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NGUI版虚拟摇杆joystick(虚拟摇杆 安卓)


推荐整理分享NGUI版虚拟摇杆joystick(虚拟摇杆 安卓),希望有所帮助,仅作参考,欢迎阅读内容。


view plaincopyusing UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; [ExecuteInEditMode] public class Joystick : MonoBehaviour { #region Delegate & Event public delegate void JoystickEventHandler(Joystick joystick); /// <summary> /// 开如 /// </summary> public static event JoystickEventHandler On_JoystickMoveStart; /// <summary> /// Occurs when the joystick move. /// </summary> public static event JoystickEventHandler On_JoystickMove; /// <summary> /// thumb偏离中心位置,并牌按住时,每帧的回调 /// </summary> public static event JoystickEventHandler On_JoystickHolding; /// <summary> /// Occurs when the joystick stops move /// </summary> public static event JoystickEventHandler On_JoystickMoveEnd; #endregion #region property [SerializeField] bool isRunInEditor = false; [SerializeField]private string joystickName = "NguiJoystick"; public string JoystickName { get { return this.joystickName; } } [HideInInspector]private bool isLimitInCircle = true; public bool IsLimitInCircle { get { return this.isLimitInCircle; } } [SerializeField]private int radius = ; public int Radius { get{ return this.radius; } } [SerializeField] private float minAlpha = 0.3f; public float MinAlpha { get { return this.minAlpha; } } private Vector2 joystickAxis = Vector2.zero; /// <summary> /// Gets the joystick axis value between -1 & 1... /// </summary> /// <value> /// The joystick axis. /// </value> public Vector2 JoystickAxis { get { return this.joystickAxis; } } private Vector2 lastJoystickAxis = Vector2.zero; public Vector2 LastJoystickAxis { get { return this.lastJoystickAxis; } } bool isForBid = false; /// <summary> /// 判断joystick是否被禁用 /// </summary> public bool IsForBid { get { return this.isForBid; } } bool isHolding = false; public bool IsHolding { get { return this.isHolding; } } #endregion UIWidget root; [SerializeField]UISprite bg; [SerializeField]UISprite thumb; void Awake() { this.name = this.JoystickName; root = this.GetComponent<UIWidget>(); Init(); } // Update is called once per frame void Update () { if (isRunInEditor && Application.isEditor && !Application.isPlaying) { SetJoystickSize(radius); } if (!isForBid && isHolding) { Debug.Log(""); if (On_JoystickHolding != null) { On_JoystickHolding(this); } } } void Init() { bg.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero; thumb.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero; SetJoystickSize(radius); Lighting(minAlpha); } #region ngui event ///// <summary> ///// test ///// </summary> //void OnClick () //{ // Debug.Log("mouse pos :" &#; Input.mousePosition &#; " -- touch pos :" &#; ScreenPos_to_NGUIPos(Input.mousePosition)); // thumb.transform.localPosition = ScreenPos_to_NGUIPos(Input.mousePosition); //} void OnPress (bool isPressed) { if (isForBid) { Debug.Log("joystick is forbid!"); return; } Debug.Log("OnPress:" &#; isPressed.ToString()); if(isPressed) { Lighting(1f); CalculateJoystickAxis(); if (On_JoystickMoveStart != null) { On_JoystickMoveStart(this); } isHolding = true; } else { CalculateJoystickAxis(); if (On_JoystickMoveEnd != null) { On_JoystickMoveEnd(this); } thumb.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero; FadeOut(1f, minAlpha); isHolding = false; } } //void OnDragStart () //{ // if (isForBid) // { // Debug.Log("joystick is forbid!"); // return; // } // Debug.Log("OnDragStart"); // Lighting(1f); // CalculateJoystickAxis(); // if(On_JoystickMoveStart!=null) // { // On_JoystickMoveStart(this); // } // isHolding = true; // Debug.Log(string.Format("time:{0} - axis:{1}", Time.time, joystickAxis)); //} void OnDrag(Vector2 delta) { if (isForBid) { return; } //Debug.Log("OnDrag:"&#;delta.ToString()); CalculateJoystickAxis(); if (On_JoystickMoveStart != null) { On_JoystickMoveStart(this); } } //void OnDragEnd () //{ // if (isForBid) // { // return; // } // Debug.Log("OnDragEnd"); // CalculateJoystickAxis(); // if (On_JoystickMoveEnd != null) // { // On_JoystickMoveEnd(this); // } // thumb.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero; // FadeOut(1f, minAlpha); // isHolding = false; //} #endregion #region utile /// <summary> /// 计算JoystickAxis /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> void CalculateJoystickAxis() { Vector3 offset = ScreenPos_to_NGUIPos(UICamera.currentTouch.pos); offset -= transform.localPosition; if (isLimitInCircle) { if (offset.magnitude > radius) { offset = offset.normalized * radius; } } thumb.transform.localPosition = offset; lastJoystickAxis = joystickAxis; joystickAxis = new Vector2(offset.x / radius, offset.y / radius); } /// <summary> /// Axis2s the angle. /// </summary> /// <returns> /// The angle. /// </returns> public float Axis2Angle(bool inDegree = true) { float angle = Mathf.Atan2(joystickAxis.x, joystickAxis.y); if (inDegree) { return angle * Mathf.Rad2Deg; } else { return angle; } } /// <summary> /// Axis2s the angle. /// </summary> /// <returns> /// The angle. /// </returns> public float Axis2Angle(Vector2 axis, bool inDegree = true) { float angle = Mathf.Atan2(axis.x, axis.y); if (inDegree) { return angle * Mathf.Rad2Deg; } else { return angle; } } /// <summary> /// 屏幕坐标-->ui坐标 /// </summary> /// <param name="screenPos"></param> /// <returns></returns> Vector3 ScreenPos_to_NGUIPos(Vector3 screenPos) { Vector3 uiPos = UICamera.currentCamera.ScreenToWorldPoint(screenPos); uiPos = UICamera.currentCamera.transform.InverseTransformPoint(uiPos); return uiPos; } /// <summary> /// 屏幕坐标-->ngui坐标 /// </summary> /// <param name="screenPos"></param> /// <returns></returns> Vector3 ScreenPos_to_NGUIPos(Vector2 screenPos) { return ScreenPos_to_NGUIPos(new Vector3(screenPos.x, screenPos.y, 0f)); } /// <summary> /// 设置摇杆的大小 /// </summary> /// <param name="radius"></param> void SetJoystickSize(int radius) { root.width = 2 * radius; root.height = 2 * radius; thumb.width = (int)(f / f * root.width); thumb.height = (int)(f / f * root.height); } /// <summary> /// 点亮摇杆 /// </summary> void Lighting(float alpha) { iTween.Stop(this.gameObject, "value"); root.alpha = alpha; } /// <summary> /// 渐变摇杆的透明度 /// </summary> void FadeOut(float fromAlpha, float toAlpha) { Hashtable itweenArgs = new Hashtable(); itweenArgs.Add("easetype", iTween.EaseType.linear); itweenArgs.Add("from", fromAlpha); itweenArgs.Add("to", toAlpha); itweenArgs.Add("time", 0.5f); itweenArgs.Add("onupdate", "OnFadeOutTween"); iTween.ValueTo(this.gameObject, itweenArgs); } void OnFadeOutTween(float value) { root.alpha = value; } #endregion #region 激活、禁用的控制 List<string> keys = new List<string>(); /// <summary> /// 禁用 /// </summary> /// <returns>返回&#;是,取消这个禁用要用到的key</returns> public string ForbidJosystick() { string key = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); keys.Add(key); isForBid = true; return key; } /// <summary> /// 启用 /// </summary> /// <param name="key"></param> public void ActivizeJosystick(string key) { if(keys.Contains(key)) { keys.Remove(key); } isForBid = true; if(keys.Count==0) { isForBid = false; } } #endregion } 3、demo包,有兴趣的,也可以看看。NGUI版虚拟摇杆joystick(虚拟摇杆 安卓)




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标签: 虚拟摇杆 安卓

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