3 * PLAYER_SCALE self.rect.y += -1 * PLAYER_SCALE self.ySpeed = -7 self.xSpeed = -7 else: self.rect.x += -1 * PLAYER_SCALE self.rect.y += 29 * PLAYER_SCALE self.ySpeed = 0 self.xSpeed = -7 def move(self): self.rect.x += self.xSpeed self.rect.y += self.ySpeed self.checkBullet() def draw(self, window): window.blit(self.image, self.rect) def checkBullet(self): toDestroy = False if self.rect.top < 0 or self.rect.top > 600: toDestroy = True if self.rect.left < 0 or self.rect.right > 900: toDestroy = True if toDestroy: self.isDestroy = True def collideEnemy(self, enemyList, explodeList): for enemy in enemyList: if pygame.sprite.collide_rect(self, enemy): self.isDestroy = True enemy.isDestroy = True explodeList.append(Explode(enemy)) def collidePlayer(self, player, explodeList): # 函数的返回值用来表示是否要重新初始化玩家 # 如果当前子弹和玩家发生碰撞 if pygame.sprite.collide_rect(self, player): self.isDestroy = True # 玩家生命值减少1 player.life -= 1 # 加入玩家的死亡效果 explodeList.append(Explode(player, ExplodeVariety.PLAYER1)) # 返回True return True return False


import pygamefrom Constants import *from Bullet import Bulletclass PlayerOne(pygame.sprite.Sprite): def __init__(self, currentTime, life): pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) # 加载角色图片 self.standRightImage = loadImage('../Image/Player/Player1/Right/stand.png') self.standLeftImage = loadImage('../Image/Player/Player1/Left/stand.png') self.upRightImage = loadImage('../Image/Player/Player1/Up/upRight(small).png') self.upLeftImage = loadImage('../Image/Player/Player1/Up/upLeft(small).png') self.downRightImage = loadImage('../Image/Player/Player1/Down/down.png') self.downLeftImage = loadImage('../Image/Player/Player1/Down/down.png', True) self.obliqueUpRightImages = [ loadImage('../Image/Player/Player1/Up/rightUp1.png'), loadImage('../Image/Player/Player1/Up/rightUp2.png'), loadImage('../Image/Player/Player1/Up/rightUp3.png'), ] self.obliqueUpLeftImages = [ loadImage('../Image/Player/Player1/Up/rightUp1.png', True), loadImage('../Image/Player/Player1/Up/rightUp2.png', True), loadImage('../Image/Player/Player1/Up/rightUp3.png', True), ] self.obliqueDownRightImages = [ loadImage('../Image/Player/Player1/ObliqueDown/1.png'), loadImage('../Image/Player/Player1/ObliqueDown/2.png'), loadImage('../Image/Player/Player1/ObliqueDown/3.png'), ] self.obliqueDownLeftImages = [ loadImage('../Image/Player/Player1/ObliqueDown/1.png', True), loadImage('../Image/Player/Player1/ObliqueDown/2.png', True), loadImage('../Image/Player/Player1/ObliqueDown/3.png', True), ] # 角色向右的全部图片 self.rightImages = [ loadImage('../Image/Player/Player1/Right/run1.png'), loadImage('../Image/Player/Player1/Right/run2.png'), loadImage('../Image/Player/Player1/Right/run3.png') ] # 角色向左的全部图片 self.leftImages = [ loadImage('../Image/Player/Player1/Left/run1.png'), loadImage('../Image/Player/Player1/Left/run2.png'), loadImage('../Image/Player/Player1/Left/run3.png') ] # 角色跳跃的全部图片 self.upRightImages = [ loadImage('../Image/Player/Player1/Jump/jump1.png'), loadImage('../Image/Player/Player1/Jump/jump2.png'), loadImage('../Image/Player/Player1/Jump/jump3.png'), loadImage('../Image/Player/Player1/Jump/jump4.png'), ] self.upLeftImages = [ loadImage('../Image/Player/Player1/Jump/jump1.png', True), loadImage('../Image/Player/Player1/Jump/jump2.png', True), loadImage('../Image/Player/Player1/Jump/jump3.png', True), loadImage('../Image/Player/Player1/Jump/jump4.png', True), ] self.rightFireImages = [ loadImage('../Image/Player/Player1/Right/fire1.png'), loadImage('../Image/Player/Player1/Right/fire2.png'), loadImage('../Image/Player/Player1/Right/fire3.png'), ] self.leftFireImages = [ loadImage('../Image/Player/Player1/Right/fire1.png', True), loadImage('../Image/Player/Player1/Right/fire2.png', True), loadImage('../Image/Player/Player1/Right/fire3.png', True), ] # 加载玩家在水中的图片 self.upRightImageInWater = loadImage('../Image/Player/Player1/Water/up.png') self.upLeftImageInWater = loadImage('../Image/Player/Player1/Water/up.png', True) self.diveRightImageInWater = loadImage('../Image/Player/Player1/Water/dive.png') self.diveLeftImageInWater = loadImage('../Image/Player/Player1/Water/dive.png', True) self.standRightImageInWater = loadImage('../Image/Player/Player1/Water/stand.png') self.standLeftImageInWater = loadImage('../Image/Player/Player1/Water/stand.png', True) self.fireRightInWater = loadImage('../Image/Player/Player1/Water/standFire.png') self.fireLeftInWater = loadImage('../Image/Player/Player1/Water/standFire.png', True) self.obliqueRightInWater = loadImage('../Image/Player/Player1/Water/obliqueRight.png') self.obliqueLeftInWater = loadImage('../Image/Player/Player1/Water/obliqueRight.png', True) self.rightInWaterImage = loadImage('../Image/Player/Player1/Water/inWater.png') self.leftInWaterImage = loadImage('../Image/Player/Player1/Water/inWater.png', True) # 角色左右移动下标 self.imageIndex = 0 # 角色跳跃下标 self.upImageIndex = 0 # 角色斜射下标 self.obliqueImageIndex = 0 # 上一次显示图片的时间 self.runLastTimer = currentTime self.fireLastTimer = currentTime # 选择当前要显示的图片 self.image = self.standRightImage # 获取图片的rect self.rect = self.image.get_rect() # 设置角色的状态 self.state = State.FALL # 角色的方向 self.direction = Direction.RIGHT # 速度 self.xSpeed = PLAYER_X_SPEED self.ySpeed = 0 self.jumpSpeed = -11 # 人物当前的状态标志 self.isStanding = False self.isWalking = False self.isJumping = True self.isSquating = False self.isFiring = False self.isInWater = False # 重力加速度 self.gravity = 0.8 # 玩家上下方向 self.isUp = False self.isDown = False self.life = life def update(self, keys, currentTime, playerBulletList): # 更新站或者走的状态 # 根据状态响应按键 if self.state == State.STAND: self.standing(keys, currentTime, playerBulletList) elif self.state == State.WALK: self.walking(keys, currentTime, playerBulletList) elif self.state == State.JUMP: self.jumping(keys, currentTime, playerBulletList) elif self.state == State.FALL: self.falling(keys, currentTime, playerBulletList) # 更新动画 if self.isInWater: self.waterUpdate() else: self.landUpdate() def landUpdate(self): # 跳跃状态 if self.isJumping: # 根据方向 if self.direction == Direction.RIGHT: # 方向向右,角色加载向右跳起的图片 self.image = self.upRightImages[self.upImageIndex] else: # 否则,方向向左,角色加载向左跳起的图片 self.image = self.upLeftImages[self.upImageIndex] # 角色蹲下 if self.isSquating: if self.direction == Direction.RIGHT: # 加载向右蹲下的图片 self.image = self.downRightImage else: # 加载向左蹲下的图片 self.image = self.downLeftImage # 角色站着 if self.isStanding: if self.direction == Direction.RIGHT: if self.isUp: # 加载向右朝上的图片 self.image = self.upRightImage elif self.isDown: # 加载向右蹲下的图片 self.image = self.downRightImage else: # 加载向右站着的图片 self.image = self.standRightImage else: # 向左也是同样的效果 if self.isUp: self.image = self.upLeftImage elif self.isDown: self.image = self.downLeftImage else: self.image = self.standLeftImage # 角色移动 if self.isWalking: if self.direction == Direction.RIGHT: if self.isUp: # 加载斜右上的图片 self.image = self.obliqueUpRightImages[self.obliqueImageIndex] elif self.isDown: # 加载斜右下的图片 self.image = self.obliqueDownRightImages[self.obliqueImageIndex] else: # 加载向右移动的图片,根据开火状态是否加载向右开火移动的图片 if self.isFiring: self.image = self.rightFireImages[self.imageIndex] else: self.image = self.rightImages[self.imageIndex] else: if self.isUp: self.image = self.obliqueUpLeftImages[self.obliqueImageIndex] elif self.isDown: self.image = self.obliqueDownLeftImages[self.obliqueImageIndex] else: if self.isFiring: self.image = self.leftFireImages[self.imageIndex] else: self.image = self.leftImages[self.imageIndex] def waterUpdate(self): if self.isSquating: if self.direction == Direction.RIGHT: self.image = self.diveRightImageInWater else: self.image = self.diveLeftImageInWater if self.isStanding: if self.direction == Direction.RIGHT: if self.isFiring: if self.isUp: self.image = self.upRightImageInWater else: self.image = self.fireRightInWater else: if self.isUp: self.image = self.upRightImageInWater else: self.image = self.standRightImageInWater else: if self.isFiring: if self.isUp: self.image = self.upLeftImageInWater else: self.image = self.fireLeftInWater else: if self.isUp: self.image = self.upLeftImageInWater else: self.image = self.standLeftImageInWater if self.isWalking: if self.direction == Direction.RIGHT: if self.isUp: self.image = self.obliqueRightInWater else: if self.isFiring: self.image = self.fireRightInWater else: self.image = self.standRightImageInWater else: if self.isUp: self.image = self.obliqueLeftInWater else: if self.isFiring: self.image = self.fireLeftInWater else: self.image = self.standLeftImageInWater def standing(self, keys, currentTime, playerBulletList): """角色站立""" # 设置角色状态 self.isStanding = True self.isWalking = False self.isJumping = False self.isSquating = False self.isUp = False self.isDown = False self.isFiring = False # 设置速度 self.ySpeed = 0 self.xSpeed = 0 # 按下A键 if keys[pygame.K_a]: # A按下,角色方向向左 self.direction = Direction.LEFT # 改变角色的状态,角色进入移动状态 self.state = State.WALK # 设置站立状态为False,移动状态为True self.isStanding = False self.isWalking = True # 向左移动,速度为负数,这样玩家的x坐标是减小的 self.xSpeed = -PLAYER_X_SPEED # 按下D键 elif keys[pygame.K_d]: # D按下,角色方向向右 self.direction = Direction.RIGHT # 改变角色的状态,角色进入移动状态 self.state = State.WALK # 设置站立状态为False,移动状态为True self.isStanding = False self.isWalking = True # 向右移动,速度为正数 self.xSpeed = PLAYER_X_SPEED # 按下k键 elif keys[pygame.K_k]: if not self.isInWater: # K按下,角色进入跳跃状态,但是不会改变方向 self.state = State.JUMP # 设置站立状态为False,跳跃状态为True # 不改变移动状态,因为移动的时候也可以跳跃 self.isStanding = False self.isJumping = True # 设置速度,速度为负数,因为角色跳起后,要下落 self.isUp = True self.ySpeed = self.jumpSpeed # 没有按下按键 else: # 没有按下按键,角色依然是站立状态 self.state = State.STAND self.isStanding = True # 按下w键 if keys[pygame.K_w]: # W按下,角色向上,改变方向状态 self.isUp = True self.isStanding = True self.isDown = False self.isSquating = False # 按下s键 elif keys[pygame.K_s]: # S按下,角色蹲下,改变方向状态,并且蹲下状态设置为True self.isUp = False self.isStanding = False self.isDown = True self.isSquating = True if keys[pygame.K_j]: self.fire(currentTime, playerBulletList) def walking(self, keys, currentTime, playerBulletList): """角色行走,每10帧变换一次图片""" self.isStanding = False self.isWalking = True self.isJumping = False self.isSquating = False self.isFiring = False self.ySpeed = 0 self.xSpeed = PLAYER_X_SPEED if self.isInWater: self.walkingInWater(currentTime) else: self.walkingInLand(currentTime) # 按下D键 if keys[pygame.K_d]: self.direction = Direction.RIGHT self.xSpeed = PLAYER_X_SPEED # 按下A键 elif keys[pygame.K_a]: self.direction = Direction.LEFT self.xSpeed = -PLAYER_X_SPEED # 按下S键 elif keys[pygame.K_s]: self.isStanding = False self.isDown = True self.isUp = False # 按下W键 if keys[pygame.K_w]: self.isUp = True self.isDown = False # 没有按键按下 else: self.state = State.STAND # 移动时按下K键 if keys[pygame.K_k]: # 角色状态变为跳跃 if not self.isInWater: self.state = State.JUMP self.ySpeed = self.jumpSpeed self.isJumping = True self.isStanding = False self.isUp = True if keys[pygame.K_j]: self.fire(currentTime, playerBulletList) def walkingInLand(self, currentTime): # 如果当前是站立的图片 if self.isStanding: # 方向向右,方向向上 if self.direction == Direction.RIGHT and self.isUp: # 设置为向右朝上的图片 self.image = self.upRightImage # 方向向右 elif self.direction == Direction.RIGHT and not self.isUp: # 设置为向右站立的图片 self.image = self.standRightImage elif self.direction == Direction.LEFT and self.isUp: self.image = self.upLeftImage elif self.direction == Direction.LEFT and not self.isUp: self.image = self.standLeftImage # 记下当前时间 self.runLastTimer = currentTime else: # 如果是走动的图片,先判断方向 if self.direction == Direction.RIGHT: # 设置速度 self.xSpeed = PLAYER_X_SPEED # 根据上下方向觉得是否角色要加载斜射的图片 if self.isUp or self.isDown: # isUp == True表示向上斜射 # isDown == True表示向下斜射 # 计算上一次加载图片到这次的时间,如果大于115,即11.5帧,即上次加载图片到这次加载图片之间,已经加载了11张图片 if currentTime - self.runLastTimer > 115: # 那么就可以加载斜着奔跑的图片 # 如果角色加载的图片不是第三张,则加载下一张就行 if self.obliqueImageIndex < 2: self.obliqueImageIndex += 1 # 否则就加载第一张图片 else: self.obliqueImageIndex = 0 # 记录变换图片的时间,为下次变换图片做准备 self.runLastTimer = currentTime # 不是斜射 else: # 加载正常向右奔跑的图片 if currentTime - self.runLastTimer > 115: if self.imageIndex < 2: self.imageIndex += 1 else: self.imageIndex = 0 self.runLastTimer = currentTime else: self.xSpeed = -PLAYER_X_SPEED if self.isUp or self.isDown: if currentTime - self.runLastTimer > 115: if self.obliqueImageIndex < 2: self.obliqueImageIndex += 1 else: self.obliqueImageIndex = 0 self.runLastTimer = currentTime else: if currentTime - self.runLastTimer > 115: if self.imageIndex < 2: self.imageIndex += 1 else: self.imageIndex = 0 self.runLastTimer = currentTime def walkingInWater(self, currentTime): if self.isStanding: # 设置为斜射 if self.direction == Direction.RIGHT and self.isUp: self.image = self.upRightImageInWater elif self.direction == Direction.RIGHT and not self.isUp: self.image = self.standRightImageInWater elif self.direction == Direction.LEFT and self.isUp: self.image = self.upLeftImageInWater elif self.direction == Direction.LEFT and not self.isUp: self.image = self.standLeftImageInWater self.runLastTimer = currentTime else: # 如果是走动的图片 if self.direction == Direction.RIGHT: self.xSpeed = PLAYER_X_SPEED if self.isUp: self.image = self.obliqueRightInWater self.runLastTimer = currentTime else: self.image = self.standRightImageInWater self.runLastTimer = currentTime else: self.xSpeed = PLAYER_X_SPEED if self.isUp: self.image = self.obliqueLeftInWater self.runLastTimer = currentTime else: self.image = self.standLeftImageInWater self.runLastTimer = currentTime def jumping(self, keys, currentTime, playerBulletList): """跳跃""" # 设置标志 self.isJumping = True self.isStanding = False self.isDown = False self.isSquating = False self.isFiring = False # 更新速度 self.ySpeed += self.gravity if currentTime - self.runLastTimer > 115: if self.upImageIndex < 3: self.upImageIndex += 1 else: self.upImageIndex = 0 # 记录变换图片的时间,为下次变换图片做准备 self.runLastTimer = currentTime if keys[pygame.K_d]: self.direction = Direction.RIGHT elif keys[pygame.K_a]: self.direction = Direction.LEFT # 按下W键 if keys[pygame.K_w]: self.isUp = True self.isDown = False elif keys[pygame.K_s]: self.isUp = False self.isDown = True if self.ySpeed >= 0: self.state = State.FALL if not keys[pygame.K_k]: self.state = State.FALL if keys[pygame.K_j]: self.fire(currentTime, playerBulletList) def falling(self, keys, currentTime, playerBulletList): # 下落时速度越来越快,所以速度需要一直增加 self.ySpeed += self.gravity if currentTime - self.runLastTimer > 115: if self.upImageIndex < 3: self.upImageIndex += 1 else: self.upImageIndex = 0 self.runLastTimer = currentTime if keys[pygame.K_d]: self.direction = Direction.RIGHT self.isWalking = False elif keys[pygame.K_a]: self.direction = Direction.LEFT self.isWalking = False if keys[pygame.K_j]: self.fire(currentTime, playerBulletList) def fire(self, currentTime, playerBulletList): self.isFiring = True # 潜水状态下不能开火 if not (self.isInWater and self.isSquating): if len(playerBulletList) < PLAYER_BULLET_NUMBER: if currentTime - self.fireLastTimer > 150: playerBulletList.append(Bullet(self)) self.fireLastTimer = currentTime
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