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原文 请点击这里 翻译:claudio

Here I demonstrate how to create delegates, events and singletons to work in conjunction. This tutorial is written for Unity3D, However, similar code can be used for any C# or .NET application.


Why would I want to know this? As a young self-taught programmer, I often found myself writing tons and tons of boolean statements to determine if some event or action has happened. I listen to those events through Coroutines and other methods to return values. If you find yourself doing this as well, STOP IT!

为什么我想要知道这个? 作为一个自学编程的人,我发现自己在代码中使用了大量的布尔值来决定一些事件或者行为的发生。我监听协同程序(Coroutines)和其他方法来得到返回值。如果你发现自己也在做同样的事情,停止它!

Welcome to Events…


Intro Lately, I’ve been trying to improve on my C# programming skills and found myself lacking knowledge of the basic understand for Events. So, while looking through numerous tutorials on MSDN and other blogs, I found most tutorials to be over complicated and lush with convoluted code not pertinent to the core concept. I don’t want this to happen to you!

简介 最近我在试图提高自己的C#编程技能,发现自己对事件缺乏基本的了解。所以我阅读了很多MSDN的教程和其他博客,但我发现大多数都写的都十分繁琐并且包含了很多与核心内容不相干的代码。我不希望这些事也在你身上发生。

With that said I will try to explain the basics of Events and how they are used in a project…


Singleton? If you don’t know what a Singleton is, you probably should. A Singleton is a script that cannot be an Instanced or ‘Duplicated’. It is, well… Single.

单例? 或许你不知道单例。单例是一个不能被实例化或者“复制”的脚本,也就是说它是“唯一的”。

I recommend using Singletons for things that do not need to be copied multiple times during a game. Such as an Inventory System. Typically, the player only needs one Inventory, so we don’t want to call Instances of it, we only want one. And when we call it, we want to make sure it doesn’t get duplicated.


There are many ways to create Singletons, but this method is often used because it’s simple…


Here, I have a class ‘Clicker’ that is attached to my Camera. This class handles all clicks that I send into 3D Space with a Raycast.


To access my ‘DoSomething’ method from another script, I simply call…


csharp code: Clicker.Instance.DoSomething();

This eliminates the need to use a bunch of Static Method and Variable calls, plus gives us one instance only!



Delegate and Event? A Delegate can be thought of as a reference pointer to an object/method. When it gets called, it notifies all methods that reference the delegate.

委托和事件? 委托可以想成是一个针对对象和方法的引用指针。当其被调用时,它会通知所有引用委托的方法。

So, first things first…


Define a Delegate and the method that gets called when it fires…


The delgate called ‘OnClickEvent’ passes a ‘GameObject’ that we can use to define what game object it came from. Then, we defined an ‘event’ OnClick that gets called when the delegate is called.


Now, in the same script, we need to call the delegate and pass it our GameObject. I’ve done this through a Raycast…


As you can see, if the Ray has contact an Object in the scene and we Left-Mouse-Click, we call the event and pass the GameObject.


The last thing we must do is reference the delegate from our other scripts that are listening to the call. For this I’ve created a class called ‘GoldPile’.


In our Awake() method, we’ve defined our listening Event and assigned a local method that gets called ‘OnClick’. ‘OnClick’ does not need to be the same as our delegate method, but it can be.


Note: In our previous post we added a Singleton to our Clicker class. This allows us to use Clicker.Instance


As you can see, we’ve also created the OnClick() method that passes our GameObject we clicked on.


Note: You must use if (g == gameObject), otherwise it will hide other instances of that method in the scene as well… This is why we pass the GameObject for reference!

注意:你必须使用 if (g == gameObject),否则它也将隐藏场景中的其他实例物体。这既是为什么我们需要为引用传递GameObject参数。

Now you are free to add this method to any other script in your game if needed. Don’t forget to define the method and delegate in your Awake().


You can download the complete project for your reference HERE. Enjoy! :)


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标签: 事件委托jq

本文链接地址:https://www.jiuchutong.com/biancheng/383577.html 转载请保留说明!


下一篇:Unity3d 基于物理渲染Physically-Based Rendering之最终篇(unity3d物理现象模拟)

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