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主页: 把GifView.jar加入你的项目。
2- 在xml中配置GifView的基本属性,GifView继承自View类,和Button、ImageView一样是一个UI控件。如:
view sourceprint?1.<com.ant.liao.GifView android:id="@id/gif2"2.android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_width="wrap_content"3.android:paddingTop="4px" android:paddingLeft="px" android:enabled="false" />
3- 在代码中配置常用属性:
view sourceprint?.// 从xml中得到GifView的句柄.gf1 = (GifView) findViewById(R.id.gif1);.// 设置Gif图片源.gf1.setGifImage(R.drawable.gif1);.// 添加监听器.gf1.setOnClickListener(this);.// 设置显示的大小,拉伸或者压缩.gf1.setShowDimension(, );.// 设置加载方式:先加载后显示、边加载边显示、只显示第一帧再显示.gf1.setGifImageType(GifImageType.COVER);
view sourceprint?.package com.ant.liao; .public interface GifAction {./**.*gif解码观察者.* @hide.* @param parseStatus 解码是否成功,成功会为true .* @param frameIndex 当前解码的第几帧,当全部解码成功后,这里为-1 .*/ .public void parseOk(boolean parseStatus,int frameIndex); }
view sourceprint?.package com.ant.liao;.import android.graphics.Bitmap;.public class GifFrame {./**.* 构造函数.* @param im 图片.* @param del 延时.*/ .public GifFrame(Bitmap im, int del) { .image = im; .delay = del; .} .public GifFrame(String name,int del){ .imageName = name; .delay = del; .} ./**图片*/ .public Bitmap image; ./**延时*/ .public int delay; ./**当图片存成文件时的文件名*/.public String imageName = null; ./**下一帧*/ .public GifFrame nextFrame = null;.}
android-gif-drawableViews and Drawable for animated GIFs in Android.
项目地址: GIFLib via JNI is used to render frames. This way should be more efficient thanWebView or Movie classes.Animation starts automatically and run only if View with attached GifDrawable is visible.
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SetupGradle (Android Studio)Insert the following dependency to build.gradle file of your project.
view sourceprint?1.dependencies {2.compile 'pl.droidsonroids.gif:android-gif-drawable:1.0.'3.}Note that Maven central repository should be defined eg. in top-level build.gradle like this:
view sourceprint?.buildscript {.repositories {.mavenCentral().}.}.allprojects {.repositories {.mavenCentral().}.}Maven dependencySDK with API level is needed. If you don't have it in your local repository, downloadmaven-android-sdk-deployer and install SDK level :mvn install -P 4.4 (from maven-android-sdk-deployer directory). Then add dependency inpom.xml of your project:
view sourceprint?1.<dependency>2.<groupId>pl.droidsonroids.gif</groupId>3.<artifactId>android-gif-drawable</artifactId>4.<version>insert latest version here</version>5.<type>aar</type>6.</dependency>RequirementsAndroid 1.6 (API level 4)Building from sourceAndroid NDK needed to compile native sourcesUsageFrom XMLThe simplest way is to use GifImageView (or GifImageButton) like a normalImageView:
view sourceprint?1.<pl.droidsonroids.gif.GifImageView2.android:layout_width="match_parent"3.android:layout_height="match_parent"4.android:src="@drawable/src_anim"5.android:background="@drawable/bg_anim"6./>If drawables declared by android:src and/or android:background are GIF files then they will be automatically recognized asGifDrawables and animated. If given drawable is not a GIF then mentioned Views work like plainImageView and ImageButton.
GifTextView allows you to use GIFs as compound drawables and background.
view sourceprint?1.<pl.droidsonroids.gif.GifTextView2.android:layout_width="match_parent"3.android:layout_height="match_parent"4.android:drawableTop="@drawable/left_anim"5.android:drawableStart="@drawable/left_anim"6.android:background="@drawable/bg_anim"7./>From Java codeGifImageView, GifImageButton and GifTextView have also hooks for setters implemented. So animated GIFs can be set by callingsetImageResource(int resId) and setBackgroundResource(int resId)
GifDrawable can be constructed directly from various sources:
view sourceprint?.//asset file.GifDrawable gifFromAssets = new GifDrawable( getAssets(), "anim.gif" );. .//resource (drawable or raw).GifDrawable gifFromResource = new GifDrawable( getResources(), R.drawable.anim );. .//byte array.byte[] rawGifBytes = ....GifDrawable gifFromBytes = new GifDrawable( rawGifBytes );. .//FileDescriptor.FileDescriptor fd = new RandomAccessFile( "/path/anim.gif", "r" ).getFD();.GifDrawable gifFromFd = new GifDrawable( fd );. .//file path.GifDrawable gifFromPath = new GifDrawable( "/path/anim.gif" );. .//file.File gifFile = new File(getFilesDir(),"anim.gif");.GifDrawable gifFromFile = new GifDrawable(gifFile);. .//AssetFileDescriptor.AssetFileDescriptor afd = getAssets().openFd( "anim.gif" );.GifDrawable gifFromAfd = new GifDrawable( afd );. .//InputStream (it must support marking).InputStream sourceIs = ....BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream( sourceIs, GIF_LENGTH );.GifDrawable gifFromStream = new GifDrawable( bis );. .//direct ByteBuffer.ByteBuffer rawGifBytes = ....GifDrawable gifFromBytes = new GifDrawable( rawGifBytes );InputStreams are closed automatically in finalizer if GifDrawable is no longer needed so you don't need to explicitly close them. Callingrecycle() will also close underlaying input source.
Note that all input sources need to have ability to rewind to the begining. It is required to correctly play animated GIFs (where animation is repeatable) since subsequent frames are decoded on demand from source.
Animation controlGifDrawable implements an Animatable and MediaPlayerControl so you can use its methods and more:
stop() - stops the animation, can be called from any threadstart() - starts the animation, can be called from any threadisRunning() - returns whether animation is currently running or notreset() - rewinds the animation, does not restart stopped onesetSpeed(float factor) - sets new animation speed factor, eg. passing 2.0f will double the animation speedseekTo(int position) - seeks animation (within current loop) to givenposition (in milliseconds) Only seeking forward is supportedgetDuration() - returns duration of one loop of the animationgetCurrentPosition() - returns elapsed time from the beginning of a current loop of animationUsingMediaPlayerControlStandard controls for a MediaPlayer (like in VideoView) can be used to control GIF animation and show its current progress.
Just set GifDrawable as MediaPlayer on your MediaController like this:
view sourceprint?.@Override.protected void onCreate ( Bundle savedInstanceState ).{.super.onCreate( savedInstanceState );.GifImageButton gib = new GifImageButton( this );.setContentView( gib );.gib.setImageResource( R.drawable.sample );.final MediaController mc = new MediaController( this );.mc.setMediaPlayer( ( GifDrawable ) gib.getDrawable() );.mc.setAnchorView( gib );.gib.setOnClickListener( new OnClickListener().{.@Override.public void onClick ( View v ).{.mc.show();.}.} );.}Retrieving GIF metadatagetLoopCount() - returns a loop count as defined in NETSCAPE 2.0 extensiongetNumberOfFrames() - returns number of frames (at least 1)getComment() - returns comment text (null if GIF has no comment)getFrameByteCount() - returns minimum number of bytes that can be used to store pixels of the single framegetAllocationByteCount() - returns size (in bytes) of the allocated memory used to store pixels of given GifDrawablegetInputSourceByteCount() - returns length (in bytes) of the backing input datatoString() - returns human readable information about image size and number of frames (intended for debugging purpose)Advancedrecycle() - provided to speed up freeing memory (like in android.graphics.Bitmap).getError() - returns last error detailsReferencesThis library uses code from GIFLIB 5.0.5 and SKIA.
LicenseMIT LicenseSee LICENSE file.
GifView:已知bug: 如果图档过大,会出现OOM
if the gif image is too large,maybe OOM.
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