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PHP:imagefilter()的用法_GD库图像处理函数(php img)


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(PHP 5)

imagefilter — 对图像使用过滤器

说明 bool imagefilter ( resource $src_im , int $filtertype [, int $arg1 [, int $arg2 [, int $arg3 ]]] )

imagefilter() 把过滤器 filtertype 应用到图像上,在需要时使用 arg1,arg2 和 arg3。

filtertype 可以是下列中的一个: IMG_FILTER_NEGATE:将图像中所有颜色反转。 IMG_FILTER_GRAYSCALE:将图像转换为灰度的。 IMG_FILTER_BRIGHTNESS:改变图像的亮度。用 arg1 设定亮度级别。 IMG_FILTER_CONTRAST:改变图像的对比度。用 arg1 设定对比度级别。 IMG_FILTER_COLORIZE:与 IMG_FILTER_GRAYSCALE 类似,不过可以指定颜色。用 arg1,arg2 和 arg3 分别指定 red,blue 和 green。每种颜色范围是 0 到 。 IMG_FILTER_EDGEDETECT:用边缘检测来突出图像的边缘。 IMG_FILTER_EMBOSS:使图像浮雕化。 IMG_FILTER_GAUSSIAN_BLUR:用高斯算法模糊图像。 IMG_FILTER_SELECTIVE_BLUR:模糊图像。 IMG_FILTER_MEAN_REMOVAL:用平均移除法来达到轮廓效果。 IMG_FILTER_SMOOTH:使图像更柔滑。用 arg1 设定柔滑级别。

Note: 此函数仅在与 GD 库捆绑编译的 PHP 版本中可用。

成功时返回 TRUE, 或者在失败时返回 FALSE。

Example #1 imagefilter() 灰度例子


Example #2 imagefilter() 亮度例子


Example #3 imagefilter() 上彩例子






filtertype can be one of the following: IMG_FILTER_NEGATE: Reverses all colors of the image. IMG_FILTER_GRAYSCALE: Converts the image into grayscale. IMG_FILTER_BRIGHTNESS: Changes the brightness of the image. Use arg1 to set the level of brightness. IMG_FILTER_CONTRAST: Changes the contrast of the image. Use arg1 to set the level of contrast. IMG_FILTER_COLORIZE: Like IMG_FILTER_GRAYSCALE, except you can specify the color. Use arg1, arg2 and arg3 in the form of red, blue, green and arg4 for the alpha channel. The range for each color is 0 to . IMG_FILTER_EDGEDETECT: Uses edge detection to highlight the edges in the image. IMG_FILTER_EMBOSS: Embosses the image. IMG_FILTER_GAUSSIAN_BLUR: Blurs the image using the Gaussian method. IMG_FILTER_SELECTIVE_BLUR: Blurs the image. IMG_FILTER_MEAN_REMOVAL: Uses mean removal to achieve a "sketchy" effect. IMG_FILTER_SMOOTH: Makes the image smoother. Use arg1 to set the level of smoothness. IMG_FILTER_PIXELATE: Applies pixelation effect to the image, use arg1 to set the block size and arg2 to set the pixelation effect mode.


IMG_FILTER_BRIGHTNESS: Brightness level. IMG_FILTER_CONTRAST: Contrast level. IMG_FILTER_COLORIZE: 红色成分的值。 IMG_FILTER_SMOOTH: Smoothness level. IMG_FILTER_PIXELATE: Block size in pixels.

arg2 PHP:imagefilter()的用法_GD库图像处理函数(php img)

IMG_FILTER_COLORIZE: 绿色成分的值。 IMG_FILTER_PIXELATE: Whether to use advanced pixelation effect or not (defaults to FALSE).




IMG_FILTER_COLORIZE: Alpha channel, A value between 0 and . 0 indicates completely opaque while indicates completely transparent.


成功时返回 TRUE, 或者在失败时返回 FALSE。


版本 说明 5.3.0 Pixelation support (IMG_FILTER_PIXELATE) was added. 5.2.5 Alpha support for IMG_FILTER_COLORIZE was added.


Example #4 imagefilter() grayscale example


Example #5 imagefilter() brightness example


Example #6 imagefilter() colorize example


Example #7 imagefilter() negate example


Example #8 imagefilter() pixelate example




Note: 此函数仅在与 GD 库捆绑编译的 PHP 版本中可用。


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标签: php img

本文链接地址:https://www.jiuchutong.com/biancheng/288346.html 转载请保留说明!

上一篇:PHP:imageflip()的用法_GD库图像处理函数(php imagefill)


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