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喜大普奔!jQuery发布 3.0 最终版(喜大普奔含义)


推荐整理分享喜大普奔!jQuery发布 3.0 最终版(喜大普奔含义),希望有所帮助,仅作参考,欢迎阅读内容。


jQuery 3.0 最终版发布了。jQuery 3.0将是jQuery的未来。但如果你需要IE6-8支持,您可以继续使用最新版本1.。

为了帮助用户升级,jQuery 发布了全新的3.0升级指南,以及 jQuery Migrate 3.0 插件将帮助您识别代码中的兼容性问题。

您可以从jQuery CDN获取文件,或者直接访问链接:


此外,jQuery Migrate 3.0 也更新了。地址:



Golf away bytes (eaa3e9f)

Preserve URL hash on requests (#, effb)

Execute jQuery#load callback with correct context (#, 5da3c)

Ensure ajaxSettings.traditional is still honored (#, dfc)

Remove unnecessary use of jQuery.trim (0bdb1)


Avoid infinite recursion on non-lowercase attribute getters (#, efda6)

Add a support comment & fix a link @ tabIndex hook (9cbbf)

Strip/collapse whitespace for set values on selects (#, )

Remove redundant parent check (ba)

Fix setting selected on an option in IE<= (#, cac8)


Don't workaround the IE iframe-in-fullscreen sizing issues (#, ff1a)

Toggle detached elements as visible unless they have display: none (#, e7cc)

Make sure elem.ownerDocument.defaultView is not null (#, c)

Add animation-iteration-count to cssNumber (#, dfca)

Restore cascade-override behavior in .show (#, #, dbaf7)

Stop Firefox from treating disconnected elements as cascade-hidden (#, fecf3)


Implement ready without Deferred (#, #, 5cbb)

Improve isNumeric logic and test coverage (#, d8e)

Set the base href of the context in parseHTML (#, fc)

Simplify isPlainObject (#, e0d3bfa)

Add test for `jQuery.isPlainObject(localStorage)` (ce6cf)

Do not expose second argument of the `jQuery.globalEval` (c1b)

Deprecate jQuery.parseJSON (#, a8fa6)


Separate the two paths in jQuery.when (#, a3bc)

Provide explicit undefined context for jQuery.when raw casts (#, 7f1e)

Remove default callback context (#, )

Warn on exceptions that are likely programming errors (#, a7cf9)

Propagate progress correctly from unwrapped promises (#, d5dae)

Make jQuery.when synchronous when possible (#, dee)

Remove undocumented progress notifications in $.when (#, bdf1b8f)

Give better stack diagnostics on exceptions (cc0)


Add tests for negative borders & paddings (fdd0f)


Fix various spelling errors (aae)

Update support comments related to IE (f1b5)

Fix an incorrect comment in the attributes module (c)

喜大普奔!jQuery发布 3.0 最终版(喜大普奔含义)

Updated links to https where they are supported. (b0bc)

Update support comments to follow the new syntax (d)

Use https where possible (1de)

Use HTTPS URLs for jsfiddle & jsbin (af)

Add FAQ to reduce noise in issues (dbdc4b7)

Add a note about loading source with AMD (#, e0cab)

Add note about code organization with AMD (#, dbc)

Reference new feature guidelines and API tenets (#, )


Remove width/height exception for oldIE (#, ee)

Add tests for using jQuery.speed directly (#, cbb)


Allow constructing a jQuery.Event without a target (#, 2dfe)

Add touch event properties, eliminates need for a plugin (#, f)

Add the most commonly used pointer event properties (7df)

Remove fixHooks, propHooks; switch to ES5 getter with addProp (#, #, efccb)

Make event dispatch optimizable by JavaScript engines (9fca)

Evaluate delegate selectors at add time (#, 7fdea)

Cover invalid delegation selector edge cases (ea5)

Fix chaining .on() with null handlers (#, f0e)

Remove pageX/pageY fill for event object (#, ff)


Don't execute native stop(Immediate)Propagation from simulation (#, efb)


Bring tagname regexes up to spec (#, fbc)


Resolve strict mode ClientRect “no setter” exception (3befe)


filters -> pseudos (#, )

Update Sizzle to 2.3.0 (5c4be)

Add jQuery.escapeSelector (#, bf)


Treat literal and function-returned null/undefined the same (#, 9fdbdd3)

Reduce size (ec)


Improve support properties computation (#, cbe)


Take Safari 9.1 into account (a2d8)

Limit selection to #qunit-fixture in attributes.js (ddb2c)

Set Edge's expected support for clearClone to true (f)

Fix Deferred tests in Android 5.0's stock Chrome browser & Yandex.Browser (5ccb1)

Add additional test for jQuery.isPlainObject (ea2f)

Build: update QUnit and fix incorrect test (bc8d3)

Fix manipulation tests in Android 4.4 (0b0d4c6)

Remove side-effects of one attributes test (f9ea)

Account for new offset tests (ffa)

Make iframe tests wait after checking isReady (dd7)

Refactor testIframe() to make it DRYer and more consistent (e5ffcb0)

Weaken sync-assumption from jQuery.when to jQuery.ready.then (f)

Test element position outside view (#, a2fff)

Make the regex catching Safari 9.0/9.1 more resilient (7f2ebd2)


.not/.filter consistency with non-elements (#, 0e2f8f9)

Never let .closest() match positional selectors (#, af)

Restore jQuery push behavior in .find (#, 4db)

详情:jQuery 3.0 Final Released!

jQuery 3 中的新增功能汇总介绍 从jQuery震撼整个Web,至今已有十年了,我们有很好的理由一直坚持使用维护它。jQuery为用户提供了DOM进行操作,执行Ajax请求,创建动画等等,极为友好

Jquery 自定义事件实现发布/订阅的简单实例 Jquery自定义事件实现发布/订阅的简单实例//用户点击logoff按钮时,广播一个自定义事件,给任何需要保存状态的感兴趣的观察者,然后导航到logoff页面$(

浅谈jquery的map()和each()方法 1.map()方法//找到所有的标题元素,映射它们的ID,并转化为数组后排序$(':header').map(function(){returnthis.id}).toArray().sort();2.each()方法$('div').each(function(){if($(this)

标签: 喜大普奔含义

本文链接地址:https://www.jiuchutong.com/biancheng/386665.html 转载请保留说明!


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