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Unity for Absolute Beginners(三)


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General Layout

With the project loaded, you should see Unity sporting its default layout.If you are using the free version,the UI should appear in light gray(Figure 1-5).If you have purchased,or are evaluating,Unity Pro, the background will reflect the dark theme (Figure 1-6).For this book, the screenshots will utilize the light theme for better contrast.If you have Pro and prefer the lighter version, you can change the Skin in the General section of the Preferences.

Figure 1-5. The Unity UI,light theme

Figure 1-6. The Unity UI dark theme

Unity's UI consists of four main "views" and several important features.The Scene View,Game View,Hierarchy View,and Inspector View(typically referred to as the Inspector)are generally accessible in any of the layout options,as are the playback controls,coordinate system options, and object/viewport navigation buttons(Figure 1-7).If the term "views" seems a bit odd, it helps to know that depending on which view is active, your input (or the events it triggers) will generate different results.The first click in a different view will set the focus to it.

Figure 1-7. The Unity GUI and its main features

With the default layout,the main feature is the Scene view.This is where you will be able to arrange your3D assets for each scene or level in your project.

In the tab next to the Scene view,you will find the Game view.In the default layout,when you click the Play button, the Game tab is automatically opened.The game view is where you will interact with your scene at runtime to test your game play.

To the left of the Scene/Game viewports, you will find the Hierarchy view. This is where you will find the object that are currently in the loaded scene or level.

Below the Scene/Game view is the Project view. This contains the resources or assets available to the current project.This folder corresponds directly to the project's Assets folder on your operating system. Deleting files from the Project View will send them to the trash on your computer.If you author from an external hard drive, you should be able to locate the deleted files in the drive's own trash folder.The main point here is that there is no "undo" for these deleted files.

To the far right,you will find the Inspector. This is where you will have access to the parameters,options,and other particulars of selected assets,from the Hierarchy or Project views,as well as general project-related settings.

At the top left,you will find the navigation controls that will allow you to move and arrange objects in your scene and re-orient the Scene view itself for easier access to the various objects.

To the right of the navigation tool controls are the coordinate system options. Here you can specify Global or Local coordinates as well as using the object's designated Pivot Point or the Center of its bounding box as the rotation point.

Unity for Absolute Beginners(三)

In the top center,you will find the Playback buttons.The Play arrow will put you in Play mode, where you can test your game's functionality and presentation in a Windows or Mac environment. The Background color of the UI willalso change, alerting you to the fact that you are in Play mode. The Play button becomes a Stop button once you are in Play mode. You also have the option to Pause the game,using the middle button, or to step through one frame at a time, using the right button.

At the top right, you will see two drop-down menus. The Layers button will allow you to set various Layers to be active or inactive during Play mode, or define new layers.The Layout drop-down menu provides a quick way to switch between several popular layout configurations.


与项目加载,您应该看到Unity运行其默认布局。如果您使用的是免费版,UI应该是浅灰色版本的(图1 - 5)。如果你购买了,或者正在评估,UnityPro版本,背景将显示黑暗主题(图1 - 6)。这本书的截图将利用亮的主题来产生更好的对比。如果你有Pro版本且更喜欢亮的版本,你可以再Gengeral中的Preferences改变皮肤的设置。

图1 - 5。Unity用户界面,光的主题

图1 - 6。Unity用户界面,黑暗的主题

Unity的用户界面由四个主要的“视图”和几个重要的特性。Scene(现场)视图、Game(游戏)视图、Hierarchy(层次结构)视图和Inspector(检查)视图(通常称为Inspector检查员)通常可以在任何布局选项,作为播放控制、坐标系统的选择和对象/视口导航按钮(图1 - 7)。如果“视图”一词&#;乎有点奇怪,它有助于知道这取决于视图被激活时,您的输入(或事件触发)将产生不同的结果。第一次点击不同的视图将设置焦点。

图1 - 7。Unity GUI及其主要特点





最右边,你会发现Inspector(检查)视图。在这里你将获得从 Hierarchy(层次结构)或Project(项目)视图中选择的资产的参数,设置和其他细节,就像一般的、与项目相关的设置一样。






移除Unity工程里所有图片的Alpha通道 为测试Untiy工程里Texture的Alpha对性能的压力,需要临时移除Unity工程里所有图片的Alpha通道,做测试对比。这里有一个基本的技巧,当图片不存在Alpha通道

全面理解Unity加载和内存管理 最近一直在和这些内容纠缠,把心得和大家共享一下:Unity里有两种动态加载机制:一是Resources.Load,一是通过AssetBundle,其实两者本质上我理解没有什么区

标签: Unity for Absolute Beginners(三)

本文链接地址:https://www.jiuchutong.com/biancheng/382492.html 转载请保留说明!

上一篇:Unity AssetBundle爬坑手记


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