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推荐整理分享Unity destructor Or OnDestory,希望有所帮助,仅作参考,欢迎阅读内容。
In % of all cases you don't want to use a destructor (finalizer) at all:
destructor is called by the garbage collector which runs on a different thread. Custom managed classes never ever use a destructor unless you have unmanaged resources which need to be cleaned up. Never rely on a destructor to do something which should be in a manually called method. The destructor / finalizer in C# has nothing to do with a destructor in C.
Unity C# 调用C++ dll 问题集锦 1.调用约定stdcall、cdecl、fastcall等等这个用来指定参数传递顺序和函数返回时栈的清除方式。可以通过以下[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method)]publicclassDllImport
Dialogue System for Unity文档中英对照版(简雨原创翻译)第六篇(音序器相关,语音同步) AddingVoiceoverstoAlertMessagesToaddextrahandling,suchasavoiceover(VO),toAlerts,addaLuaobservertoVariable[Alert]:添加画外音警报消息添加额外的处理,如画外音(VO),警报,添
Unity AssetBundle爬坑手记 这篇文章从AssetBundle的打包,使用,管理以及内存占用各个方面进行了比较全面的分析,对AssetBundle使用过程中的一些坑进行填补指引以及喷!AssetBundle
标签: Unity destructor Or OnDestory
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