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Left click and drag anywhere on the terrain in the Scene to raise the elevation.Hold down shift to lower.Experiment with different brush shapes and sizes.Adding TexturesNow select the Paint texture tool in the Inspector.Click the Edit Textures button under the Textures heading and select Add Texture.In the window that appears click select Select in the box labelled Texture.Double click Grass (Hill) in the window that appears.Click Add at the bottom of the Add Terrain texture Window.Add a few more textures using the same method.Texture PaintingWith the terrain and Paint Texture tool still selected select a texture other than grass.Now, just as with the height modification, click and drag in the viewport to change the texture of the terrain.Move your Main CameraFind your camera by double clicking the Main Camera object in the list of objects on the left side of the screen under Hierarchy.Enable the movement tool by clicking on the 4-directional arrow in the upper left.You can move objects by dragging the arrows of the tool.Move your Main Camera object so that the Camera Preview shows something interesting.Step 4: LightsGame Object > Create Other > Directional LightTry changing the Intensity of the light or play around with the direction and location.Let's see what the player is looking at!Now you can see things!Step 5: PlayerLocate the First Person Player Controller asset in the Project window.Assets > Standard Assets > Character Controllers > First Person ControllerAdd a player to the scene by dragging and dropping it into the Hierarchy window. Rename it to Player by changing the name in the Inspector Window.Note: if you do not press enter/return after renaming it, the name will not change. Try positioning the Player on top of the terrain.Make sure the Player isn't intersecting terrain, otherwise you'll fall through.Delete Main Camera by right clicking on it's name in the Hierarchy and pressing Delete.Press play. You should be able to walk around now :)Step 6: Scene ObjectsLet's get a nice building for free! in Unity. Download! Create account or log in as needed.Import all the assets.Assets > Import Package > SkyboxesCheck only the files relating to DawnDuskEdit > Render Settings > Skybox MaterialDrag and drop the prefabs of the models into your scene.Step 7: Lock/Hide CursorCreate Scripts FolderMake a new Javascript Script called "Menu."We'll start by adding the most basic Menu element for a first person shooter: locking and hiding the mouse when in game.// True if the menu is open and mouse is unlockedvarMenuOpen:boolean=false;functionStart(){ UpdateCursorLock();}functionUpdate(){ // Check whether the menu button was released if(Input.GetButtonUp("MenuOpen")){ MenuOpen=!MenuOpen; UpdateCursorLock(); }}// Called each time the Gui needs to be drawnfunctionOnGUI(){ if(!MenuOpen){ // Draw the crosshair // Center the text inside the label varcenteredStyle=GUI.skin.GetStyle("Label"); centeredStyle.alignment=TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; // Draw the label at the center of the screen GUI.Label(Rect(Screen.width/2-,Screen.height/2-,,),"",centeredStyle); }}functionUpdateCursorLock(){ Screen.lockCursor=!MenuOpen; Screen.showCursor=MenuOpen;}To get the Menu on the scene, let's create an Empty Game Object (GameObject > Create Empty).Let's call this "Menu."Drag the script on to the Menu object.We'll add more functionality to this later.Let's add a Menu Open / Close buttonEdit > Project Settings > Input.Open the "Axes."Under the Size in the Input Manager, edit the size to be .Rename one of the new Inputs to be called "Menu Open" and inside it, set the "Positive Button" to be "escape"Step 8: Guns and BulletsGunLet's try out this gun: in DartGun Prefab from Compressed Gas Pistol > Prefab > DartGun to the scene.A prefab is like a Class but in 'object' form. It's the copy with good defaults that you can use for all your different levels.Put DartGun in Player > Main CameraPosition/Rotate DartGun (Player > Main Camera > DartGun) according to the values below:Position/Rotate inner DartGun (Player > Main Camera > DartGun > DartGun) according to the values below:
Let's create and shoot some bullets!Create Sphere by going to GameObject > Create Other > SphereRename the object to BulletAdd a new RigidBody to the Bullet object.Click Add Component > Physics > RigidBodyUncheck Use GravitySet Collision Detection to Continuous
Project Window > Right Click > Create > Animator Controller
Name it Zombie Animator.Now double click on the Zombie Animator.Now in the Project Window, locate the Zombie@walking_3 asset again.Open up the asset by clicking the arrow next to it.Now drag and drop the walking_3 animation into the Animator Window.Connect the Any State to the walking_3 state by right clicking on Any State > Make Transition and then click on walking_3.First, let's make sure that the walking 3 loops correctly by editing the Transition arrow (click on the Transition arrow).Make sure the walking animation doesn't over lap and the arrows on the timeline are next to each other.Next, let's make sure the animation isn't super duper slow by editing the walking_3 animation inside the Animator window.Set the speed to around 3.4. Now in your scene, go to the Zombie and drag the animator controller on to the animator object.Uncheck Apply Root Motion and set the culling mode to Always Animate.Finally, go to Prefab > Apply and apply the settings to the prefab. Make sure that the Zombie prefab now also has an animator controller!Test it out in the scene!Step : Spawning ZombiesLet's make a Spawner!Create a new empty GameObject.Name the object Spawner.Create a new script named Spawner and add the following code to The object to be spawnedvarSpawnObject:GameObject;// in secondsvarSpawnStartDelay:float=0;varSpawnRate:float=5.0;functionStart(){ InvokeRepeating("Spawn",SpawnStartDelay,SpawnRate);}// Spawn the SpawnObjectfunctionSpawn(){ Instantiate(SpawnObject,transform.position,transform.rotation);}Add the script to the Spawner.With the Spawner selected drag and drop the Zombie prefab into the Spawn Object property of the Spawner script.
You may notice that this script is very similar to the Gun script.Make this into a prefab.Place some in your map!
Step : Stats and End ConditionLet's give the player some health, the zombies some health and attack power, and the gun some attack power.Add a new script called Player in the scripts folder.The following code will allow the Player to be damaged, and restart the game when the player is killed.// The number of times the Player can be damaged before the game restartsvarHealth:int=;// Minimum number of seconds between the player getting hurtvarDamageInvulnerabilityDelay:float=2;// Keeps track of the last time the Player was damagedprivatevarinvulnerabilityStartTime:float;functionStart(){ // Set initial value so the Player is temporarily invulnerable at spawn invulnerabilityStartTime=Time.time;}// Attempt to damage the player by the specified number of hit pointsfunctionHurt(damage:int){ // If we have waited at least as long as DamageInvulnerabilityDelay if(Time.time-invulnerabilityStartTime>=DamageInvulnerabilityDelay){ // Damage the Player Health-=damage; // Reset the invulnerability timer invulnerabilityStartTime=Time.time; } // If the Player has no health left if(Health<=0){ // Reload the level Application.LoadLevel(Application.loadedLevelName); }}If the zombie collides with the player, hurt the player.
Add the following function to the Zombie script.// When the Zombie collides with somethingfunctionOnTriggerStay(other:Collider){ // Get the Player that the Zombie collided with, if any varplayer=other.gameObject.GetComponent(Player); // If it collided with something other than a Player player will be null if(player!=null){ // Subtract one from the Player's health player.Hurt(1); }}If the bullet hits a zombie, hurt the zombie.Replace the OnCollisionEnter function in the Bullet script with the following
functionOnCollisionEnter(collision:Collision){ // Get the Zombie that the Bullet collided with, if any varzombie=collision.transform.gameObject.GetComponent(Zombie); // If it collided with something other than a Zombie zombie will be null if(zombie!=null){ // Subtract one from the Zombie's health zombie.Health--; // If the zombie is out of health remove them from the game if(zombie.Health<=0){ Destroy(collision.transform.gameObject); } } // Remove the Bullet from the world Destroy(this.gameObject);}Step : HUD and Menu systemNow let's improve our Menu script!Let's add Resume, Restart, and Quit buttons as well as something telling us how much health is left.Add both of these functions to the Menu script:functionDrawHUD(){ // Get the health from the player varplayer=GameObject.Find("Player"); varhealth=player.GetComponent(Player).Health; // Position varleft=; vartop=; varwidth=; varheight=; // Make a background box GUI.Box(Rect(left,top,width,height),"Health: "health); DrawCrosshair();}// Draw the menufunctionDrawMenu(){ varcenterX=Screen.width/2; varcenterY=Screen.height/2; // location of the menu varmenuLeft=centerX-; varmenuTop=centerY-; varmenuWidth=; varmenuHeight=; varbuttonX=menuLeft; varbuttonWidth=; varbuttonHeight=; varbuttonDist=;// distance between each button // Make a background box GUI.Box(Rect(menuLeft,menuTop,menuWidth,menuHeight),"Menu"); // Start / Resume if(GUI.Button(Rect(buttonX,menuTop1*buttonDist,buttonWidth,buttonHeight),"Resume")){ MenuOpen=false; UpdateCursorLock(); } // Restart if(GUI.Button(Rect(buttonX,menuTop2*buttonDist,buttonWidth,buttonHeight),"Restart")){ Application.LoadLevel(Application.loadedLevel); } // Quit (Only works in the Build. Does not work in the eidtor!) if(GUI.Button(Rect(buttonX,menuTop3*buttonDist,buttonWidth,buttonHeight),"Quit")){ Application.Quit(); }}Now replace the OnGUI function with:
// Called each time the Gui needs to be drawnfunctionOnGUI(){ if(!MenuOpen){ DrawHUD(); }else{ DrawMenu(); } DrawCrosshair();}Enjoy visual feedback!
Step : Play Around and Have FunMake some more interesting Terrain.Make some arms and fingers for the gun. Rotate them backwards on shoot to emulate recoil!You could try, for instance, making the Zombie run to the player and then do gangnam style by downloading some animations:Mono2.0 对C#闭包 与 donet 不同的实现导致Unity的Bug 及解决方案 转自
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标签: 如何写出一篇游戏活动案例
本文链接地址:https://www.jiuchutong.com/biancheng/368415.html 转载请保留说明!上一篇:【Unity3d】如何解决Unity3d在引用外部插件时报DLLNotFoundException的问题(unity怎么bake)
下一篇:Mono2.0 对C#闭包 与 donet 不同的实现导致Unity的Bug 及解决方案(c#使用mongodb)
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