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推荐整理分享unity集成facebook时,openssl android key 的一个解答(unity集成到app后变大了),希望有所帮助,仅作参考,欢迎阅读内容。
I am trying to integrate facebook SDK for unity . have created a facebook App and have done rest of the steps.
But in the Facebook/EditSettings I am getting this warning "OpenSSL not found. Make sure that OpenSSL is installed, and that it is in your path".
I am not sure what path it is mentioning
1) Download and install OpenSSL. OpenSSL v#.#.# (not Light)
OR Win OpenSSL v#.#.# (not Light)
2) Add the OpenSSL directory to your path.
Go to: Control Panel > System > Advanced system settings > Environment Variables
Select the Variable "Path" in the "System variables" window and click Edit.
3) Add the path to your OpenSSL bin folder to the end of the "Variable value" text. e.g. I added ";C:Program FilesOpenSSL-Winbin" to the end of the value text.
Restart Unity3D.
take note do not forget to add semi-colon ";" before the C:/
4) If you get the error in FacebookSettings "Keytool not found", you need to add the JDK (Java Development Kit) bin directory to the Path variable value.
5) Follow the same steps as before, but instead of the OpenSSL bin path, add the JDK bin path. e.g. I added ";C:Program FilesJavajdk1.7.0_bin" to the end of the value text.
Restart Unity3D.
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标签: unity集成到app后变大了
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