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NGUI研究院之自制 Scroll View实现触摸滚动相册效果(四)
不过效果不怎么理想,没有平滑的spring动画。研究NGUI自带的Example 7 - Scroll View (Panel) 例子
?usingUnityEngine; /// <summary>/// Ever wanted to be able to auto-center on an object within a draggable panel?/// Attach this script to the container that has the objects to center on as its children./// </summary> //[AddComponentMenu("NGUI/Interaction/Center On Child")]publicclassUIDragSlider : MonoBehaviour{ /// <summary> /// The strength of the spring. /// </summary> publicfloatspringStrength = 8f; /// <summary> /// Callback to be triggered when the centering operation completes. /// </summary> publicSpringPanel.OnFinished onFinished; //用来放置灰色、白色小点 publicTransform ponit; //白色的小点 publicGameObject prefabMaskDot; //灰色的小点 publicGameObject prefabBaseDot; //白色小点的临时对象 privateGameObject maskDot; //灰色、白色小点下方的起始位置。 intstart; UIDraggablePanel mDrag; GameObject mCenteredObject; /// <summary> /// Game object that the draggable panel is currently centered on. /// </summary> publicGameObject centeredObject { get{returnmCenteredObject; } } voidOnEnable () { Recenter (); //initSlider (); } voidStart () { initSlider (); } voidOnDragFinished () { if(enabled) Recenter (); } /// <summary> /// Recenter the draggable list on the center-most child. /// </summary> publicvoidRecenter () { if(mDrag == null) { mDrag = NGUITools.FindInParents<UIDraggablePanel> (gameObject); //mDrag = GameObject.Find("UIPanel (Clipped View)").GetComponent<UIDraggablePanel>(); if(mDrag == null) { Debug.LogWarning (GetType () " requires " typeof(UIDraggablePanel) " on a parent object in order to work",this); enabled = false; return; }else{ //mDrag = mDrag.GetComponent<UIDraggablePanel>(); mDrag.onDragFinished = OnDragFinished; //Debug.Log(mDrag.panel); if(mDrag.horizontalScrollBar != null) mDrag.horizontalScrollBar.onDragFinished = OnDragFinished; if(mDrag.verticalScrollBar != null) mDrag.verticalScrollBar.onDragFinished = OnDragFinished; } } if(mDrag.panel == null) return; // Calculate the panel's center in world coordinates Vector4 clip = mDrag.panel.clipRange; Transform dt = mDrag.panel.cachedTransform; Vector3 center = dt.localPosition; center.x = clip.x; center.y = clip.y; center = dt.parent.TransformPoint (center); // Offset this value by the momentum Vector3 offsetCenter = center - mDrag.currentMomentum * (mDrag.momentumAmount * 0.1f); mDrag.currentMomentum = Vector3.zero; floatmin = float.MaxValue; Transform closest = null; Transform trans = transform; // Determine the closest child for(inti = 0, imax = trans.childCount; i < imax; i) { Transform t = trans.GetChild (i); floatsqrDist = Vector3.SqrMagnitude (t.position - offsetCenter); if(sqrDist < min) { min = sqrDist; closest = t; } } if(closest != null) { Debug.Log (closest.gameObject.name); mCenteredObject = closest.gameObject; // Figure out the difference between the chosen child and the panel's center in local coordinates Vector3 cp = dt.InverseTransformPoint (closest.position); Vector3 cc = dt.InverseTransformPoint (center); Vector3 offset = cp - cc; // Offset shouldn't occur if blocked by a zeroed-out scale if(mDrag.scale.x == 0f) offset.x = 0f; if(mDrag.scale.y == 0f) offset.y = 0f; if(mDrag.scale.z == 0f) offset.z = 0f; // Spring the panel to this calculated position SpringPanel.Begin (mDrag.gameObject, dt.localPosition - offset, springStrength).onFinished = onFinished; //两个方法一个设置名字 //获取当前下标 /* int index=0; foreach(Transform child in transform){ if(child.gameObject==closest.gameObject){ Debug.Log("index:"index); setMaskPos(index); } index; } */ //第二个方法需要命名 string[] indexName = closest.gameObject.name.Split ('_'); setMaskPos (int.Parse (indexName [1])); }else mCenteredObject = null; } voidinitSlider () { //因为下方灰色 白色的小点需要根据相册列表的数量来计算居中显示 intsize = transform.childCount; //乘以表示计算所有小点加起来的宽度 intlength = (size - 1) * ; //得到下方灰色 白色 小点的居中起始位置 start = (-length) >> 1; for(inti=0; i< size; i) { //把每一个灰色小点加入3D世界 GameObject hui = (GameObject)Instantiate (prefabBaseDot); //设置灰色小点的父类为另外一个面板 hui.transform.parent = ponit; //设置每一个灰色小点的位置与缩放,总之让它们居中排列显示在相册列表下方。 hui.transform.localPosition = newVector3 (start i * , -f, 0f); hui.transform.localScale = newVector3 (, , 1); //深度 因为是先在屏幕下方绘制4个灰色的小点, 然后在灰色上面绘制白色小点 //表示当前的窗口ID 所以深度是为了设置白色小点在灰色小点之上绘制 hui.GetComponent<UISprite> ().depth = 0; } //把白色小点也加载在3D世界中 maskDot = (GameObject)Instantiate (prefabMaskDot); //设置它的深度高于 灰色小点,让白色小点显示在灰色小点之上 maskDot.GetComponent<UISprite> ().depth = 1; //设置白色小点的开始位置 setMaskPos (0); } voidsetMaskPos (intindex) { maskDot.transform.parent = ponit; maskDot.transform.localPosition = newVector3 (start index * , -f, -f); maskDot.transform.localScale = newVector3 (, , 1); }}把脚本加到UIGrid上面如有疑问请站内
Unity3D ugui事件监听机制 UGUI控件的事件响应有很多种方式,比如使用组件EventTrigger来添加事件监听,或者实现IDragHandler等接口,或者更直接地继承EventTrigger来进行更灵话的调用
Screen.sleepTimeout=SleepTimeOut.NeverSleep 禁止屏幕锁屏 Screen.
UI Overview——UI概述 我决定翻译uGUI的官方文档,一来是自己可以有一个全面整体的了解,二来是可以方便大家,网上好像也有些翻译,不过语句有点不通顺,总之我要翻译
标签: NGUI带位置图标的拖动例子
本文链接地址:https://www.jiuchutong.com/biancheng/369341.html 转载请保留说明!上一篇:A Type-Safe Event System for Unity3D
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