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原文:Creating a Star Rater using CSS
Step 1: XHTML
<ul class="star-rating"> <li><a href="#" title="Rate this 1 star out of 5" class="one-star">1</a></li> <li><a href="#" title="Rate this 2 stars out of 5" class="two-stars">2</a></li> <li><a href="#" title="Rate this 3 stars out of 5" class="three-stars">3</a></li> <li><a href="#" title="Rate this 4 stars out of 5" class="four-stars">4</a></li> <li><a href="#" title="Rate this 5 stars out of 5" class="five-stars">5</a></li> </ul>
Step 2:图像|Graphics
Step 3:CSS
.star-rating{ list-style: none; /* turn off the default list image bullets*/ margin: 3px; /*I wan't some space around this thing*/ padding: 0px; /* I'm anal. I'm pretty sure OL's have a default padding of 0px, but we'll set it to 0px just to be safe*/ width: px; /*This list is 5 stars, each star is px, therefore it should be 5 x px = px wide*/ height: px; /* The height of each star is px. Since this is a horizontal list, we will set the list height to the height of the star.*/ position: relative; /*Very important. We will be using absolute positioning later. We want to use relatively-absolute positioning.*/ background: url(star_rating.gif) top left repeat-x; /* By repeating this image horizontally, the list will appear to have five stars.*/ }
.star-rating li{ padding:0px; /* no padding at all*/ margin:0px; /* no margin at all*/ /**/ /*Backslash hack, this causes IE5 Mac NOT to see this rule*/ float: left; /* for any other browser, we are going to float left, this makes a horizontal list*/ /* */ /* end the IE5 Backslash hack*/ }
这段代码让li实现横向排放,并解决IE5 MAC bug
.star-rating li a{ display:block; /* we want a block item, so that we can mess with its height and width*/ width:px; /* easy stuff, we want the width to be the same as the star width*/ height: px; /* same as the width*/ text-decoration: none; /* remove the underline from the link*/ text-indent: -px; /* indent the text off the screen using a [url= technique[/url], we dont want to see the text anymore.*/ z-index: ; /*we'll come back to this*/ position: absolute; /*we can now control the exact x and y coordinates of each star, relative to the parent UL*/ padding: 0px; /*once again, we don't need any padding*/ background-image:none; /* we will not show the star*/ } . .star-rating li a:hover{ . background: url(star_rating.gif) left bottom; /*this is where the magic is*/ . z-index: 1; /*move this star to the bottom of the z-index stack*/ . left: 0px; /*move this star all the way to the left, aligned with the side of the UL parent item*/ . }
.star-rating a.one-star{ left: 0px; } .star-rating a.one-star:hover{ width:px; } .star-rating a.two-stars{ left:px; } .star-rating a.two-stars:hover{ width: px; } .star-rating a.three-stars{ left: px; } .star-rating a.three-stars:hover{ width: px; } .star-rating a.four-stars{ left: px; } .star-rating a.four-stars:hover{ width: px; } .star-rating a.five-stars{ left: px; } .star-rating a.five-stars:hover{ width: px; }
em px的关系 情况是这样的,css里常用的两种定义字体大小的单位:em,px。em是一个相对数,比如1.1em就表示1.1个字符宽度,而这个字符宽度是根据font-size来初始化大
%的中国网站需要重写CSS 很长一段时间,我都使用px作为网站的主要字体大小。px太小,眼睛很容易疲劳,px虽容易看清,却破坏页面的美感。唯独px在审美和视力方面都恰
在iframe中隐藏横向滚动条的方法大全 在iframe中隐藏横向滚动条。。删除DM中自动生成的!DOCTYPEHTMLPUBLIC"-//W3C//DTDHTML4.Transitional//EN""
标签: css制作排行榜
本文链接地址:https://www.jiuchutong.com/biancheng/371884.html 转载请保留说明!下一篇:em px的关系(em和px)
友情链接: 武汉网站建设