位置: 编程技术 - 正文
ATTRIB.EXE(a) Target file/folder not found = ERRORLEVEL 1(b) Invalid switch = ERRORLEVEL 1(c) Sharing violation (target file in use) = ERRORLEVEL 1(d) Invalid drive specification = ERRORLEVEL 1(e) Drive not ready (either Abort or Fail reply) = ERRORLEVEL 1(f) Invalid/wrong number of parameters = ERRORLEVEL 1
EXTRACT.EXE(a) Invalid switch = ERRORLEVEL 1
FC.EXE(a) Insufficient number of filespecs = ERRORLEVEL 1(b) Too many filenames on command line = ERRORLEVEL 1(c) Sharing Violation + Abort reply = ERRORLEVEL 5 (Note: Fail reply returns ERRORLEVEL 0)(d) Drive not ready = ERRORLEVEL (Note: Fail reply returns ERRORLEVEL 0)
FIND.EXE(a) Target string found (=f0und) = ERRORLEVEL 0(b) Target string missing (=m1ssing) = ERRORLEVEL 1(c) find /? = ERRORLEVEL 1(d) Parameter format not correct = ERRORLEVEL 2(e) Specified file to search not found = ERRORLEVEL 2(f) Specified file in use + Fail reply = ERRORLEVEL 2(g) Drive not ready + Fail reply = ERRORLEVEL 2(h) Specified file in use + Abort reply = ERRORLEVEL 5(i) Drive not ready + Abort reply = ERRORLEVEL 5
FORMAT.COM(a) Drive not ready = ERRORLEVEL 4 (There is no Abort, Retry, Fail stall)
FTP.EXE(a) Brief help (use: ftp -h for Brief help) = ERRORLEVEL 2(b) Error opening script file (file missing) = ERRORLEVEL 2(c) Invalid switch = ERRORLEVEL 2
MORE.COM(a) Invalid switch (MORE doesn't accept switches) = ERRORLEVEL 1(b) Drive not ready (Abort reply) = ERRORLELEL 5 (Note: Fail reply returns ERRORLEVEL 0)
MOVE.EXE(a) Required parameter missing = ERRORLEVEL 1(b) Unable to create destination = ERRORLEVEL 1(c) Unable to open source = ERRORLEVEL 1 (you see this when trying to MOVE a folder from one drive to another. You need to use XCOPY /S followed by DELTREE, since MOVE won't handle folder moves across drives)(d) Sharing violation + Fail reply = ERRORLEVEL 1 (Note: file is nevertheless COPIED, not moved, in this case)(e) Sharing violation + Abort reply = ERRORLEVEL 5 (Note: file is nevertheless COPIED, not moved, in this case)(f) Drive not ready (Abort reply) = ERRORLEVEL (Note: Fail reply - unusually - returns ERRORLEVEL 1)
PING.EXE(a) Unknown host = ERRORLEVEL 1 (usually=name not found on DomainNameServer)(b) Brief help (with no parameter) = ERRORLEVEL 1Note: for PING Brief help with /? switch, ERRORLEVEL is 0(c) Invalid switch = ERRORLEVEL 1 (and displays the Brief help as well)(d) Interrupted with [Ctrl-C] = ERRORLEVEL
SORT.EXE(a) Invalid switch = ERRORLEVEL 1(b) Drive not ready (Abort reply) = ERRORLEVEL (Note: Fail reply returns ERRORLEVEL 0)
START.EXE(a) start /? (real mode) = ERRORLEVEL 1(b) start /? (GUI) = ERRORLEVEL (c) Can't find file specified for START = ERRORLEVEL (d) No file association for specified file = ERRORLEVEL (e) Drive not ready = ERRORLEVEL (There is no Abort, Retry, Fail stall)
SUBST.EXE(a) Invalid parameter = ERRORLEVEL 1(b) Invalid switch = ERRORLEVEL 1(c) Path not found = ERRORLEVEL 1(d) Drive not ready (Abort reply) = ERRORLEVEL (Note: Fail reply - unusually - returns ERRORLEVEL 1)
TRACERT.EXE(a) Unable to resolve target system name = ERRORLEVEL 1 (usually=name not found on DomainNameServer)(b) Invalid switch = ERRORLEVEL 1(c) Brief help (no parameter) = ERRORLEVEL 1(d) Interrupted with [Ctrl-C] = ERRORLEVEL Note: for TRACERT Brief help, type command without parameters
XCOPY.EXE(a) File not found = ERRORLEVEL 1(b) Invalid date in /d switch = ERRORLEVEL 4(c) Invalid number of parameters = ERRORLEVEL 4(d) Invalid parameter = ERRORLEVEL 4(e) Device not ready = ERRORLEVEL 4(f) Unable to create directory = ERRORLEVEL 4(g) System can't find file = ERRORLEVEL 5 (this occurs when device such as NUL is used as Source file)
bat中errorlevel与%errorlevel%的区别 他们都是判断上个命令的返回值。当使用iferrorlevel值cmmand句式时,它的含义是:如果返回的错误码值大于或等于值的时候,将执行cmmand操作;当使用if%er
CMD命令行将当前磁盘所有文件名写入到文本文件的方法 有没有一种办法可以把某磁盘下所有文件名称一次性获取呢?除了批量获取文件名之外,当然windows自身也是可以实现的!下面就教你使用CMD命令行将磁
将txt文件名写入文件首行的bat代码(保留源文件) @echooff&color0f&setlocalenabledelayedexpansionecho.echo.echo.set"m=0"set/pm=初始值=?echo.set"x=1"set/px=递增值=?echo.set"y=2"set/py=有效值=?echo.set/p=是否要清空以前的
标签: dos常用命令详细讲解
本文链接地址:https://www.jiuchutong.com/biancheng/375135.html 转载请保留说明!上一篇:自制控制进程和控制开机启动项批处理(ntsd强制结束版)(控制程序的先后顺序是怎样的)
下一篇:bat中errorlevel与%errorlevel%的区别(bat error)
友情链接: 武汉网站建设