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(PHP 4 >= 4.3.0, PHP 5)

html_entity_decode — Convert all HTML entities to their applicable characters

说明 string html_entity_decode ( string $string [, int $flags = ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML [, string $encoding = ini_get("default_charset") ]] )

html_entity_decode() is the opposite of htmlentities() in that it converts all HTML entities in the string to their applicable characters.

More precisely, this function decodes all the entities (including all numeric entities) that a) are necessarily valid for the chosen document type — i.e., for XML, this function does not decode named entities that might be defined in some DTD — and b) whose character or characters are in the coded character set associated with the chosen encoding and are permitted in the chosen document type. All other entities are left as is.



The input string.


A bitmask of one or more of the following flags, which specify how to handle quotes and which document type to use. The default is ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML. Available flags constants Constant Name Description ENT_COMPAT Will convert double-quotes and leave single-quotes alone. ENT_QUOTES Will convert both double and single quotes. ENT_NOQUOTES Will leave both double and single quotes unconverted. ENT_HTML Handle code as HTML 4.. ENT_XML1 Handle code as XML 1. ENT_XHTML Handle code as XHTML. ENT_HTML5 Handle code as HTML 5.


An optional argument defining the encoding used when converting characters.

If omitted, the default value of the encoding varies depending on the PHP version in use. In PHP 5.6 and later, the default_charset configuration option is used as the default value. PHP 5.4 and 5.5 will use UTF-8 as the default. Earlier versions of PHP use ISO--1.


Although this argument is technically optional, you are highly encouraged to specify the correct value for your code if you are using PHP 5.5 or earlier, or if your default_charset configuration option may be set incorrectly for the given input.

支持以下字符集: 支持的字符集列表 字符集 别名 描述 ISO--1 ISO-1 西欧,Latin-1 ISO--5 ISO-5 Little used cyrillic charset (Latin/Cyrillic). ISO-- ISO- 西欧,Latin-9。增加欧元符号,法语和芬兰语字母在 Latin-1(ISO--1) 中缺失。 UTF-8 ASCII 兼容的多字节 8 位 Unicode。 cp ibm, DOS 特有的西里尔编码。本字符集在 4.3.2 版本中得到支持。 cp Windows-, win-, Windows 特有的西里尔编码。本字符集在 4.3.2 版本中得到支持。 cp Windows-, Windows 特有的西欧编码。 KOI8-R koi8-ru, koi8r 俄语。本字符集在 4.3.2 版本中得到支持。 BIG5 繁体中文,主要用于中国台湾省。 GB 简体中文,中国国家标准字符集。 BIG5-HKSCS 繁体中文,附带香港扩展的 Big5 字符集。 Shift_JIS SJIS, 日语 EUC-JP EUCJP 日语 MacRoman Mac OS 使用的字符串。 &#;&#; An empty string activates detection from script encoding (Zend multibyte), default_charset and current locale (see nl_langinfo() and setlocale()), in this order. Not recommended.

Note: 其他字符集没有认可。将会使用默认编码并抛出异常。


Returns the decoded string.


版本 说明 5.6.0 The default value for the encoding parameter was changed to be the value of the default_charset configuration option. 5.4.0 Default encoding changed from ISO--1 to UTF-8. 5.4.0 The constants ENT_HTML, ENT_XML1, ENT_XHTML and ENT_HTML5 were added.


Example #1 Decoding HTML entities




You might wonder why trim(html_entity_decode(&#;&nbsp;&#;)); doesn&#;t reduce the string to an empty string, that&#;s because the &#;&nbsp;&#; entity is not ASCII code (which is stripped by trim()) but ASCII code (0xa0) in the default ISO -1 encoding.


htmlentities() - Convert all applicable characters to HTML entities htmlspecialchars() - Convert special characters to HTML entities get_html_translation_table() - 返回使用 htmlspecialchars 和 htmlentities 后的转换表 urldecode() - 解码已编码的 URL 字符串

PHP字符串函数hex2bin()的用法 hex2bin(PHP=5.4.0)hex2bin转换十六进制字符串为二进制字符串说明stringhex2bin(string$data)转换十六进制字符串为二进制字符串。Caution这个函数不是转换十六进制

PHP字符串函数hebrevc()的用法 hebrevc(PHP4,PHP5)hebrevc将逻辑顺序希伯来文(logical-Hebrew)转换为视觉顺序希伯来文(visual-Hebrew),并且转换换行符说明stringhebrevc(string$hebrew_text[,int$max_char

PHP字符串函数hebrev()的用法 hebrev(PHP4,PHP5)hebrev将逻辑顺序希伯来文(logical-Hebrew)转换为视觉顺序希伯来文(visual-Hebrew)说明stringhebrev(string$hebrew_text[,int$max_chars_per_line=0])将逻辑顺

标签: php字符串赋值

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上一篇:PHP字符串函数htmlspecialchars_decode()的用法(php 字符串)


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