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推荐整理分享【转】【UNITY3D 游戏开发之四】有关实现2D帧序列帧播放相关—Animating Tiledtexture(unity 3d教程),希望有所帮助,仅作参考,欢迎阅读内容。
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Himi 尝试使用了此作者《CSharp – SpritSheet.cs》代码段,发现其中有一个算法估计是作者大意写错了。这样改了就矩形也都支持了。
Author: Joachim Ante
1 Description2 Usage3 JavaScript – AnimatedTextureUV.js4 CSharp – SpritSheet.cs5 CSharp – SpritSheetNG.cs6 CSharp – AnimateTiledTextureDescriptionThis script animates a texture containing tiles of an animation. You can give it a framerate to determine the speed of the animation and set how many tiles on x, y there are.
UsageAttach this script to the object that has a material with the tiled texture. To avoid distortion, the proportions of the object must be the same as the proportions of each tile (eg 1:2 for the sheet below).
Here is an example of how to lay out a texture for it (Thanks to BigBrainz for providing it):
(Leo Nogueira) Adding a simple image with multiple rows for testing purposes and a modified version of the C# Script:
JavaScript – AnimatedTextureUV.jsCSharp – SpritSheet.csThis is just a CSharp version of the AnimatedTextureUV.js above.
CSharp – SpritSheetNG.csThe CSharp version of the script was not working with multiple rows so i made some changes.
CSharp – AnimateTiledTextureA version using coroutines. Slightly faster since it doesn’t update every frame and only sets the texture scale once.
Unity 3D 接入 移动MM (3.1.3)计费SDK 首先很想吐槽移动MM的SDK,简直就是给Unity开发人员找事做。我是一个Unity小白,完全是为了帮同事接这个SDK,所以一切按照小白的规则来写,希望没有遗
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